Adam Tronsen
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Adam Tronsen composes a darker electronic form of pop music. The studio work incorporates fm synthesis, hardware programming, and voice. When performing live as Adam Tronsen &The Young Urban Professionals he is joined by a Dr. Davies on drum kit and a Professor Parker on electric guitar. The band of 20 somethings formed on the 11th floor of an nondescript building in lower Manhattan. Studio recordings have surfaced on Bandcamp, SoundCloud, YouTube, and amongst the private collections of his most intimate fans. Performances have ranged from solo endeavors to group presentations, from college house parties to reputable venues, from the valleys of Vermont to the technopolis of New York City. Different mixes of the same song have been broadcast across radio waves and through internet routers. Though until now few “finished” recordings can be found, in the not so distant future a collection of three more will be available.