Bogotá, Bogota D.C., Colombia | SELF
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Still working on that hot first release.

Colectro an electronic musical group humanely, born in 2005 in the city of Bogotá and its roots go back to the Colombian Caribbean coast, where living under the same sky scenarios shared working separately on various projects, Absalom - progressive metal sticks and stones , Jazz Fusion.
Back in Bogotá is important to the camaraderie between them, the capital is a difficult city to live and that's how they start the meetings at which it heard from folk music to contemporary jazz, which are diluted and assumed gender music as a universal language. After much searching through the jammin, evening play an important role and this is how they decide to go and visit places taking this experience as a style reference.
The group was created as a musical project other than common in their lineup including two bass, guitar, drums and vocals, in circumstances that occur naturally, the project mutated in the recording process, including the didgeridoo (ritual instrument Australian), keyboards and programming, all under the cool shade of Colombian folk music (millet, cheerful, caller, drum, maraca and gouache), and in addition to the culture that wants Colectro brings to the music as part of art.
In late 2006 the band recorded their first promotional production called "Natural Groove" Colectro formed a task force in the city of Barranquilla where we could develop several interesting ideas, including the completion of their first promotional video "Goddess in my mind "which was recorded under the auspices of the Universidad del Norte in conjunction with other sponsors. The locations chosen were the city of Barranquilla and the town of Puerto Colombia.
During 2007 - 2008 Colectro made promotional appearances at the national level that allow you to consolidate a large group of fans in cities across the country, focusing this effort in the cities of Barranquilla and Bogota. Completing the 2008 participating in a band contest in South and Central America by becoming creditors to second place prize.
In 2009 participating in the call made by the Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra creditors making first place in the category New Trends, In the same year he managed to make a pre-production on his first commercial CD, whose single is called "Mahi" and the in 2010 which involved representatives of Colombian Music Costas category in the convening of the Bogotá Philharmonic Orchestra, and the like, who is good to repeat again and otherwise, are creditors to the stimulus given by the Philharmonic.
Then in July of this year Colectro taking over from the mayor of the city of Barranquilla, competitive examination, the resolution makes the scholarship winners awarded by the Portfolio of Incentives 2010 in the category I encourage the production of records with which managed to build its first commercial CD "La Tambora Acid and Machiavellian" which will be ready by mid-December 2010.