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Band EDM Pop


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This band has not uploaded any videos


The best kept secret in music


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Love - 2012


Feeling a bit camera shy


Ardeem hates making mistakes.

Sitting in his bedroom for the last 26 years, playing various drums and causing his computer to make strange noises at specific times, Ardeem (known to some as Jacob Kinniburgh) has been slowly working out the perfect plan for the execution of his music career – every detail had to be inspected, considered and carefully put in place, with a guarantee of success, before he could even begin to think about doing it for real.

This is why he's been quiet for so long.

After spending this time planning, studying, fiddling around with the aforementioned computer and thinking deeply, Ardeem finally came to the realisation that, in seeking ‘perfection’, he was trapped – both in his bedroom and in his mind.

Thus, despite his fear, in order to break free and fulfill his need for external validation, he realised that he would have to try. He would have to go outside his bedroom.

He would have to make mistakes.

Fortunately, his debut album, Love, is not one of those mistakes. A complex and intricate mix of rhythm-heavy, bleeping, blooping pop songs, Love weaves a danceable, philosophical, satirical and 'catchy-as-hell' story around the theme closest to all our hearts.

It’s so good, in fact, that you may not even be able to tell that it was written by an emotionally-retarded, insecure weirdo. Your new favourite weirdo. He hopes you like it.

And him.