Brothers Or Not
Gig Seeker Pro

Brothers Or Not

Band Rock Rock


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This band has not uploaded any videos




Brothers Or Not aren’t exactly re-inventing the wheel, they have a certain air of confidence that somewhat carries the music. “I Found The Remedy” is catchy as hell, with everything sounding incredibly clean and the vocals being quite blemishless. Actually, blemishless actually sums up the release. Each track is a pop rock nugget, with a catchy chorus, a youthful swagger and perfect production. If this sounds like something you’d like, you’re probably right. Brothers Or Not provide the perfect EP for any casual summer listening. However, where Brothers Or Not fall down a little, is their lack of distinct personality. Due to each aspect of the record being over produced, and quite incredibly clean, it’s a little bit like the band’s personality is being smothered. If Brothers Or Not maybe spent a little less time on the record, they could establish their own unique sound which would make them that bit better. Let’s not take away from their high points however; the vocals are very strong, and the band definitely have a natural flair for penning and performing a great pop song. -


Brothers or Not EP (self-titled) - 2012



After years of touring in various bands until we were broke and sick of it, the four of us found ourselves in Austin settling in. It didn't take long to decide that we couldn't waste the opportunity to play together. Brother or Not started as a night to crank it up and swap stories, but as it turns out, years of experience make for a great sound and great songs. This time, we get to enjoy it.