Gig Seeker Pro


Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil | Established. Jan 01, 2011

Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil
Established on Jan, 2011
Band Rock




"With diverse influences, hardcore from the band Cadibóde is successful outside of DF"

The sound has influences from Ratos de Porão, Galinha Preta, Violator and a lot of Raimundos. The lyrics are inspired by the brega of Adelino Nascimento, Frankito Lopes and Wander Wildner. In the cauldron, there is still space for NOFX and Bad Religion punk, mixed with the sound of newer bands like Pidou, Fidlar and Cerebral Ballzy. In addition to all this, there is an appreciation for drinks with a high alcohol content. Believe it or not, the unlikely combination of diverse and volatile elements has worked for the hardcore Brazilian band Cadibóde.

Formed in 2011 by childhood friends, the band today has Pedro Cacaes (guitar), Paulo Pidou (bass), Bruno Bolhão (vocals), André de Toca (guitar) and Matheus Micuim (drums). “As we already had experience in playing together, things flowed naturally and we tried to reproduce the sound we wanted to hear, but nobody did it. We started our career with a job that was the starting point for a series of shows in Brasília and also in some cities in the rest of Brazil. One of the most important shows of that time was in São Carlos (SP). That was when our songs entered the programming for an online radio, Good Stuff ”, reported guitarist Pedro Cacaes, in an interview with Correio.

Among the main moments of the first years of the band, are the participation in Porão do Rock 2013 and the invitation to open the Dead Fish show, at Circo Voador, last year. “In the beginning everything was fun - we invaded UnB, plugged the sound into any outlet and called the local bands and bands to play too”, recalled the guitarist, adding that the best moment of the group was to have spent a week in São Paulo , at producer Lampadinha's house, recording the album Getting crazy is awesome. “It really hit something there on all of us, like, 'That's it! This is how I want to live my life ’".


The producer Lampadinha appeared in the life of the band in a very informal way. “He listened, got in touch, got on a plane, made a barbecue for us at Bolhão's house and we signed a contract. All this watered with a lot of cane ”, admitted Pedro. Despite the relaxed atmosphere, the band admits that it was necessary to evolve and, therefore, the process ended up being a little dramatic, leading to the departure of the band's first drummer, who decided to give other priorities to life.
After the band got together, things started to mesh, with the single Aparecido besta fera reaching the first place in the category Best national music, on a program by Rádio Rock de São Paulo; sponsorships by brands that have helped the band, a show to launch the album at the Carioca Club with Raimundos; and physical and online sales of the album Ficar doido é fei, available on streaming platforms.

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"Hardcore and cachaça: discover the sound of the brazilian band Cadibóde"

Formed in 2011 in Brasília, Cadibóde has attracted attention within the national hardcore scene. With the support of people like producer Agildo Lásaro - better known as Lampadinha, a childhood nickname that the Sorocaban carries to this day - and guitarist Marquim (Raimundos), who recorded the solo for the track “Vida Lascada”, the band released in March the album Ficar Doido é Fei !, by the label Casa do Lampadinha.

"You don't believe that guys can play so well by drinking as much as they drink," says music producer Lampadinha without hiding his laughter. Formed by musicians Paulo Fernando (bass), Bruno Eduardo (vocals), Micuim (drums), Pedro Cacaes and Pedro Rosa (guitar), the group was born from the encounter of bands from the not so effervescent emo scene of the 2000s. “We were tired that whole shit of crying. You know? Nobody wanted to continue playing all those clichés ”, confesses Cacaes.

For the Cadibóde guitarist, another important factor for the musical maturity of the group was the recordings at Casa do Lampadinha, which took place over a week in 2014. “This gave a great direction in our career. We never had such a responsibility before. It was very good for the improvement of our sound ”, comments the musician.

Lampadinha tells Rolling Stone Brasil to be impressed with the originality of the sound. “When I first heard Cadibóde, something that caught my attention was their authenticity. The guys are everything they sing in the songs, which is hard to see today. ”

Cacaes also believes that the occasion resulted in not only an exchange of musical knowledge, but also a handful of good stories, all watered with cachaça. The musicians do not make a point of hiding their strong appreciation for Brazilian cane spirit. Lampadinha remembers, nostalgically, a specific moment of the recordings with Cadibóde. “As soon as they arrived, Bolhão (Bruno Eduardo) turned to me and said he wanted to have a drink that only exists here in São Paulo. The first that came to my mind was Fogo Paulista liqueur. Then he left the studio and came back with a whole bottle and took a few drinks while recording the vocals. Of course, he got really drunk, but the recordings were great! ”

After visiting Raimundos Rock Fest, which took place at the beginning of March at the Carioca Club in São Paulo, the group now plans to travel around Brazil to continue promoting the work. “We want to play everywhere. From the north to the south of the country, in a big and small show, it doesn't matter. We just want to show people our sound ”, says Cacaes with enthusiasm. According to the guitarist, one of the group's great dreams is to receive sponsorship from some brand of cachaça. Among many, the Pernambuco Pitú is the favorite. “If you put that in the story, I can send it to them and try sponsorship. Come on, ”he jokes.

Listen to the album Ficar Doido É Fei !, by the band Cadibóde. - GABRIEL NUNES


The best of hardcore with Cadibóde

The strength of hardcore has always dominated Brasília. And in this basement, who best represented this was the great Cadibóbe. The group is very good on stage and designed the presentation perfectly. In addition to standard strokes for the genre, such as "Cruz Credo", "Cheiracolagem" and "Zé Intriga", they knew how to enjoy the screen very well, with animations for each song in the repertoire. Highlight for Bolhão's vocals - who went to the crowd - and for the lyrics of "My sister is really Bob Marley" and "Esquisito Suado". Whoever can, check it out! - Bruno Eduardo

"PORÃO DO ROCK 2018, BRASÍLIA / DF (29/09/2018)"

CadibódE was another Hardcore band chosen for Porão and managed to maintain the excitement of the audience with its more direct and aggressive sound. I liked the footprint and the direct riffs that the band plays. It's all right in the face and without much frills.

Promoting its latest release “Ficar Doido é Fei”, the group has been doing good tours around the country, which helped in the integration and the “tranquility” of playing and moving around the stage. At times, I noticed some arrangements and footprints more influenced by Heavy Metal as well.

The band commented and thanked all the partners who support the scene, in addition to the fans and friends present. His last song featured an "invasion" of guests, closing the set well. - Victor Augusto

"Aggressive Pau Pôdi and CadibódE: going full blast after touring the Southeast"

Aggressive Pau Pôdi and Cadibóde continue in full swing. After a successful tour of more than five cities in the Southeast in June, concerts in Porão do Rock, another tour of five cities in the DF along with the miners of Traste, the two sister bands are now launching a split. It is the EP of three songs Josh, in which one band re-recorded one song from the other and together they composed and recorded an unreleased track. All recorded by producer Pedro Tavares, in studio 1234, owned by him. Among more than 20 options, Cadibóde chose to re-record “Babilônia” by Aggressive Pau Pôdi, which is part of the first album of the cannabis hardcore quartet.

Aggressive Pau Pôdi and CadibódE: going full throttle after touring the Southeast
Aggressive Pau Pôdi and Cadibóde continue in full swing. After a successful tour of more than five cities in the Southeast in June, concerts in Porão do Rock, another tour of five cities in the DF together with the miners of Traste, the two sister bands now launch a split. It is the EP of three songs Josh, in which one band re-recorded one song from the other and together they composed and recorded an unreleased track. All recorded by producer Pedro Tavares, in studio 1234, owned by him. Among more than 20 options, Cadibóde chose to re-record “Babilônia” by Aggressive Pau Pôdi, which is part of the first album by the cannabis hardcore quartet.

“Babilônia is a tribute to Edson Gomes' music, and we wanted to pay tribute to him too,” explains Cacaes, from Cadibóde. Aggressive, on the other hand, chose “Eu Sei Você Vai Querer” from Cadibóde's second album, Ficar Doido é Fêi, from 2016. According to APP bassist Gabriel Veloso, the choice was very natural. “It's a really cool song and Cadibode isn't even playing anymore, we thought it would be good to record that sound with a pinch of podi stick, of course.”, He says good-naturedly.

The idea of ​​making the split came from Aggressive Pau Pôdi guitarist Leandro Drosa, who is a fan of this release format so used by hardcore and punk rock bands around the world. “Since I was a kid, I enjoy this split wave, several bands that made me like HC have already done it, as well as other bands here in Brasília. And our connection with Cadibóde has been strong since Agressivo started, so it was almost impossible for this not to happen ”, guarantees Drosa. But of course the tour they did together in June this year was also a factor that brought the two bands even closer together.

“I have no doubts, if the name Josh wouldn't be on the tour, it wouldn't even exist”, confesses the guitarist of Aggressive Pau Pôdi. The seemingly meaningless name came up innocently during one of the car trips on the Southeast tour, when Cadibóde frontman Bruno Bolhão said he shouted “Josh”, live, before some songs to imitate / honor the guitarist and Violator's lead singer, Pôney, who actually screams “Thrash”, before and during some songs at the band's concerts. The story became a joke between the members of the two bands on the road days they spent together. And it peaked at the last show of Cadibóde on that same tour, in Franca / SP, when it was discovered that one of the kids who were accompanying the show was nicknamed Josh. “Old man, that was crazy. The show was insanity, inside a very crowded pub, with a very crowded crowd and broadcast live on Instagram. A beautiful full viewing. Then when we found out that one of the kids who was freaking out on the show was called Josh, fate showed that this inside joke deserved to win the world, ”says Cacaes.

The two bands are now preparing for a Northeast tour, "The idea is to play every day to make the tour sustainable and reach as many places as possible, in past tours we always have local companies that believe in this madness, like Tabaccaria Aladdin and Burger Island, is now trying to find more partners to make the project possible. " says Cacaes, predicting the launch of the Northeast tour for the end of December. - MAYKON KJELLIN


Cadibode - Full Album - 2012
FIcar Doido É Fêi - Full Album - 2016



Cadibóde appeared in December 2011 with the strong influence of bands from the scene of the Federal District of Brazil.

The band released its first CD in 2012 with 10 tracks, gaining recognition from the local scene and opening doors to major festivals in Brasília and abroad. In 2016 it released its second full album entitled "Ficar Doido É Fêi" produced and recorded by Lampadinha, winner of 5 Grammys, in São Paulo.  With the new material the band went through all regions of the country promoting their sound, in addition to major festivals such as Porão do Rock in Brasília / DF and Garage Sounds in Fortaleza/ CE.

With strong influences of more progressive and experimental sounds, CadibodE shows with the new work a compilation of more than 3 years of production among national tours and rehearsals.