Ashley Martin
Gig Seeker Pro

Ashley Martin

Springboro, Ohio, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF

Springboro, Ohio, United States | SELF
Established on Jan, 2012
Band Country Rock


This band has not uploaded any videos
This band has not uploaded any videos



"Dayton City Paper"

Born and bred here in the Miami Valley and soon (I feel it) she’ll be known in the music industry and be on your iTunes list.

Ashley remembers the “sound of music” always in her household growing up. “My Father was the youngest of the seven children in the Martin Family Choir. Every holiday was spent gathered around the piano with grandma playing and grandpa directing. At our last family performance, three years ago, there were 75 of us in the choir and I performed my first solo with my family at the age of six, and never quit,” Ashley says.

With encouragement from family, friends and folks that love her voice, Ashley continued down the music path of her musical journey. “After my first solo, many performances followed. I then began competing in vocal competitions at the age of 12. In high school I sang in retirement homes for extra money. I also worked at Roadhouse Karaoke and DJ selling sound systems, DJing, and recording until I moved to Nashville after high school for college.

I attended Belmont University in 2006. When I ran out of money, I moved back to Ohio and focused on my craft of song writing. Soon after I formed my first band called Daliantz, in 2008, and then reformed the band in 2012 as my own original project The Ashley Martin Band,” she says.

And now, the journey continues with a few bumps in the road. “I started cutting my first record in July of 2012 and released it in Ohio October 2012 and then in Nashville February 2013. We have many members circulate through, over only a year. That has been the toughest part, keeping a band together and not canceling a single gig. Eleven guitar players gets a bit old to try and rehearse and break someone in. We have been touring all over the country sharing our new record titled Torn. The title is about the battle we humans face every day, choosing between good and evil. We are currently in the process of starting our next record,” she says.

Ashley’s style is described this way.

“We have found an original new sound fused with the roots of country and on the edge of rock. I absolutely love it and I hope everyone else will too,” Martin says.

Just like that little girl at six, Ashley loves to put on a show, for the audience of course, but she’s selfish in the fact that she gets a kick out of it herself.

“It’s a high you can’t get from any kind of drug or alcohol…its adrenaline like no other. You just have to stay focused and pay attention to put on a great show,” she says.

Unlike some performers who mail it in, Ashley loves the personal connection with her fans. “It’s very important to me that people meet me. I want them to see that I genuinely love them and appreciate so much that they are at a show, that I’m not a diva and have worked and will work extremely hard to get to where I am going. So what I can sing; so can a lot of other people. It’s about who you are and what you do with it that really matters,” Martin says.

Ten years ago, Ashley was getting her driver’s license and now, at 26, she can only imagine what the next ten years will behold.

“Wow! I can do a lot in ten years. I will already have had a great run in my music career, hopefully, published deals, toured all over the world, and have some money in the bank. I will definitely take my time and enjoy every step of the journey,” she adds Yes, and if my math is correct, it’s about time to renew your driver’s license. Good luck, Ashley, and do let us know how you’re doing.

You can purchase one of Ashley’s cd’s (yes, we old folks still have cd players) at Right now on Jan. 18 at the Miamisburg Moose Lodge it’s her latest CD release party, doors open at 6:00 p.m. Just check Ashley’s website for additional info. And you know the drill, give Ashley a “like” on Facebook or on twitter @a_mmusic. You can even send her an email at and of course, tell ‘em Buch sent you. Now if you can’t find her any of those ways, I give up. Lol.

— Cheers Buch

Submit Tip/Info - Jim Bucher


Still working on that hot first release.



Ashley Martin is a singer songwriter from the heart of America. Born and raised in Dayton, Ohio, she originally started singing in her family's 75 pieces gospel choir, belting her first solo at the young age of six! At 19, she made her way to Nashville, where she attended Belmont University in the heart of music city. After years of honing her craft as a singer and songwriter, Ashley now tours the country with her four piece band. A mix of country, rock, pop and soul, she can capture in her sexy raspy voice. Her live shows are a unique and eclectic musical experience. And her latest album, "Put on a Show" is a fresh and edgy new work, receiving rave reviews. For more info and to hear Ashley, check out the links! She is a must see to believe! 

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