Adelaide Ruble
Gig Seeker Pro

Adelaide Ruble


Band Jazz Jazz


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This band has not uploaded any videos


The best kept secret in music



"After drumming on our desks, ... "They Can't Take That Away From Me" has been placed on our website. -

"Jazz Blues Radio Host - the Netherlands"

"I like the prominent character of Adelaide's voice in the combination with the music" - Joost van Steen

"PS Agency / PS Studios"

"I just love your rendition of "They Can't Take That Away From Me.".

- John E. Perry II, MCP, CMWE


"Come Fly With Me" is in radio play in The Netherlands, Portugal, Australia, England, Canada and on the US East Coast.

Pentagram Records
release date - July 1, 2005

12 tracks - excerpts of each available at

On The Street Where You Live - national radio airplay


Feeling a bit camera shy


"I've been really fortunate to be surrounded by great music all of my life. My father played trumpet in the Louis Armstrong style. Since I studied piano, it was the great pianists that I really listened to - Brubeck, Ramsey Lewis, Sergio Mendez...

"But I also grew up with Streisand, Sinatra, Tony Bennett and Sammy Davis, Jr. Sammy could lead horn sections with his vocal push and aggressive rhythm.

"My latest CD, Come Fly With Me, features great musicians. Jazz pianist Rick Eldridge who always plays with me, is on the CD. Rick knows exactly what I want to do. New Orleans trombonist, Harry Watters is also on the CD. Harry plays with amazing constancy and humor. Since my voice is so low, the trombones' register perfectly compliments my vocal register."

Adelaide is a native Virginian and graduate of Shenandoah Conservatory of Music.