Earth's Ashes
Gig Seeker Pro

Earth's Ashes

Red Deer, Alberta, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF

Red Deer, Alberta, Canada | SELF
Established on Jan, 2011
Band Metal


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This World Will End EP /2011



It all started when Daylon Erickson, Trevor Hinds, and Rob Fearey, met and formed a band. After a series of drummers and no vocalists, it seemed to be turning into more of a hobby then something serious. Until Donivan Russell came along and with him came Sam Booker, the current drummer. Finally structure and steady jam sessions came into play, and the songs were finally coming together. A year went by of successful jamming and decent progress, but unfortunately Donivan had to leave due to personal reasons. A few different, new vocalists were considered, eventually setting on Josh Gould, a former band mate of Sam.

Soon after Josh joined the band, we recorded our EP in his home studio. Josh called in a longtime friend Rob Fillo (a producer from Vancouver) to mix and master the EP "This World Will End".

Band Members