Anya Kozorez
Gig Seeker Pro

Anya Kozorez

New York City, New York, United States

New York City, New York, United States
Band Alternative Singer/Songwriter


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1. Songs of Anya Kozorez, (c) 2009

2. "Supermarket Waltz" from the from the album "Songs of Anya Kozorez" seized an Honorable Mention by the 16th Annual Billboard World Songwriting Contest.

2. "Hello Beautiful" from the album "Songs of Anya Kozorez" is featured on the 3rd Radio RNR Compilation CD "New Faces New Music." The complitation is due out in the summer 2009.

3. "Tango," from the album "Songs of Anya Kozorez" was used as a theme song for an independent film "Encounter." The film was selected for New York Independent Film festival and has won the Best Romance award.

4. "Enemies. A Love Story" by Anya Kozorez and Daniel Veksler (c) 2008
(original score, sound design, and live performance recording for a theater prodution of an adaptation of a novel by I.B. Singer, featuring Anya's song "Release Me")

5. Demo CD featuring 4 songs (c) 2005



Anya Kozorez is a Russian-born, New York City-based composer, songwriter, and a quirky chanteuse. She breathes life into musical instruments and has an ability to hear inanimate objects talk. Her favorite pastime involves telling tall tales to random passerby and affecting anyone who cares to listen with her magnetic melodies and unselfconscious rhymes. Anya received an old-school Russian training in classical piano and an American degree in Comparative Literature. For a living she endeavors to comprehend all things poignant and impetuous, processing it all in her internal blender, and, as an end-result, regurgitating goods that make it all seem occasionally worthwhile. Anya believes to be a gentler, introverted soul sister of Amanda Palmer and a love child of Leonard Cohen conceived during the original performance of Kurt Weill’s Die Dreigroschenoper or, perhaps, during the rehearsal of Tom Wait's score for The Black Rider.