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Bróðir Svartúlfs - Bróðir Svartúlfs EP (2009)

Bróðir Svartúlfs is the spawn of five different ideas. The collaboration began in September of 2008
and it came as a surprise to each band member how well tuned in to each other they were, especially
when taking into consideration each members musical background.
The idea of rap over live music has for many years been considered somewhat questionable and
even repugnant at times and even though Bróðir Svartúlfs may sound strange at first, the music
gradually wins you over with every listen. Band members show great audacity with this fusion of
theirs and have equal faith in it and it clearly shines through. If the songs are examined closely one
can find the unlikeliest of influences such as Tom waits, Mugison, Primus, Sigur Rós, Nick Cave, Dr.
Spock and Tool without the band loosing their sound.
Many people have tried to place the band in some form of genre but an agreeable conclusion hasn't
been found yet.The band members don't really care much for such labeling and thus float around
without direction which has only delivered colorful music so far.
The band participated in the Icelandic "Music Experiments" or Músíktilraunir 2009 and walked away
with the victory. Following that excellent performance the wheels started turning .
Their firstborn, the self-titled EP album, was born in october that same year and four out of six songs
got considerable radioplay. Icelandic critics all agreed that here was a unique band surfacing that
music-devotees should please keep an eye out for. Bróðir Svartúlfs was there to stay.
Recently the band has been working hard to both write new songs but also polish that charectaristic
sound of theirs. What once was experimental (and at times random) risk has now become a well
thought out, solid and unique craft. The formula for the sound of Bróðir Svartúlfs is now solved after
many months of rigorous brainteasing.
Today the boys are working on their first album in full length and has that project proceeded
expectations. In the year that has passed since the EP came out the band has evolved and prospered
in every aspect and one can truly say that good things are to come.