Black Bellamy
Gig Seeker Pro

Black Bellamy

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Band Rock


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The Lanchysteria EP
1. I'll Come Down
2. Another Level
3. Comin' to Get Me

Black Bellamy
1. Mistrust
2. All the Books
3. In My Element
4. Never Again
5. No Pleasure
6. One Foot Down



Based in the Lancaster and Philadelphia, PA area, founded in the Adirondacks of Upstate NY. Black Bellamy shifts gears from heavier riff rock to catchy pop rock, always staying true to the thoughtful melodies and intricate rhythms that define their style. Dual frontman Jon Keeney and Ben Groff bring their unique vocal styles to the set as they split it between Guitar/Vocals and Drums. Ackerman's steady, soulful bassplaying and Raymond's lead guitar versatility bring the Black Bellamy sound to fruition.