Glenda del E
Gig Seeker Pro

Glenda del E

New York City, New York, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF

New York City, New York, United States | SELF
Established on Jan, 2014
Solo World Soul




"Glenda del E y su Q-ban Mixology"

Glenda del E nació y creció entre lo que ella describe como “lo mejor de dos mundos”, su nativa ciudad de La Habana, Cuba y la multicultural ciudad de Toronto, Canadá. El haber crecido en un ambiente musical le ha permitido ganar experiencia desde muy temprana edad, así como aprender la importancia de ser persistente y entregada a su pasión.
Ha sido invitada por el saxofonista Paquito De Rivera y el Carnegie Hall a participar en un concierto en Nueva York, y, es ganadora de varios premios y reconocimientos por sus composiciones como son el desarrollo del Ontario Arts Council, Canada Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council y Premios Somos Latin American Achievement Awards. En su propuesta de la música cubana, Glenda muestra una frescura y nuevo estilo con su exceptional ritmo y voz.

Alma Emprendedora conversó en exclusiva con la talentosa cantante, pianista, compositora y creadora del Q-ban Mixology y esto fue lo que nos dijo:

¿Qué es para ti un Alma Emprendedora?
Para mi un Alma Emprendedora es un alma en total entrega a su misión. Ya sea en la carrera o vida personal, un alma emprendedora con amor, unidad y pasión para con sus sueños tiene todos los ingredientes. Debemos amar lo que hacemos para disfrutarlo y poder tener resultados muy positivos. Ser apasionados con lo que queremos emprender, y estar en unidad con las personas que nos rodean y con pensamientos e ideas en común es muy importante para que una Alma Emprendedora sea exitosa y triunfe. - Alma Emprendedora

"Glenda del E, la embajadora de la música Latina que sigue escalando éxitos"

TORONTO.- La Magia de una música contagiosa, Glenda nos transporta a un mundo musical maravilloso, con sonidos sublimes para complacer al oído más exigente. Compositora, arreglista, cantante, heredera de una tradición musical llega a Toronto en el 1998 y con una sólida base de estudios musicales en cuba, continúa sus estudios en la Universidad de York en Toronto y se gradúa con Bachelor y Masters Degree en música. Una carrera prominente, que ha ido cultivando, escalando un éxito en cada lugar en donde se presenta.

''Desde niña estoy rodeada de artistas y buena música; nos cuenta Glenda, sobre su carrera artística. Mis padres, Mayito del Monte un maestro en la percusión y Mireya Escalante, cantante de Latín Jazz, Funk y Latin Soul. Ambos han trabajado en varias de las mejores agrupaciones de Cuba. Mi abuelo Mario, excelente trompetista fue director de la orquesta Riverside”, nos dijo con mucho orgullo de sus raíces.
Mi pasión es enseñar música y poder inspirar a los niños y jóvenes. Además participar en actividades benéficas como artista invitada para representar mujeres jóvenes inmigrantes a través de varias organizaciones, como Trans Diaspora Network. Mi última producción discográfica Q-BAN Mixology contiene una mezcla de estilos que han gustado mucho. Seleccioné mis composiciones favoritas como ''Love Unity and Passion'', ''New Habana'', Q-ban R&B, La Fiesta Cubana. Actualmente me encuentro grabando y produciendo nuevas canciones en colaboración con otros artistas como Alex Cuba, Amaury Gutiérrez, Ron Renaissance y con mi mayor inspiración mis padres, Mireya y Mario del Monte Jr''

Glenda ha recibidos premios y reconocimientos importantes como'' USA Mayor Award RBC.'' En 03; gana competencia para compositores y cantautores internacionales. En 1999 debutó en el Concierto # 1 de Beethoven para piano y orquesta, con la prestigiosa Counterpoint Community Orchestra. Además de recibir reconocimientos como compositora de jazz, y películas, otorgados por ASCAP (Asociación de Autores y Compositores) en EEUU.

Sin lugar a dudas, el talento y la perseverancia de Glenda del E la llevarán a convertir sus sueños una realidad. Esperen próximamente su nueva creación musical, videoclip y sus exitosas presentaciones. Sigan su página de Facebook, Youtube y Twitter para que disfruten de su música y que continúe la tradición musical, Glenda del E, escalando éxitos. - La Portada Canada

"Artista Cubana Glenda del E lanza su primer videoclip"

Toronto Hispano conversó con la artista sobre este proyecto musical de la canción L.U.P (Love.Unity.Passion.) - TORONTO HISPANO

"Glenda Del E – Q-Ban Mixology (Self-Produced – 2010)"

If Glenda del E succeeds in doing what she has set out to do with Q-Ban Mixology, she will be one of the few Cuban artists, who include the majestic Gloria Estefan, to meld disparate musical idioms with traditional Cuban ones in a popular metaphor. - LATIN JAZZ NETWORK

"Glenda del Monte Escalante"

“It never ceases to amaze me the fine talent which comes out from Cuba. Glenda is a vibrant pianist-singer and like most Cubans plays with passion. Catch this multi-talented young lady when you get the chance” – Dave Milbourne –
- Toronto Jazz Magazine

"Glenda del E Pianist/Singer- Songwriter"

"The talented Glenda del E brought to the public a night of quality music, mixed with dedication and special guests. She gave to the public her full energy and performed with her whole being"- Brigitte Szucs

"Glenda del E"

"Glenda del E has emerged into one of "Toronto's finest pianists" - Billy Bryans" -
- Mr. Bryans Blog

"Glenda del E’s Q-Ban Mixology CD Release Fiesta"

Glenda Del Monte Escalante, aka Glenda del E, released her first CD entitled Q-Ban Mixology. It was an electrifying night at the Mod Club Theatre on College Street in Toronto, on September 23, 2010. Featuring a string quartet and many special guests, Glenda del E took another big step in her artistic career. - LATIN JAZZ NETWORK


Glenda del E's Q-ban Mixology

Cuban Pianist-singer-songwriter Glenda del E gives Cuban music a fresh new take with
her exceptional musicality, her piano and her voice… “This is not only about her original compositions and arrangements, but also about producer Dave Gray’s magic touch, the gift of talented musicians and a family legacy.”

“Q-ban Mixology” evolved from Glenda’s trademark, positive and inspiring lyrics and melodies for all ages, pop-soul hooks and funk-jazz influenced arrangements defy generally held notions of what Cuban music is and defines her truly unique, genuine and her real sound.
Her music reflects what she is: A strong academic trained musician transcending frontiers and a role model for future generations.
GLENDA DEL E lead vocal/piano/keyboards/flute(2)/back up vocals
MARIO DEL MONTE Jr. all percussion (3,4,5,8,9)/drums (4,7)/trumpet (1,5)
MIREYA ESCALANTE lead vocal (7)/back up vocals (1,3,5,7,9)
ROBERTO RIVERON acoustic bass (3,6,9)/additional vocal (3,9)
YOSER RODRIGUEZ acoustic bass (8)
ELMER FERRER electric guitar (1,2,5)
PABLOSKY ROSALES tres (3,9)/guitar(3,9)
YORDANIS O’REALLY cajon(6)/percussion(4,6)
MIGUELITO VALDES trumpet(3,4,9)
ALEXANDER BROWN flugelhorn(2)
YAURE MUNIZ flugelhorn(4)
BENNY ‘El Baby’ ESCALANTE lead vocal(9)
IREDIS ‘Puchita’ MENA additional vocal (2)
MARIO DEL MONTE Sr. trumpet(8)
JORGE MAZA flute(4)
AHMED MITCHEL drums(2)(plays Istanbul & Alchemy Cymbals/Heartbeat percussion.)
ELIJAH WALSH rap vocal(1)
YOSVANI CASTANEDA electric and acoustic violins(7)/back up vocal(7)
SHARON LEE violin(1)

All music and lyrics by GLENDA DEL MONTE ESCALANTE
Additional Horn Arrangement by DAVID GRAY/MARIO DEL MONTE Jr. (1,5)
Additional Horn Arrangement by MIGUELITO VALDES (3,9)
Additional Guitar Arrangements by ELMER FERRER (1,2,5)
Additional Tres Arrangement by PABLOSKY ROSALES (3,9)
Additional Percussion Arrangements by MARIO DEL MONTE Jr.(4,8)
Additional Vocal Arrangements by MIREYA ESCALANTE/ DAVID GRAY (1,3,5,7,9)

Additional Vocal (9) Produced by YUSEF DIAZ ESCOBAR
Recorded at BIG WORLD SOUNDS/ GDELE Records
Additional Vocal Recording (9) at RADIO PROGRESO STUDIO 1 (CUBA)
Additional Vocal Engineered (9) GUSTAVO J. DUCHESNE
Assistant Engineer SCOTT KEENAN
Piano Technician MARTIN WORTHY
Mastered by PETER J. MOORE
Graphic Design by VICTOR ALVARADO
Photography by ROGER HUMBERT
Production Managers & Coordinators GLENDA DEL E/MIREYA ESCALANTE/MARIO DEL MONTE Jr.
Produced with the support of the Ontario Arts Council
All songs © SOCAN 2009



All Of Me:

Glenda del E was born and raised between what she describes as the best of both worlds in her native Havana, Cuba and a multi-cultural Toronto, Canada. Growing up in a musical home environment, she gained experience from a very young age and learned how important it is to be persistent and motivated from whom she admires the most-- her mother and father.

If del Monte Escalante is Spanish for the Mount Climber, then pianist, vocalist and composer Glenda del Monte Escalante's name could not be more fitting, along with her extraordinary instrumental abilities, a unique sound, and a stunning presence. Cuban pianist-singer-songwriter Glenda del E gives Cuban music a fresh new take with ?her exceptional musicality. Her idea of Q-ban Mixology in music, evolved from Glendas trademark, positive and inspiring lyrics and melodies for all ages, pop-soul hooks and funk-jazz influenced arrangements defy generally held notions of what Cuban music is and defines her truly genuine and real sound. Her music reflects what she is: A strong academic trained musician transcending frontiers and a role model for future generations.

Glenda began musical training at age 7 in Cuba's Music Conservatory Education System, and at the same time performing with her mother, singer Mireya Escalante and her band. In 1998, she moved with her parents to Toronto, Canada, to continue her high school studies and classical training, under scholarship at the ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC (TORONTO). Instructed by John Alonso, she performed as a soloist accompanied for the first time by the Counterpoint Community Orchestra conducted by Terry Kowalczuc.

Ms. del E then continued her education and graduated from the UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO's Performance Program, followed by a completion of a Masters Degree in Arts.Glenda continues to work on different projects, trying to unveil all the possibilities of her training and experience.

In 2009, she released a live solo recital recorded album of Cuban Classical Piano Repertoire. This was followed by her official debut album Glenda del E's Q-ban Mixology, in 2010. In 2012, her music was selected to be a feature in the Beaches Jazz Festival New Generation Compilation CD.

Glenda del E's experience as a session musician, educator and performer, has crossed barriers and frontiers, thus being able to collaborate with musicians from different cultures, ages, and music genres, the same is said for the audiences and places she has taken her music to.

Since her early years in music, she has had one of the greatest pleasures of being part of her mother, singer Mireya Escalante's band Latin Street; first as a synth/keyboard player, where her father Mario del Monte Jr. is musical director and drummer. Glenda had the chance to learn from every musician in the band who were her what she calls street music school teachers. Then she moved on to be the pianist and for the first time leader of her parent's band.

Then, in Toronto, the family decided to create a network of young musicians and artists from different cultures where they could each express themselves and collaborate. This beautiful project New Cuban Generation gave Glenda the tools to expand her knowledge in leading and arranging for various band instrumentations, since there were no limits to the creativity and ideas. The concert series of the NCG project involved live music, live painting, spoken word, dance and more.

At the same time she became an educator at her parents' founded Cuban Percussion School Workshops and while attending University, she also held a position as a music educator at Yamaha Music School. I love composing, and I also enjoy performing and recording, but I truly love to teach, encourage, nurture and inspire younger generations, this is something I inherited from my parents

Other projects Ms. Del E has been involved in, include Paul Quarrington's Short Film Pavane, where producer Dave Gray invited to such a wonderful project, a collaboration that later led to her debut album in 2010.

Glenda was a feature guest by STARVOX Entertainmnent's Corey Ross, to join the Tropicana Cabaret Big Band tour in Canada in 2006.

Dave Gray and late Billy Bryans, colleagues, friends and former founders of legendary Canadian Parachute Club Band invited Glenda to be part of the beautiful band reunion.

Among her collaborations on stage, in studio or in the classroom, include Toronto's ECHO Women Choir, Axis Music (promote equal access to music instruction, artistic engagement, creativity and musical performances), Leonardo Timor's Miami Big Band Project, Popular music singer-songwriters Carlos Baute, Angel Arce, El Mola, Willie Panama, Malena Burke, Yoyi Soler Quintet, Conjunto Progresso, Alfredo de la Fe, Luis Bofill, The Alexis Valdes Band.

Band Members