Woodland Hills, California, United States
These girls are going to be huge. They've got it all - the sound, look and image all wrapped up into one package."
- PJ Bianco, Producer - Katy Perry, Mitchel Musso, Demi Lovato, Ajuku Girls (Dec 01, 2009)
- Glam Squad
"an Americanized Morning Musume kind of thing"
Japanator - Japanator
"Overall, this was one of the best events that I have covered and look forward to sharing many more with you." Amber Blues, Hollywire - Hollywire
Still working on that hot first release.

Konnichiwa! We're the super kawaii American JPop group and actresses known as the AJUKU GIRLS! We heart sugoilalas(!), Harajuku and Japanese street fashions, super kawaii pop and hip hop music, and all out girl fun! Redbana released our single 11:59 for their video game called Audition. We've recently worked with Beats by Dre for their 2013 international campaign, released Songs of Love for Japan with Tori Amos & Sara Barelillies, sang Skadoosh with Jack Black for Kung Fu Panda 2 and more. Our new single Dream Catcher dropped April, 2013. catch it! come say hey at twitter.com/ajukugirls and check us out at http://www.ajukugirls.com Sayonara!!
Media Inquiries:
Suzy Sachs
Glam Squad