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Band Alternative EDM


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"Rocker, wascht Euch die Haare!"

Bilk nehmen die Fäden da auf, wo Jaga Jazzist sie fallen ließen

Text: Jens Pacholsky

Von wegen es gibt keine Experimente oder keine Innovationen mehr in der Rockmusik, die dennoch rockt wie Sau. Jaga Jazzist hatten das Anfang des Jahrtausends bewiesen, bevor sie wirklich in die Vergangenheit geschleudert und dort zu 30 Jahren Prog Rock verdonnert wurden. Bilk sei Dank kommt nun Hoffnung aus dem gesegneten Osten. Kroatien for Rockmachine.

Es lebe die Fusion
Eigentlich gibt es Bilk schon seit 1999, aber es kostete Tin Oberman, Janko Novoselic (der letztes Jahr durch Edi Grubisic Cipal an den Drums ersetzt wurde), Damir Babojelic und Luka Vrbanic ganze sechs Jahre, bis ihr Debütalbum eingespielt werden konnte und noch 1 ½ weitere, bis es endlich bei Moonlee Records erschien. Ganz im Jaga-Jazzist-Sinne wird hier der instrumentale Rock an den langen Haaren gezogen, das Schmerzgeschrei durch das Theremin geschleudert, gebrochene Rhythmik mit House- und Drum & Bass-Appeal zur Basis genommen, das ganze mit 70s Jazz und Synthesizer-Wahnwitz potenziert und mit einer ganz Tortoise-stylishen Gitarre die Wurzel gezogen. Da bringt einen sogar ein Reggae-Song (»Gone To Texas«) zum breaken. »This Bilk Is Radioactive« strahlt nach allen Seiten. Die Halbwertzeit für durch wilde Tanzeinlagen gebrochene Füße und dieses breite Spaßhabe-Lächeln dürfte mindestens 57 Jahre betragen. Bis dahin also schön den kleinen und den Zeigefinger von der Faust abspreizen, den Kopf schütteln und gleichzeitig die Trillerpfeife blasend eine ordentliche Breakdance-Performance hinlegen.
- Goon - Magazine

"Bilk 'This Bilk is Radioactive"

(Venendo subito al dunque) i Bilk sono tre ragazzi di Zagabria che si divertono a mischiare: dub, funk, lounge, dance, drum’n’bass, reggae, indie, post-rock, e che suonano con un’attitudine che sta a metà strada tra quella di un combo jazz e quella di un gruppo punk. Mischiando questi elementi viene fuori qualcosa di indubbiamente originale.
Impossibile non farsi ammaliare dal suono dei Bilk e, soprattutto, impossibile rimanere fermi e impenetrabili quando il loro ritmo entra dentro le orecchie.
Si parte con la drum’n’bass “suonata” (ma contaminata da ritmi tribali, tastierina spaziale, basso punk-funk e schitarrate prog-psychedeliche) di Beyoncè : manifesto – biglietto da visita della band croata, per poi rilassarsi con lo sciabordare delle onde del mare, sottofondo iniziale della cavalcata electronic-funk-indie Sunchano. Pezzi che prendono subito al primo ascolto ma che resistono bene anche dopo parecchi lavaggi …ehm ascolti, ascolti. Pezzi pluri-contaminati, iper-ballabili, dominati da un basso fantas(t)i(c)oso. Sentitevi il reggae di Gone to Texas come s’innamora della d’n’b per poi copulare in un’alcova jazz che poi si trasforma in un’astronave che atterra in uno spaghetti-western (ok la smetto coi trip – nda). Sentite la meravigliosa Terminator (forse la più “riempipista” del lotto) ovvero la drum’n’bass come la concepirebbero i Kraftwerk in un sogno dei Trans Am. C’è tempo anche per un cocktail malinconico (Bloody Bill Anderson) e per un hit d’n’b, perfetto per una discoteca per androidi (R2D2).
In conclusione direi: un esordio magnifico, speriamo di poterli vedere in tour in Italia presto e speriamo arrivino altre belle novità come queste dall’Est Europa.
Avendo avuto la fortuna di vederli dal vivo al KUD di Lubiana (come dire un “centro sociale statale”, roba che da noi possiamo solo sognare..), se ne conferma la validità anche sopra il palco. - Kathodik

"Etwas Mut erfordert es sicherlich sich BILK aus Kroatien zu öffnen"

Etwas Mut erfordert es sicherlich sich BILK aus Kroatien zu öffnen, aber elektronische Musik muss ja nicht per definitionem schlecht sein. Meine Erfahrungen mit ihr beschränken sich zwar auf die CHEMICAL BROTHERS, aber das Trio aus Zagreb hat glücklicherweise einen ähnlichen Ansatz. Man kombiniert Drumcomputer-Beats mit Gitarrenfragmenten, die mal rockig, mal psychedelisch klingen. Insgesamt ist das Album recht organisch, nur wenige Songs fallen durch Nintendo-Sounds aus dem Rahmen. Zehn Lieder zwischen Breakbeat, MOLOCKO und MR OIZO. Ich denke eine Wertung muss nicht sein und wir belassen es beim deskriptiven Ansatz. Das Booklet und die Aufnahmequalität machen wunschlos glücklich und ich denke für elektronische Musik gehören BILK definitiv zu den besseren Gruppen, weil sie immer wieder überraschen, richtig prägnante Samples haben und eher zur Beat- statt zur BeatsPerMinute-Fraktion gehören. Thomas Eberhardt - WITH LOVE

"Hitch and Bilk..."

Bilk is a strange Croatian trio whose first album, “This Bilk is Radioactive” (Moonlee Records), contains eight instrumental tracks that completely and totally defy categorization - at least as far as my ears are concerned. Synths play a larger role than guitars and are often the focal instrument overall, so there’s a significant degree of “electronic” character involved, but I don’t even know how the hell to begin to describe it. And countering the electronic aesthetic is a badass rhythm section that locks in perfectly and sees oft-jazzy bass and percussion fluidly weaving together with varying degrees of flashiness to create a warm and inviting foundation for the more “artistic” (read: bizarre) elements to roam upon. Sometimes they’re joined by saxophones or other additional instrumentation to further throw the listener for a loop, sometimes the bass moves into the focal role with a harder-hitting and distorted tone, sometimes the pieces of the puzzle unite to create an almost soundtrack-esque quality… let’s just say that despite similarities and consistent characteristics, no two tracks are truly alike here. Melody and repetition are quite well employed throughout the record, though the latter isn’t relied upon to the point of redundancy at all, so it’s a generally enjoyable listen… just one that’ll keep you scratching your head. Curious, to say the least. You won’t find many other acts like Bilk out there! - AVERSIONLINE

"BILK – This Bilk Is Radioactive"

Poslední dobou velmi aktivní chorvatské vydavatelství Moonlee records, pøivítalo do své žánrovì otevøené rodiny (za což si rozhodnì zaslouží body navíc) další z instrumentálních kapel. Po deskách kapel Lunar a Don´t Mess With Texas jsou také Bilk tou kapelou, která místo zbyteèných kecù nechá radìji promluvit své nástroje, i když narozdíl od zmínìných kolegù své tóny krotí trochu odlišným smìrem. Pokud vás pøesvìdèili „noví“ Guts Pie Earshot se svým osobitým živým pojetím taneèní hudby, myslím že právì trojice mladíku ze Záhøebu øíkající si BILK vás dostanou na lopatky. Pro nìkoho stále nepochopitelná zaklínadla ve formì výrazù typu breakbeat, triphop, drum´n bass, dub nebo nu-jazz jsou na této desce pøevedeny do reálu. A co je ještì více sympatické, ty lomené beaty jsou hrány živými nástroji tedy basa, bicí, kytara a jako zvukový modulátor své syntetické výlevy s pøesností robota obstarávají klávesy. Beaty, které jinak v normálu znáte z nevypoèitatelných poèítaèù, zde pevnì v rukou udává bubeník, kterého sice nemùžeme srovnávat s nadlidským provedením od zmínìných kolegù GUTS PIE EARSHOT, ale i tak si zaslouží pochvalu, že si s nerovným bojem poradil zdatnì. Necháváte-li své tìlo unášet na vlnách taneèní hudby není jednoduší øíci své ANO i této desce, nebo pøípadnì hledáte-li vhodnou desku kterou byste rádi proložili své sbírky, které vaše okolí neodbornì nazývá kraválem, pak šáhnìte po BILK. - CZECHCORE


Iz nuklearne elektrane gospodina Munlija (Moonlee Records) smještene u pitoresknom slovenskom gradiæu Solkanu stiže nam prvi domaæi cd obogaæen uranom. Ostali sastojci prvijenca ove zagrebaèke trojke obuhvaæaju par kila sirove fanki drambe pirjane na masnom basu uz stalno podlijevanje temeljcem od lelujavih gitara i sekvenciranih klavijatura. Djelovanje je isprva naglo, usmjereno na razdrmavanje bokova, no na drugo nepce osjeti se duboidni aftertaste. Služiti glasno, uz domaæu marihuanu! - KLIK Magazin

"BILK: 'This BILK is Radioactive'"

Kod najave nastupa Bilk organizatori koriste višesložne definicije tipa "Breakbeatpostrockindie trio" da bi istaknuli kako bend svira složenu glazbu. I zbilja je tako. Za domaæu scenu, Bilk su neka vrsta anomalije, no njihovu je glazbu sasvim jednostavno opisati - u pitanju je elektronika s pravom ritam sekcijom. Tu leži najveæa vrlina benda, bez obzira bila glazba puna elemenata breakbeata, drum 'n' bassa, duba ili èak math rocka, kao u uvodnoj 'Beyonce', oni je sviraju s zavidnom vještinom i sve se stapa u jednu èvrstu i poprilièno logiènu cjelinu. Na bas i bubanj je nakalemljena povremena gitara i cijelo more razlièitih syntheva pa mi zbilja nije jasno kako oni funkcioniraju uživo kao trojac. No što se samog albuma tièe to je dosad možda najuspješnije realizirano izdanje Moonlee Recordsa, ostvarenje kojemu se s tehnièke strane nema što prigovoriti - album je besprijekorno produciran i odsviran i definitivno je iznad standarda hrvatskog undergrounda èiji vrhunac Moonlee u zadnjih godinu dana od svog osnutka zapravo pokušava predstaviti. Jedina mana albuma je što se unatoè izvrsnim stvarima poput singla 'Objects' ili furiozne 'Phantom' neki dijelovi albuma doimaju proraèunatima i pretehnièkima tako da ne znam hoæu li nakon ovih nekoliko slušanja uopæe imati potrebu ikad više poslušati ovaj album. To je s ovakvom "matematièkom" glazbom ionako èest sluèaj stoga Bilk zaslužuju mali popust i pola ocjene više. Možda album nema neku emocionalnu dubinu, no s tehnièke strane ovo je vrh za kojeg sumnjam da æe ovakva glazba u nas ponovo dosegnuti. - Monitor


this BILK is radioactive (Moonlee Records)



BILK were formed in Zagreb (Croatia) in 1999. by high school friends Janko Novoselic, Tin Oberman, Miroslav Piskulic and Luka Vrbanic. After many experiments the unstable line-up got reduced to the steady and dedicated drums, bass, guitar&synth base.

By the end of 2005 Mr. Moonlee proposed them a record deal. BILK went to the legendary Kozmo Studio in Zagreb and recorded their debut album called "This BILK is Radioactive" which was released in March 2006 by Moonlee Records with Marko Pelaic as producer.

Their heuristic approach enabled them to produce a brilliant album featuring a sound unheard in this area before. The groove, coming out of their drums, bass, synthesizers and guitar is built from various music styles melted into a breakbeat mass of pure positive energy. You will get caught by the flow of melodies and beats, until you start nodding your head thinking "yes, this is it!"

In Autumn 2006 Janko, the drummer and one of the founders, decided to leave the band. Luckily, it didn't take long for Cipal to jump in and provide the funk BILK needs. Now, BILK is richer for one dalmatian chef who started his drum career back in 90's in a croatian cult band - Zidar Betonsky. A few years ago he moved to Zagreb and played in many croatian mainstream projects.

BILK live act wouldn't be complete without two members that give the powerfull and raw BILK music that special final audio-visual touch. Damir Babojelic as sound engineer and real-time producer and VJ guest artist creating new and exciting environments for trio on stage as well as the audience.

This BILK is Radioactive and after listening to it for a while - unable to stop dancing and shaking, moving and tapping you might feel cursed. Your muscles will ache like never before and there will be a big smile spread over your face. Nothing will ever be like it was before. You will be cursed. It's black BILK science! You have been warned!