Chad Gentry
Gig Seeker Pro

Chad Gentry

Band Christian Pop


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Perfect God EP - Produced by Zodlounge
1. You Chose Me (current radio release)
2. Found
3. Perfect God



Chad Gentry is a simple man with a simple message – find out what God wants you to do & do it!!! For the last decade he has been singing, playing, and writing music in hopes of encouraging Christians to take the time to reflect on their personal relationship with God. Chad says, “We get so busy with our day to day activities that we forget to spend time growing our relationship with Christ and evaluating where we are in our lives.” Chad understands that we are all sinners and that we need Christ. He knows that before we can grow in our own lives we need to be honest about where we are. What is going well? What do we need to change? What can we be thankful for? What do we need to take responsibility for? And what do we need to take to Jesus? “Jesus came so that we could have abundant lives. But we can easily miss the life He wants for us and settle for something less because we don’t take time to even consider His plan. I know how easy it is to just settle.” Chad admits. “I don’t want to be concerned with what people want and expect from me… I want to be concerned with what God wants and expects from me.”

Chad is thankful that God continues to give him opportunities that stretch him and remind him that he needs the One who gave him life. He understands that God chose him and wants to use him. Chad’s first radio single, You Chose Me, is a response to Acts 17:25 “And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.” His lyrics ask the question –

What if You chose the wind and the rain?
What if You chose to tell the mountains what to say?
What if You chose to teach the oceans how to pray?
But in all Your sovereignty, You chose me.

A simple man with a simple message. His music is inspiring, his message is encouraging and his heart is full of gratitude. His energy is contagious and his desire to serve is unmistakable. Whether Chad Gentry is leading worship for the high school department at Fellowship Bible Church in Brentwood, TN, doing a concert at a Community church in KY, or working as a recruiter for a middle Tennessee automotive business, Chad’s desire is to be the same man with the same plan – find out what God wants you to do and do it!!!

Please contact Chad Gentry Music by email at or by phone at