Third Coast Kings
Gig Seeker Pro

Third Coast Kings

Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States | INDIE

Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States | INDIE
Band R&B Soul


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"Third Coast Kings - Third Coast Kings"

Straight out of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Third Coast Kings are an eight-piece band that play some pretty hard hitting deep funk. Having made an impression with their single Give Me Your Love back at the close of 2010 released on Record Kicks, the band are back with their eponymous debut album offering twelve heavy tunes mixing instrumentals with some vocal contributions from Sean Ike and Michelle "The Belle" Camilleri.

Come On opens the album and is a great call to action, with the bass and drums keeping things tight over which the four piece horn section blast out the main riff, setting both the pace and tone for the whole set.

The single Give Me Your Love is featured together with Spicy Brown, a really heavy workout with the different members of the horn section vying for attention on solo bursts in between Sean Ike's lyrics.

Other standout tunes include Cop It Proper, another horn driven instrumental, Roughneck, again featuring Ike on vocals, and Case Quarter with its dirty guitar sound that makes it sound as though it was cut about forty years back.

Another top Record Kicks release that will definitely keep the funk heads happy.
Third Coast Kings - Third Coast Kings -

"Third Coast Kings - Third Coast Kings"

Straight out of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Third Coast Kings are an eight-piece band that play some pretty hard hitting deep funk. Having made an impression with their single Give Me Your Love back at the close of 2010 released on Record Kicks, the band are back with their eponymous debut album offering twelve heavy tunes mixing instrumentals with some vocal contributions from Sean Ike and Michelle "The Belle" Camilleri.

Come On opens the album and is a great call to action, with the bass and drums keeping things tight over which the four piece horn section blast out the main riff, setting both the pace and tone for the whole set.

The single Give Me Your Love is featured together with Spicy Brown, a really heavy workout with the different members of the horn section vying for attention on solo bursts in between Sean Ike's lyrics.

Other standout tunes include Cop It Proper, another horn driven instrumental, Roughneck, again featuring Ike on vocals, and Case Quarter with its dirty guitar sound that makes it sound as though it was cut about forty years back.

Another top Record Kicks release that will definitely keep the funk heads happy.
Third Coast Kings - Third Coast Kings -

"Third Coast Kings"

Since coming onto the scene in 2010 with the single “Give Me Your Love”, the Third Coast Kings have been keeping it hot with their brand of deep funk and raw grooves. On their full length debut, the Michigan based band deliver twelve selections of high octane grooves that will jumpstart any party. Among the prime cuts are “Cop It Proper”, an instrumental burner ripe with funky horns. “Tonic Stride” displays funky guitar licks and the soaring voice of Michelle Camilleri. “Roughneck” will grab you right from the start with wicked wah wah guitar playing courtesy of band member Andy Filisko. It all adds up to another heavyweight band from the Record Kicks roster that hits you hard with the funk and never lets up and that’s just the way we like it. -

"Third Coast Kings"

Since coming onto the scene in 2010 with the single “Give Me Your Love”, the Third Coast Kings have been keeping it hot with their brand of deep funk and raw grooves. On their full length debut, the Michigan based band deliver twelve selections of high octane grooves that will jumpstart any party. Among the prime cuts are “Cop It Proper”, an instrumental burner ripe with funky horns. “Tonic Stride” displays funky guitar licks and the soaring voice of Michelle Camilleri. “Roughneck” will grab you right from the start with wicked wah wah guitar playing courtesy of band member Andy Filisko. It all adds up to another heavyweight band from the Record Kicks roster that hits you hard with the funk and never lets up and that’s just the way we like it. -


E' luogo comune associare la rabbia e l'energia in campo musicale con canzoni che inevitabilmente portano a dischi con potenti riff suonati da massicce chitarre, ma anche da chi si diletta nel punk et similia. Quando invece si parla di musica nera, quello che viene in mente a molti sono i ritmi della disco, il funk annacquato di Prince ed il pop soul di Michael Jackson ultima maniera (dimenticandosi colpevolmente il primo, perlomeno fino ad Off The Wall). Se parliamo di funk poi, viene rimarcata la baracconaggine di James Brown, Sly Stone e dei Parliament/Funkadelic, senza pensare per un solo momento che in quanto a rabbia ed energia il funk non è da meno dei generi succitati. Forse perché la storia del funk è stata fatta dai musicisti neri e ben sappiamo quanto la critica bianca e rockcentrica abbia una buona parte di responsabilità in tutto ciò. Per fortuna esistono realtà fatte da musicisti (anche bianchi) e discografici che fregandosene di barriere artificiose create ad arte hanno assunto il verbo del funk come unica verità e come uno dei generi da portare avanti con orgoglio. Tutto questo preambolo mi serve per annunciare l'uscita del primo album dei Third Coast Kings, ottetto proveniente dal Michigan, dedito a suonare un deep funk potente che riporta ai fasti del genere, partendo dal padrino James Brown fino ai funkster più oscuri dei primi anni settanta. L'etichetta che prosegue caparbia nel proporre queste nuove realtà è la benemerita Record Kicks di Milano, un punto di riferimento per gli amanti del genere e foriera di proposte sempre più interessanti. L'album dei Third Coast Kings segue due dei dischi più belli del 2011, quello dei The Baker Brothers e di Nick Pride and The Pimptones. Questo, a differenza degli altri due, rimarca ancora di più la forza del funk, con una sezione ritmica che è una vera forza della natura, ruvidi riff di chitarra e una raffinata sezione fiati a controbilanciare la ruvidezza del sound, che ricorda e si ispira ai JB's di browniana memoria. Ascoltate ad esempio il primo brano "Come on", ma anche la straordinaria "Cop it Croper" ed il brano scelto come primo singolo, "Spicy Brown", per proseguire poi in brani che ammiccano alla blaxploitation, non dimenticando il soul più groovy dalle suggestioni jazz. Insomma, i nostri eroi della Record Kicks hanno di nuovo raggiunto il bersaglio grosso, e finché ci saranno dei ragazzi che abbinano passione e lavoro con band che macinano note e sudore, il futuro del funk appare sempre più vivo. -


E' luogo comune associare la rabbia e l'energia in campo musicale con canzoni che inevitabilmente portano a dischi con potenti riff suonati da massicce chitarre, ma anche da chi si diletta nel punk et similia. Quando invece si parla di musica nera, quello che viene in mente a molti sono i ritmi della disco, il funk annacquato di Prince ed il pop soul di Michael Jackson ultima maniera (dimenticandosi colpevolmente il primo, perlomeno fino ad Off The Wall). Se parliamo di funk poi, viene rimarcata la baracconaggine di James Brown, Sly Stone e dei Parliament/Funkadelic, senza pensare per un solo momento che in quanto a rabbia ed energia il funk non è da meno dei generi succitati. Forse perché la storia del funk è stata fatta dai musicisti neri e ben sappiamo quanto la critica bianca e rockcentrica abbia una buona parte di responsabilità in tutto ciò. Per fortuna esistono realtà fatte da musicisti (anche bianchi) e discografici che fregandosene di barriere artificiose create ad arte hanno assunto il verbo del funk come unica verità e come uno dei generi da portare avanti con orgoglio. Tutto questo preambolo mi serve per annunciare l'uscita del primo album dei Third Coast Kings, ottetto proveniente dal Michigan, dedito a suonare un deep funk potente che riporta ai fasti del genere, partendo dal padrino James Brown fino ai funkster più oscuri dei primi anni settanta. L'etichetta che prosegue caparbia nel proporre queste nuove realtà è la benemerita Record Kicks di Milano, un punto di riferimento per gli amanti del genere e foriera di proposte sempre più interessanti. L'album dei Third Coast Kings segue due dei dischi più belli del 2011, quello dei The Baker Brothers e di Nick Pride and The Pimptones. Questo, a differenza degli altri due, rimarca ancora di più la forza del funk, con una sezione ritmica che è una vera forza della natura, ruvidi riff di chitarra e una raffinata sezione fiati a controbilanciare la ruvidezza del sound, che ricorda e si ispira ai JB's di browniana memoria. Ascoltate ad esempio il primo brano "Come on", ma anche la straordinaria "Cop it Croper" ed il brano scelto come primo singolo, "Spicy Brown", per proseguire poi in brani che ammiccano alla blaxploitation, non dimenticando il soul più groovy dalle suggestioni jazz. Insomma, i nostri eroi della Record Kicks hanno di nuovo raggiunto il bersaglio grosso, e finché ci saranno dei ragazzi che abbinano passione e lavoro con band che macinano note e sudore, il futuro del funk appare sempre più vivo. -

"Third Coast Kings"

L’Italia funk colpisce ancora, nuova uscita per la Record Kicks che da alle stampe il primo disco dei Third Coast Kings, otto musicisti provenienti dal Michigan che suonano deep funk e soul. La sezione ritmica è potente, basso e batteria viaggiano sicure marcando il tempo con il loro beat deep funk accompagnati da taglienti riff di chitarra mentre gli arrangiamenti della sezione fiati danno un sapore meno ruvido e jazzy al tutto, specialmente nei soli. Come On apre il disco, iniziano decisi e non mollano. Secondo pezzo, anche uscito come singolo, è quello cantato da Michelle “The Belle” Camilleri, Give Me Your Love, dove i Third Coast King pagano il tributo doveroso al maestro James Brown. La voce di Michelle la ritroviamo anche in Tonic Stride, qui i raffinati arrangiamenti dei fiati e la voce lasciano il posto centrale della composizione ad un solo di chitarra per poi tornare in un incedere di botte e risposte tra loro. Alla voce di Sean Ike sono affidati due brani più soul, Emcee Marie, sostenuto dal geometrico incastro del trio basso batteria e chitarra, e Roughneck che ha invece un sapore più blaxploitation. Spicy Brown, pezzo per cui hanno girato anche un video clip è sempre cantata da Ike. In Case Quarter i fiati ricordano il suono delle marching band tanto in voga ora e il beat dove si appoggiano è veramente caldo. A chiudere il disco è Summa Love, la ascolti per un un minuto e quaranta e sembra stiano suonando gli Expression di Lee Fields ma dopo lo stacco la temperatura sale con un picco nel solo della chitarra di Andy Filisko per poi tornare a calmarsi di nuovo. 12 brani tutti ben suonati per questo disco d’esordio dove si completano le due anime della band, una tremendamente deep funk ed una più “pettinata” nella sezione fiati. Groove assicurat -

"Third Coast Kings"

L’Italia funk colpisce ancora, nuova uscita per la Record Kicks che da alle stampe il primo disco dei Third Coast Kings, otto musicisti provenienti dal Michigan che suonano deep funk e soul. La sezione ritmica è potente, basso e batteria viaggiano sicure marcando il tempo con il loro beat deep funk accompagnati da taglienti riff di chitarra mentre gli arrangiamenti della sezione fiati danno un sapore meno ruvido e jazzy al tutto, specialmente nei soli. Come On apre il disco, iniziano decisi e non mollano. Secondo pezzo, anche uscito come singolo, è quello cantato da Michelle “The Belle” Camilleri, Give Me Your Love, dove i Third Coast King pagano il tributo doveroso al maestro James Brown. La voce di Michelle la ritroviamo anche in Tonic Stride, qui i raffinati arrangiamenti dei fiati e la voce lasciano il posto centrale della composizione ad un solo di chitarra per poi tornare in un incedere di botte e risposte tra loro. Alla voce di Sean Ike sono affidati due brani più soul, Emcee Marie, sostenuto dal geometrico incastro del trio basso batteria e chitarra, e Roughneck che ha invece un sapore più blaxploitation. Spicy Brown, pezzo per cui hanno girato anche un video clip è sempre cantata da Ike. In Case Quarter i fiati ricordano il suono delle marching band tanto in voga ora e il beat dove si appoggiano è veramente caldo. A chiudere il disco è Summa Love, la ascolti per un un minuto e quaranta e sembra stiano suonando gli Expression di Lee Fields ma dopo lo stacco la temperatura sale con un picco nel solo della chitarra di Andy Filisko per poi tornare a calmarsi di nuovo. 12 brani tutti ben suonati per questo disco d’esordio dove si completano le due anime della band, una tremendamente deep funk ed una più “pettinata” nella sezione fiati. Groove assicurat -

"Third Coast Kings"

Die Könige der dritten Küste (hä?) haben alles im Rucksack, was man als amerikanische Soulfunkband so braucht. Zuvorderst natürlich eine schlagkräftige Gebläse­abteilung, die dank Doppelsax, Posaune und Trompete sicher mit bis zu 10 Beaufort ordentlich Wind machen kann. Und dann natürlich noch das restliche Übliche: Kratzgitarre, Polter­drums und Wummerbass sowie ein Sänger, der seine Stimm­bänder nicht schont. Beste Voraussetzungen also, eine sportliche Stimmungs­kapelle abzugeben. Das machen die acht Jungs aus Michigan dann auch meistens sehr gut, wenngleich manche Songs ein paar Schichten Schmackes zu viel aufweisen und dann das Gelände etwas unübersichtlich wird. Gutes Beispiel: Track No. 6 „Tonic Stride”: der stimmliche Einsatz von Gastsängerin Michelle Camilleri will sich da nicht so recht in das Gesamtgefüge einpassen, denn vor lauter lauter wird die Funkorgie allzu sehr überstrapaziert und die Gehörgänge drohen zu verstopfen. Überhaupt kann man sich des Eindrucks auch nicht erwehren, dass es der Abteilung Gesang generell etwas an charismatischer Kreativität mangelt. Am besten funkt der Funk also dann, wenn er allein vor sich hinhämmern darf und das Mikro stummgeschaltet bleibt. Trotzdem langt es allemal zu einer durchaus positiven Empfehlung. -

"Third Coast Kings"

Die Könige der dritten Küste (hä?) haben alles im Rucksack, was man als amerikanische Soulfunkband so braucht. Zuvorderst natürlich eine schlagkräftige Gebläse­abteilung, die dank Doppelsax, Posaune und Trompete sicher mit bis zu 10 Beaufort ordentlich Wind machen kann. Und dann natürlich noch das restliche Übliche: Kratzgitarre, Polter­drums und Wummerbass sowie ein Sänger, der seine Stimm­bänder nicht schont. Beste Voraussetzungen also, eine sportliche Stimmungs­kapelle abzugeben. Das machen die acht Jungs aus Michigan dann auch meistens sehr gut, wenngleich manche Songs ein paar Schichten Schmackes zu viel aufweisen und dann das Gelände etwas unübersichtlich wird. Gutes Beispiel: Track No. 6 „Tonic Stride”: der stimmliche Einsatz von Gastsängerin Michelle Camilleri will sich da nicht so recht in das Gesamtgefüge einpassen, denn vor lauter lauter wird die Funkorgie allzu sehr überstrapaziert und die Gehörgänge drohen zu verstopfen. Überhaupt kann man sich des Eindrucks auch nicht erwehren, dass es der Abteilung Gesang generell etwas an charismatischer Kreativität mangelt. Am besten funkt der Funk also dann, wenn er allein vor sich hinhämmern darf und das Mikro stummgeschaltet bleibt. Trotzdem langt es allemal zu einer durchaus positiven Empfehlung. -

"The Third Coast Kings"

Amis de l’acid-jazz et de la soul qui fracasse, laissez moi vous présenter The Third Coast Kings. Un combo Rhythm&Blues qui donne dans la soul retro pur jus. Sorti le 12 mars chez nos voisins milanais de Record Kicks, le collectif issu du Michigan (la région de Detroit (USA), pour les nuls en géo) nous présente son premier album The Third Coast Kings.

Supporté par Kenny Dope, acclamé depuis 2010 grâce à leur 45t Give Me Your Love (en écoute ci-dessous), le groupe s’est trés vite imposé avec un son dans la veine du sacro-saint James Brown. Vos pieds ne peuvent s’empêcher de remuer à l’écoute The Third Coast Kings. -

"The Third Coast Kings"

Amis de l’acid-jazz et de la soul qui fracasse, laissez moi vous présenter The Third Coast Kings. Un combo Rhythm&Blues qui donne dans la soul retro pur jus. Sorti le 12 mars chez nos voisins milanais de Record Kicks, le collectif issu du Michigan (la région de Detroit (USA), pour les nuls en géo) nous présente son premier album The Third Coast Kings.

Supporté par Kenny Dope, acclamé depuis 2010 grâce à leur 45t Give Me Your Love (en écoute ci-dessous), le groupe s’est trés vite imposé avec un son dans la veine du sacro-saint James Brown. Vos pieds ne peuvent s’empêcher de remuer à l’écoute The Third Coast Kings. -

"Michigan's "Third Coast Kings" Debut LP out NOW!"

SoulSistas And SoulBruthas! I got the debut album from Michigan's, Third Coast Kings and it has been in constant rotation for the past few days. This is one tight FUNK group. These cats are for real. Their sound is a modern version of what James Brown pioneered back in the day. That's a bold statement, I know, but I mean it. Have a listen to some cuts from their self titled album out now on Record Kicks! I'm particularly diggin' on the solid blast of FUNK on the jam, "Crush It." The whole joint is right though, you'll see! I bet they're just fantastic live. DIG!

"Michigan's "Third Coast Kings" Debut LP out NOW!"

SoulSistas And SoulBruthas! I got the debut album from Michigan's, Third Coast Kings and it has been in constant rotation for the past few days. This is one tight FUNK group. These cats are for real. Their sound is a modern version of what James Brown pioneered back in the day. That's a bold statement, I know, but I mean it. Have a listen to some cuts from their self titled album out now on Record Kicks! I'm particularly diggin' on the solid blast of FUNK on the jam, "Crush It." The whole joint is right though, you'll see! I bet they're just fantastic live. DIG!

"Record Kicks proudly presents the much awaited debut album by Michigan's finest deep funk and soul combo The Third Coast Kings!"

THE THIRD COAST KINGS introduced themselves to the world in 2010 with the release of critically acclaimed 45 “Give Me Your Love” / “Tonic Stride” on Record Kicks, and ever since then the buzz surrounding this up and coming deep funk and soul combo from Ann Arbor/Detroit has been steadily increasing. Having already enjoyed extended International radioplay and DJ support from the likes of Kenny Dope (Kay Dee), Craig Charles (Funk&Soul Show on BBC6) and Ian Wright, anticipation builds around the release of this band’s debut full-length. The Kings’ staple sharp-edged sound has been finely honed to a hard-grooving, rough and rugged musical mastery that never lets up, and their first album is no exception!

With choppy guitar licks, horny horns, and badass beats, The Third Coast Kings provide all the right ingredients to make you shake that tail feather from here to next Winter. Their self-titled debut is a solid example of the kind of explosive sound this tight 8 piece produces, and from the first to the last track the groove is always super heavy and massively funky. Whether on gritty instrumental workouts such as “Case Quarter”, “Cop It Proper” and “Come On” or soulful vocal showpieces such as “Spicy Brown” and “Emcee Marie”, The Kings bring you nothing but the finest in proper funk and soul. Get down to the sound that will have you beggin’ for more, get down to The Third Coast Kings! - the right side of funky

"Record Kicks proudly presents the much awaited debut album by Michigan's finest deep funk and soul combo The Third Coast Kings!"

THE THIRD COAST KINGS introduced themselves to the world in 2010 with the release of critically acclaimed 45 “Give Me Your Love” / “Tonic Stride” on Record Kicks, and ever since then the buzz surrounding this up and coming deep funk and soul combo from Ann Arbor/Detroit has been steadily increasing. Having already enjoyed extended International radioplay and DJ support from the likes of Kenny Dope (Kay Dee), Craig Charles (Funk&Soul Show on BBC6) and Ian Wright, anticipation builds around the release of this band’s debut full-length. The Kings’ staple sharp-edged sound has been finely honed to a hard-grooving, rough and rugged musical mastery that never lets up, and their first album is no exception!

With choppy guitar licks, horny horns, and badass beats, The Third Coast Kings provide all the right ingredients to make you shake that tail feather from here to next Winter. Their self-titled debut is a solid example of the kind of explosive sound this tight 8 piece produces, and from the first to the last track the groove is always super heavy and massively funky. Whether on gritty instrumental workouts such as “Case Quarter”, “Cop It Proper” and “Come On” or soulful vocal showpieces such as “Spicy Brown” and “Emcee Marie”, The Kings bring you nothing but the finest in proper funk and soul. Get down to the sound that will have you beggin’ for more, get down to The Third Coast Kings! - the right side of funky

"Third Coast Kings"

Wat een fijne verrassing is het debuut van het uit Detroit afkomstige Third Coast Kings. Hun funk gemixt met dikke grooves en gloedvolle blazers blaast een flinke storm door de old skool rhythm & blues en doet fijne herinneringen oproepen naar de laat jaren 80 acid jazz opleving.

Waar vorig jaar het uit Milwaukee afkomstige Kings Go Forth zich met hun debuutalbum, kon onderscheiden door een funky basis, gloedvolle blazers en een prima vocalist, die ook het publiek nog eens optimaal wist op te zwepen, mochten deze natuurlijk ook niet vergeten dat de gloedvolle funky rhythm & blues een aantal jaren daarvoor reeds door Sharon Jones en The Dap Kings een dikke injectie had gekregen. Het is deze pure funk meets soul meets blues stijl die ook het 8 koppige Third Coast Kings doet onderscheiden van zoveel andere bands. De opzwepende songs die hun gelijknamige debuut bevatten, knallen het dak er af.

Net als de leading men van The Dap Kings halen Third Coast Kings hun inspiratie uit oude 45’s waarbij de sound nog rafelig en veel dikker is. Hun songs funker dieper en grooven harder dan alles waarmee de band vergeleken kan wordt. En niet alleen de blazers maar ook gitarist Andy Falisko krijgt volop de ruimte zijn excellente spel te laten horen. Luister in dat geval naar Cop It Proper (of het intro van Case Quarter) en wees verkocht. Het daarop volgende Emcee Marie (die geweldige drumbeat die gelijk wordt ingezet!!!!) met Sean Ike op vocalen geeft nog eens weer wat een opzwepende band Third Coast Kings ook live zal zijn!

De eerste single Give Me Your Love, reeds in 2012 uitgebracht en via DJ’s als Kenny Dope en Freestyle Records eigenaar Adrian Gibson naar een groot publiek gebracht, is een ander hoogtepunt op het album. Net als de dikke nieuwe single Spicey Brown. Maar eigenlijk doe je met het noemen van deze songs het album te kort. Echt alle songs hebben die heerlijk dikke funk meet soul meets jazz meets blues sfeer en zijn onweerstaanbaar. De geweldige bassist Steve Barker en drummer James ‘Gemstone’ Keovongsak zijn dan ook de meest opwindende ritmesectie in heel lange tijd. Wat een power, souplesse en spelplezier kunnen deze mannen teweeg brengen! Third Coast Kings zullen de rythm & blues revelatie van dit jaar blijken! -

"Third Coast Kings - out on Record Kicks"

This self-titled album of deep funk & soul 8-piece combo from Ann Arbor/Detroit Third Coast Kings is a 21st Century Blaxploitation dream come true. Especially on explosive and gritty instrumentals such as Come On, which seems to come out directly from a high-octane 70's flick, Cop It Proper and its heavy backbeat, the Mexicani chaser On The Reel, the Shaft-on-coke Case Quarter or the deep & soulful wah-wahness of Summalove. Some of the vocal tracks in between feel like fast breathers (Give Me Your Love, Emcee Marie, Roughneck)… well until the rough Tonic Stride kicks in, devastating the funk breakers dancefloor with its merciless guitar ride. Listening to this LP laying in the sofa won't work. Make some room and bring some friends first! -

"Third Coast Kings - out on Record Kicks"

This self-titled album of deep funk & soul 8-piece combo from Ann Arbor/Detroit Third Coast Kings is a 21st Century Blaxploitation dream come true. Especially on explosive and gritty instrumentals such as Come On, which seems to come out directly from a high-octane 70's flick, Cop It Proper and its heavy backbeat, the Mexicani chaser On The Reel, the Shaft-on-coke Case Quarter or the deep & soulful wah-wahness of Summalove. Some of the vocal tracks in between feel like fast breathers (Give Me Your Love, Emcee Marie, Roughneck)… well until the rough Tonic Stride kicks in, devastating the funk breakers dancefloor with its merciless guitar ride. Listening to this LP laying in the sofa won't work. Make some room and bring some friends first! -

"Review: Third Coast Kings"

Ann Arbor / Detroit, Michigan’s Third Coast King’s eponymous debut sounds like a thoroughly modern take on a Blaxploitation movie soundtrack – modern that is in terms of the way it’s brightly produced without losing any of its hard edges – in terms of style, it’s all gut-bucket 70's funk. Opening with the rolling “Come On” which could easily fit the visuals of a car chase; giving way to “Give Me Your Love”, not the Curtis track but an upbeat funk original with sturdy vocals from a gritty sounding Michelle Camilleri, who later appears on the excellent, thunderous “Tonic Stride”, my two favourite tracks on the album, both are quality dance floor tracks. In fact funky and fast are the King’s manifesto. Even on the closing “Summalove” I was lulled into a false sense of security, thinking I was about to get a mellow sign-off, only for them to tear into the funk again before the end. Not surprising though, funk is where this band is at.

More vocals are provided by Sean Ike on Blaxploitation ode “Spicy Brown” which sounds like it could have been written for someone not unlike Pam Grier. It would seem he also has an eye for more modern ladies if “Emcee Marie” is anything to go by. There are some tough instrumentals too, executed at break-neck pace – “Cop It Proper”, “On The Reel” and “Case Quarter” all bound along solidly, keeping the momentum going throughout the album.

Third Coast Kings really go for it and deliver a rip-roaring funky ride with a cinematic feel. Great to hear some tough new funk. -

"Review: Third Coast Kings"

Ann Arbor / Detroit, Michigan’s Third Coast King’s eponymous debut sounds like a thoroughly modern take on a Blaxploitation movie soundtrack – modern that is in terms of the way it’s brightly produced without losing any of its hard edges – in terms of style, it’s all gut-bucket 70's funk. Opening with the rolling “Come On” which could easily fit the visuals of a car chase; giving way to “Give Me Your Love”, not the Curtis track but an upbeat funk original with sturdy vocals from a gritty sounding Michelle Camilleri, who later appears on the excellent, thunderous “Tonic Stride”, my two favourite tracks on the album, both are quality dance floor tracks. In fact funky and fast are the King’s manifesto. Even on the closing “Summalove” I was lulled into a false sense of security, thinking I was about to get a mellow sign-off, only for them to tear into the funk again before the end. Not surprising though, funk is where this band is at.

More vocals are provided by Sean Ike on Blaxploitation ode “Spicy Brown” which sounds like it could have been written for someone not unlike Pam Grier. It would seem he also has an eye for more modern ladies if “Emcee Marie” is anything to go by. There are some tough instrumentals too, executed at break-neck pace – “Cop It Proper”, “On The Reel” and “Case Quarter” all bound along solidly, keeping the momentum going throughout the album.

Third Coast Kings really go for it and deliver a rip-roaring funky ride with a cinematic feel. Great to hear some tough new funk. -

"Ann Arbor's Third Coast Kings' classic, horn-driven funk sound a hit in Japan"

Members of local deep funk and soul band Third Coast Kings are still riding high after a late July appearance at Japan's annual Fuji Rock Festival.

“It was our biggest gig, our best effort ever,” said founder/drummer James Keovongsak. “At our particular show the capacity was 15,000 and we were basically full and everyone was dancing for sure. We played on the second biggest stage there. It was just a sea of people.”

He characterized the Fuji event as even bigger than the annual Texas-based South by Southwest music festival. “Its total capacity for three days is 120,000. It’s huge. … It’s just a massive festival,” Keovongsak said.

Besides drummer Keovongsak, the horn-driven Third Coast Kings include Brian Einstein Lassiter on alto/baritone sax, Steve Barker on bass, Andy Filisko on guitar, Terry Kimura on trombone, Ryan Dolan on trumpet, Alec Cooper on tenor sax and Sean Ike, vocals.

Keovongsak said he founded the band in 2007 after placing an ad online at Craigslist. “Now we have eight members—we actually got a little bit carried away, but once you have a full horn section, that in itself could be its own little band. We put out our first CD this year and we’ve got a little momentum going.”

James Brown’s music from the late ‘60s to the early ‘70s is key to the Kings’ sound, Keovongsak said, which is “really in the pocket, rhythm-based, tight horns and just having that James Brown attitude. The other thing too is we really focus on a lot of obscure funk. I’d say that’s what we specialize in as far as researching the music and reformulating it into our own.”

The Japanese appearance came after a promoter who was familiar with the band’s work got in touch with Keovongsak.

“We have pretty good distribution over there … some promoter from Japan that puts together booking tours e-mailed me one day with an incredible offer to go over. Of course we couldn’t refuse. … It was just a whole different world, surreal. We had people stopping us who actually recognized us. Obviously there’s a language barrier, but they would make a picture motion or have us sign something.

“When we played on stage they welcomed us with a nice thunderous applause, just like you’d want it to be. Even with that language barrier, you could look down in the front row and see people mimicking or they would know the English lyrics to some our songs. It was pretty neat to see.”

And yes, he said they were dancing in the aisles.

“Music is universal—if the music wants you to dance, then you sort of have to submit to it,” Keovongsak said.

After a recent appearance at the Ypsilanti Heritage Festival, the band is taking a break from live performing to work on a new CD, Keovongsak said, which they hope to have ready to showcase in 2013 on a possible tour of Europe and a return to the Fuji event.

“Coming up next for us, we will probably release another 45 single, and our label is probably going to put some of our tracks on some compilations that they do. And right when I got off the plane I got a call back from Japan, they were talking about two weeks in Europe in 2013, so we’re trying to put that together right now.

“Japan was incredible but it was just one show. If we can get two weeks in Europe that’s going to be even better in my eyes,” he added. -

"Ann Arbor's Third Coast Kings' classic, horn-driven funk sound a hit in Japan"

Members of local deep funk and soul band Third Coast Kings are still riding high after a late July appearance at Japan's annual Fuji Rock Festival.

“It was our biggest gig, our best effort ever,” said founder/drummer James Keovongsak. “At our particular show the capacity was 15,000 and we were basically full and everyone was dancing for sure. We played on the second biggest stage there. It was just a sea of people.”

He characterized the Fuji event as even bigger than the annual Texas-based South by Southwest music festival. “Its total capacity for three days is 120,000. It’s huge. … It’s just a massive festival,” Keovongsak said.

Besides drummer Keovongsak, the horn-driven Third Coast Kings include Brian Einstein Lassiter on alto/baritone sax, Steve Barker on bass, Andy Filisko on guitar, Terry Kimura on trombone, Ryan Dolan on trumpet, Alec Cooper on tenor sax and Sean Ike, vocals.

Keovongsak said he founded the band in 2007 after placing an ad online at Craigslist. “Now we have eight members—we actually got a little bit carried away, but once you have a full horn section, that in itself could be its own little band. We put out our first CD this year and we’ve got a little momentum going.”

James Brown’s music from the late ‘60s to the early ‘70s is key to the Kings’ sound, Keovongsak said, which is “really in the pocket, rhythm-based, tight horns and just having that James Brown attitude. The other thing too is we really focus on a lot of obscure funk. I’d say that’s what we specialize in as far as researching the music and reformulating it into our own.”

The Japanese appearance came after a promoter who was familiar with the band’s work got in touch with Keovongsak.

“We have pretty good distribution over there … some promoter from Japan that puts together booking tours e-mailed me one day with an incredible offer to go over. Of course we couldn’t refuse. … It was just a whole different world, surreal. We had people stopping us who actually recognized us. Obviously there’s a language barrier, but they would make a picture motion or have us sign something.

“When we played on stage they welcomed us with a nice thunderous applause, just like you’d want it to be. Even with that language barrier, you could look down in the front row and see people mimicking or they would know the English lyrics to some our songs. It was pretty neat to see.”

And yes, he said they were dancing in the aisles.

“Music is universal—if the music wants you to dance, then you sort of have to submit to it,” Keovongsak said.

After a recent appearance at the Ypsilanti Heritage Festival, the band is taking a break from live performing to work on a new CD, Keovongsak said, which they hope to have ready to showcase in 2013 on a possible tour of Europe and a return to the Fuji event.

“Coming up next for us, we will probably release another 45 single, and our label is probably going to put some of our tracks on some compilations that they do. And right when I got off the plane I got a call back from Japan, they were talking about two weeks in Europe in 2013, so we’re trying to put that together right now.

“Japan was incredible but it was just one show. If we can get two weeks in Europe that’s going to be even better in my eyes,” he added. -

"Third Coast Kings: Blazing Hot Funk"

The sun at Fuji Rock was blazing as Third Coast Kings hit the White Stage on Friday afternoon, but this eight-element proper deep funk and soul outfit from Detroit managed to ramp up the temperature even further.

Wearing suits that were much better suited to downtown Detroit in the 1970s than high summer at Naeba, the band wafted through six highly technical funk-by-numbers tunes before a vocalist was even sighted.

During this time, it was a little hard for the crowd to really get into tunes. But we did admire the attire. Bassist Steve Barker easily won the best tie award, sporting a neckpiece comprised of various shades of brown and yellow cream last sighted in wardrobes circa 1976. And while handing out gongs for style, trumpet player Ryan Dolan grabbed the best sunglasses award without too much competition, wearing a pair of shades that looked like it came straight out of “Chips.”

And while on the subject of “Chips,” it’s probably worth noting that many of the opening songs of Third Coast Kings’ set could easily be used as background music in a modern-day remake of the motorbike cop show featuring Jon and Ponch.

And then singer Sean Ike came on stage and, suddenly, the Third Coast Kings were an entirely different band. The deep soul that had been missing in their earlier numbers suddenly hogged the limelight (the white tuxedo Ike paraded around on stage certainly helped). He also added the dance moves, which appeared to blend energetic elements of James Brown with the dead-eye execution of the Karate Kid. The band suddenly became more invigorated, and the infectious grooves that now started to flow through the sound system were passed onto the crowd, which finally started to hold their hands in the air for something other than merely fanning their face.

The band ended their hour-long set with a James Brown cover of “Good Foot,” which was certainly appropriate given the inspiration the funk icon seemed to have on the band (at least when performing with a vocalist).

“I’m going to take all my clothes off now,” Ike told the audience as he started unbuttoning his vest. Given how friggin’ hot it had become, I wouldn’t have begrudged him the pleasure. As far as I’m concerned, Ike certainly earned his keep. -

"Third Coast Kings: Blazing Hot Funk"

The sun at Fuji Rock was blazing as Third Coast Kings hit the White Stage on Friday afternoon, but this eight-element proper deep funk and soul outfit from Detroit managed to ramp up the temperature even further.

Wearing suits that were much better suited to downtown Detroit in the 1970s than high summer at Naeba, the band wafted through six highly technical funk-by-numbers tunes before a vocalist was even sighted.

During this time, it was a little hard for the crowd to really get into tunes. But we did admire the attire. Bassist Steve Barker easily won the best tie award, sporting a neckpiece comprised of various shades of brown and yellow cream last sighted in wardrobes circa 1976. And while handing out gongs for style, trumpet player Ryan Dolan grabbed the best sunglasses award without too much competition, wearing a pair of shades that looked like it came straight out of “Chips.”

And while on the subject of “Chips,” it’s probably worth noting that many of the opening songs of Third Coast Kings’ set could easily be used as background music in a modern-day remake of the motorbike cop show featuring Jon and Ponch.

And then singer Sean Ike came on stage and, suddenly, the Third Coast Kings were an entirely different band. The deep soul that had been missing in their earlier numbers suddenly hogged the limelight (the white tuxedo Ike paraded around on stage certainly helped). He also added the dance moves, which appeared to blend energetic elements of James Brown with the dead-eye execution of the Karate Kid. The band suddenly became more invigorated, and the infectious grooves that now started to flow through the sound system were passed onto the crowd, which finally started to hold their hands in the air for something other than merely fanning their face.

The band ended their hour-long set with a James Brown cover of “Good Foot,” which was certainly appropriate given the inspiration the funk icon seemed to have on the band (at least when performing with a vocalist).

“I’m going to take all my clothes off now,” Ike told the audience as he started unbuttoning his vest. Given how friggin’ hot it had become, I wouldn’t have begrudged him the pleasure. As far as I’m concerned, Ike certainly earned his keep. -

"Third Coast Kings - Third Coast Kings"

L’Italia funk colpisce ancora, nuova uscita per la Record Kicks che da alle stampe il primo disco dei Third Coast Kings, otto musicisti provenienti dal Michigan che suonano deep funk e soul. La sezione ritmica è potente, basso e batteria viaggiano sicure marcando il tempo con il loro beat deep funk accompagnati da taglienti riff di chitarra mentre gli arrangiamenti della sezione fiati danno un sapore meno ruvido e jazzy al tutto, specialmente nei soli. Come On apre il disco, iniziano decisi e non mollano. Secondo pezzo, anche uscito come singolo, è quello cantato da Michelle “The Belle” Camilleri, Give Me Your Love, dove i Third Coast King pagano il tributo doveroso al maestro James Brown. La voce di Michelle la ritroviamo anche in Tonic Stride, qui i raffinati arrangiamenti dei fiati e la voce lasciano il posto centrale della composizione ad un solo di chitarra per poi tornare in un incedere di botte e risposte tra loro. Alla voce di Sean Ike sono affidati due brani più soul, Emcee Marie, sostenuto dal geometrico incastro del trio basso batteria e chitarra, e Roughneck che ha invece un sapore più blaxploitation. Spicy Brown, pezzo per cui hanno girato anche un video clip è sempre cantata da Ike. In Case Quarter i fiati ricordano il suono delle marching band tanto in voga ora e il beat dove si appoggiano è veramente caldo. A chiudere il disco è Summa Love, la ascolti per un un minuto e quaranta e sembra stiano suonando gli Expression di Lee Fields ma dopo lo stacco la temperatura sale con un picco nel solo della chitarra di Andy Filisko per poi tornare a calmarsi di nuovo. 12 brani tutti ben suonati per questo disco d’esordio dove si completano le due anime della band, una tremendamente deep funk ed una più “pettinata” nella sezione fiati. Groove assicurato.

Third Coast Kings:
Brian Einstein Lassiter – alto/baritone sax
James “Gemstone” Keovongsak – drums
Steve Barker – bass
Andy Filisko – guitar
Terry Kimura – trombone
Ryan Dolan – trumpet
Alec Cooper – tenor sax
Michelle “The Belle” Camilleri / Sean Ike – vocals -

"Third Coast Kings - Third Coast Kings"

L’Italia funk colpisce ancora, nuova uscita per la Record Kicks che da alle stampe il primo disco dei Third Coast Kings, otto musicisti provenienti dal Michigan che suonano deep funk e soul. La sezione ritmica è potente, basso e batteria viaggiano sicure marcando il tempo con il loro beat deep funk accompagnati da taglienti riff di chitarra mentre gli arrangiamenti della sezione fiati danno un sapore meno ruvido e jazzy al tutto, specialmente nei soli. Come On apre il disco, iniziano decisi e non mollano. Secondo pezzo, anche uscito come singolo, è quello cantato da Michelle “The Belle” Camilleri, Give Me Your Love, dove i Third Coast King pagano il tributo doveroso al maestro James Brown. La voce di Michelle la ritroviamo anche in Tonic Stride, qui i raffinati arrangiamenti dei fiati e la voce lasciano il posto centrale della composizione ad un solo di chitarra per poi tornare in un incedere di botte e risposte tra loro. Alla voce di Sean Ike sono affidati due brani più soul, Emcee Marie, sostenuto dal geometrico incastro del trio basso batteria e chitarra, e Roughneck che ha invece un sapore più blaxploitation. Spicy Brown, pezzo per cui hanno girato anche un video clip è sempre cantata da Ike. In Case Quarter i fiati ricordano il suono delle marching band tanto in voga ora e il beat dove si appoggiano è veramente caldo. A chiudere il disco è Summa Love, la ascolti per un un minuto e quaranta e sembra stiano suonando gli Expression di Lee Fields ma dopo lo stacco la temperatura sale con un picco nel solo della chitarra di Andy Filisko per poi tornare a calmarsi di nuovo. 12 brani tutti ben suonati per questo disco d’esordio dove si completano le due anime della band, una tremendamente deep funk ed una più “pettinata” nella sezione fiati. Groove assicurato.

Third Coast Kings:
Brian Einstein Lassiter – alto/baritone sax
James “Gemstone” Keovongsak – drums
Steve Barker – bass
Andy Filisko – guitar
Terry Kimura – trombone
Ryan Dolan – trumpet
Alec Cooper – tenor sax
Michelle “The Belle” Camilleri / Sean Ike – vocals -

"Third Coast Kings - Third Coast Kings (Record Kicks)"

Third Coast Kings – Third Coast Kings (Record Kicks)

Again, mirroring the last review, this Funk group from Detroit have absolutely nailed it. It's taking many plays in the car in order for the best tracks to surface but it's such a strong album throughout and so full of heavyweight club bangers that it's hard to have one or two particular favourites. Stylistically, the Funk covers that mid-60's to early-70's period. Nothing cool and sophisticated here, just straight at the throat, and that's just exactly what we want! -

"Third Coast Kings - Third Coast Kings (Record Kicks)"

Third Coast Kings – Third Coast Kings (Record Kicks)

Again, mirroring the last review, this Funk group from Detroit have absolutely nailed it. It's taking many plays in the car in order for the best tracks to surface but it's such a strong album throughout and so full of heavyweight club bangers that it's hard to have one or two particular favourites. Stylistically, the Funk covers that mid-60's to early-70's period. Nothing cool and sophisticated here, just straight at the throat, and that's just exactly what we want! -

"Third Coast Kings"

After five years in action, the Ann Arbor-based funk outfit Third Coast Kings finally commits its infectiously enjoyable sound to record, and the result is a collection of tight, deliciously slippery grooves. Although vocalist Sean Ike does some fine work here, instrumental and vocal-accompanied tracks go just about tit for tat. Many of the Kings trained as pros, and they play like it. We’d go for a full-on four-star rating if not for the fact that a recording just can’t quite capture TCK’s live power (or Ike’s killer showmanship). Go see their show. You’ll thank us later.

Worth a Listen: “Case Quarter” -

"Third Coast Kings"

After five years in action, the Ann Arbor-based funk outfit Third Coast Kings finally commits its infectiously enjoyable sound to record, and the result is a collection of tight, deliciously slippery grooves. Although vocalist Sean Ike does some fine work here, instrumental and vocal-accompanied tracks go just about tit for tat. Many of the Kings trained as pros, and they play like it. We’d go for a full-on four-star rating if not for the fact that a recording just can’t quite capture TCK’s live power (or Ike’s killer showmanship). Go see their show. You’ll thank us later.

Worth a Listen: “Case Quarter” -

"Third Coast Kings self-titled debut"

If you love the kind of refurbished soul and funk that bands like The Dap-Kings and Poets Of Rhythm, then you will eat up the debut album by Third Coast Kings, who hail from the self-proclaimed “third coast” of Detroit, Michigan.

On their album, they focus on playing hard soul of the late 60's and early 70s’, for some, the “golden era” of funk. The sound is raw at times but well produced, yet it still sounds like something that could’ve been recorded in NYC or Memphis where congas was used to color the percussion, the horns are meant to be heard as razors, and the drums double as ammunition and a means of survival. If you hear the rawness of Detroit circa 1968, you’re closer to the source. In other words, these hard beats are there to make you and your significant other dance, and if that rhythm leads you to do other things in a rhythmic manner, good for you. Most of the songs are instrumental but there are a small handful of vocal tracks that help to balance things for those who may want variety.

They sound like a party band, but a party band willing to travel to find others who want to get down. At a time when it seems those who are calling themselves soul or R&B but are neither rhythmic or bluesy, the Third Coast Kings sounds like music from people who are either hungry or hunger to satisfy those who are. For fans of breaks, you’ll need a box of napkins for this one.


"Third Coast Kings self-titled debut"

If you love the kind of refurbished soul and funk that bands like The Dap-Kings and Poets Of Rhythm, then you will eat up the debut album by Third Coast Kings, who hail from the self-proclaimed “third coast” of Detroit, Michigan.

On their album, they focus on playing hard soul of the late 60's and early 70s’, for some, the “golden era” of funk. The sound is raw at times but well produced, yet it still sounds like something that could’ve been recorded in NYC or Memphis where congas was used to color the percussion, the horns are meant to be heard as razors, and the drums double as ammunition and a means of survival. If you hear the rawness of Detroit circa 1968, you’re closer to the source. In other words, these hard beats are there to make you and your significant other dance, and if that rhythm leads you to do other things in a rhythmic manner, good for you. Most of the songs are instrumental but there are a small handful of vocal tracks that help to balance things for those who may want variety.

They sound like a party band, but a party band willing to travel to find others who want to get down. At a time when it seems those who are calling themselves soul or R&B but are neither rhythmic or bluesy, the Third Coast Kings sounds like music from people who are either hungry or hunger to satisfy those who are. For fans of breaks, you’ll need a box of napkins for this one.


"Third Coast Kings"

If you’ve watched any basketball on TV this year, you’ve probably seen your share of Blake Griffin. No crime there. He’s a pretty good basketball player and a human highlight reel. He does these monster dunks like the one he put on Kendrick Perkins that had LeBron James about ready to abdicate. Griffin’s team is winning and he appears to have a winning personality, so Madison Avenue took notice. He’s well on his way to claiming all four of the jewels in Marcee Tidwell’s (the character Regina King played in Jerry Maguire) advertising crown.

Kia has Griffin demonstrating the car's voice commands in one spot. At one point he says “play funk,” and the stereo plays funk – or at least what the latter day Don Drapers who dreamt up this spot believe funk sounds like. If the commercial makers had wanted some music that’s as funky as a Griffin 360 slam, they couldn’t have done any better than select a track from the self-titled album from the Third Coast Kings.

The “third coast” in the band’s name refers to the Great Lakes, and this eight man outfit hails from the Detroit area. They are very, very funky. Third Coast Kings is filled with rolling and thumping bass runs, Memphis style horns, kicking drums and vocals that fuse the church and the club. Third Coast Kings is split between vocal and instrumental tracks, and that’s very good indeed because the players in this outfit cry out to be heard.

In some cases, the titles are apt descriptions of the songs. “Roughneck,” with those blaring horns amplifying the tune’s hook, give this number a gritty, almost cinematic feel. This octet uses every member in a way that is reminiscent of a jazz ensemble. Band members get the opportunity to showcase their creative abilities as individuals as well as how well they play as unit on numbers such as “Summalove” and “Spicy Brown.”

Third Coast Kings is a worthy ambassador of deep funk. It’s definitely what my voice would ask for, or my hands would reach for, if I wanted to play some funk in my ride. Highly Recommended.

By Howard Dukes -

"Third Coast Kings"

If you’ve watched any basketball on TV this year, you’ve probably seen your share of Blake Griffin. No crime there. He’s a pretty good basketball player and a human highlight reel. He does these monster dunks like the one he put on Kendrick Perkins that had LeBron James about ready to abdicate. Griffin’s team is winning and he appears to have a winning personality, so Madison Avenue took notice. He’s well on his way to claiming all four of the jewels in Marcee Tidwell’s (the character Regina King played in Jerry Maguire) advertising crown.

Kia has Griffin demonstrating the car's voice commands in one spot. At one point he says “play funk,” and the stereo plays funk – or at least what the latter day Don Drapers who dreamt up this spot believe funk sounds like. If the commercial makers had wanted some music that’s as funky as a Griffin 360 slam, they couldn’t have done any better than select a track from the self-titled album from the Third Coast Kings.

The “third coast” in the band’s name refers to the Great Lakes, and this eight man outfit hails from the Detroit area. They are very, very funky. Third Coast Kings is filled with rolling and thumping bass runs, Memphis style horns, kicking drums and vocals that fuse the church and the club. Third Coast Kings is split between vocal and instrumental tracks, and that’s very good indeed because the players in this outfit cry out to be heard.

In some cases, the titles are apt descriptions of the songs. “Roughneck,” with those blaring horns amplifying the tune’s hook, give this number a gritty, almost cinematic feel. This octet uses every member in a way that is reminiscent of a jazz ensemble. Band members get the opportunity to showcase their creative abilities as individuals as well as how well they play as unit on numbers such as “Summalove” and “Spicy Brown.”

Third Coast Kings is a worthy ambassador of deep funk. It’s definitely what my voice would ask for, or my hands would reach for, if I wanted to play some funk in my ride. Highly Recommended.

By Howard Dukes -


Zojoji Blackbird
VA - Record Kicks 10

Third Coast Kings - Self Titled Debut Album

Tonic Stride
VA - SoulShaker vol.7

Spicy Brown
VA - Smoove presents MO' RECORD KICKS Act II

Give Me Your Love / Tonic Stride




The Third Coast Kings are a proper deep funk and soul outfit. In the tradition of sixties and seventies funk groups, the Kings detonate with an explosive sonic force that is guaranteed to make you move. Their gritty sound is a raw concoction of horn driven hooks, devastating rhythm and an overall tightness that has made them a favorite to funk and soul fans around the globe. They draw influence from the many artists whose music has been carefully salvaged by the crate digging revolution. The Kings make it a point to remain true to the style and technique of playing proper deep funk and soul.

With the release of their debut album in March 2012 on the Italian based Record Kicks label the Kings have received attention from around the world for their raw and gritty sound. Thanks to the album's release on the Japanese affiliated P-Vine label the Kings were asked to participate at the 2012 Fuji Rock Festival. They performed for over 15,000 people at the second largest stage on the festival grounds.

Third Coast Kings were nominated in their home state of Michigan (the third coast) as best urban/funk artist of the year at the Detroit Music Awards. They will release their heavily anticipated second album on the Record Kicks Label in the fall of 2013.