37.5 Productions
Gig Seeker Pro

37.5 Productions

Band Rock Adult Contemporary


This band has not uploaded any videos
This band has not uploaded any videos



"Microfilmmaker Review"

I loved the music in Livelihood. You will find all of your requisite creep-tracks in this flick, but there is just the right amount of humor and light-hearted ambience; it goes with the film like coffee and donuts! Once again I must give props to Mr. Graham for composing the music. It looks like we have quite the renaissance film-maker here. (Editor's Note: In fact, the songs Mr. Graham composed for this bloody film are so catchy that I've been listening to the signature song, 'Raise the Dead', on repeat since I received Mr. Graham's press kit recently!)
--Chris Treen - microfilmmaker.com

"Coroner's Report Review"

Filled with comical satire, a brilliant score and talented filmmaking, this is something fun to watch... - thecoronersreport.com

"Killer Reviews"

The two best aspects of the film were the writing and the music.... As for the music, it was crucial to the plot (especially the rock star scenes) and the cast and crew pulled it off. Both the rock songs ("Raise the Dead") and the incidental music blend in smoothly.
--Gavin Schmidt - killerreviews.com


Vanderbilt Television 1994-1998 (all music)
Livelihood (horror/comedy feature) - full score
Blood, Boobs, Beast (feature documentary) - multiple songs
Dead Teenagers (horror feature) - multiple songs



37.5 Productions produces modern guitar-based instrumental music of varying genres, from rock to jazz, to adult contemporary. All music can be custom tailored with stingers, fade outs, and loops of any section of the song.