Gig Seeker Pro


Band World Adult Contemporary


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The best kept secret in music


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1999 - "Som de Caráter Urbano e de Salão" - Sheik Tosado (Trama)
2004 - "Um Só" - China (EMI)
2007 - "Simulacro" - China (Candeeiro Records)
2008 - MTV Apresenta Sintonizando Recife (Universal Records)



Flávio Augusto Dornelas Câmara
Rua Samuel Campelo, 260, apt.1201, Espinheiro, Recife-PE, 52050-041.
Fones: (81) 32417851 / (81) 87776701
Data de Nascimento: 09.11.1979
Nacionalidade: Brasileiro
RG:4792661 - SSP PE
CPF: 011 714 484 30

Área de Atuação/

 World Music and Musical Production

Resume of Abilities

 Vocals on his own band “China”
 Vocals on “Del Rey”
 Composer
 Produtor musical com habilidade técnica em softwares de gravação (Pro Tools, Reason e Ableton Live).
 Experiência em produção e gravação de trilhas sonoras para TV, cinema e desfiles de moda/ Musical Prod for TV, Movies, fashion shows

Musical Bio

In 1997 he founded the Band “Sheik Tosado”, which resulte don the CD “Som de Caráter Urbano e de Salão”, launched by Trama records, in Brasil and in Japan, in 1999. With this band he played in the main music festivals around the country; he made a musical tour with the band “Plebe Rude” around Rio the Janeiro, São Paulo and Porto Alegre.
In 2002, with the end of the band “Sheik Tosado”, he started a solo work and recorded his first solo album, entitled “Um só”, which has been produced bu Dado Villa-Lobos e launched by EMI records. Since than, he began a serires of presentations in music festivals and music halls in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
Back to his home town, Recife, he started a partnership with Mombojó, writing songs and composing for them. After that they created the band `Del Rey`, remaking songs of Roberto Carlos. At the same time, he produced his second solo album, `Simulacro`, launched by Candeeiro records in 2007.
With the new band, Del Rey, he performed on many places at the local music scene and after that at the Circo Voador, in Rio de Janeiro and at FNAC in São Paulo.
With the begining of his new solo career, he took special participations in other bands and artists. Among them, Claudionor Germano, Silverio Pessoa, Ademir Araujo, Carlos Dafe, B Negão, Thalma Freitas, and others.
Now, China is about to gain the VMB (Vídeo Music Brasil), an important national music contest, produced by the brazilian MTV.

Apresentação em Festivais e Eventos de Relevância

Sheik Tosado
 1998, 1999 e 2000 - Abril pro Rock – PE.
 1998 - Festival Mundão – SP.
 1998 - Festival de Inverno de Garanhuns - PE .
 1999 - Festival Nordestes - SP (com a participação de Wally Salomão).
 - Circuito SESC – SP (Pompéia, Interlagos, Itaquera, Vila Mariana e Belenzinho)
 1999 - Porão do Rock – DF.
 2001 - Rock in Rio III – RJ.
 - Circuito SESC – SP (Pompéia, Interlagos, Itaquera, Vila Mariana e Belenzinho)

Del Rey
 2006 – Vivo Open Air – São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro.
 2006 – Recbeat – PE.
 2007 – Tim Festival – RJ.
 2008 - Convenção do canal de TV a cabo Telecine, Itaparica – BA.

Solo – China
 2002 e 2004 – Humaitá pra Peixe – RJ.
 2004 – MADA – RN.
 2006 – RecBeat – PE.
 -RecifeOiFashion - PE
 -Crioulina-DF
 -SescPompéia - SP


 1999 - "Som de Caráter Urbano e de Salão" - Sheik Tosado (Trama)
 2004 - "Um Só" - China (EMI)
 2007 - "Simulacro" - China (Candeeiro Records)
2008 - MTV Apresenta Sintonizando Recife (Universal Records)


 1999 - "Toda Casa Tem um Pouco de África" - Sheik tosado (Dir. David Bartex)
 1999 - "Repente Envenenado" - Sheik Tosado (Dir. Lírio Ferreira)
 2000 - "Sheik Tosado" - Sheik tosado (Dir. Trama)
 2007 - "Canção Que Não Morre no Ar" - China (Dir. Eric Laurence)

Participations and partnerships with other bands

 1999 - Coletânea "Baião de Viramundo", música "Assum preto" de Luiz Gonzaga e
Humberto Teixeira, com o Sheik Tosado (Candeeiro Records).
 -"Devotos", disco da banda Devotos, música, "Camarada", (Rockit!)
 2008 - "Frevo do Mundo", Música "Oh Bela" de Capiba, produzida pelo Sunga Trio e interpretada por China (Candeeiro Records)
 - "Tem juízo mas não usa"dodiscodocompositorLulaQueiroga),música"MangaGraviolaeHortelã"Independente
 2008 – “Labiata”, disco do músico Lenine, música, "Excesso, exceto" de Lenine e Arnaldo Antunes, (Warner).

Musics of China performed and recorded by other

 2001 - Esquento Barracão – disco solo de Leandro Leart (e