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Corazon Latino – Desde Barranquilla 2008, costenadebarranquilla-Records

Corazon Latino is a collaboration between Columbian and Swiss musicians to bring the best of Columbian folk music to the world. Using traditional Columbian instruments and infectious beats, Corazon Latino seems to be a hit with every crowd the play in front of. On their second record, 2008’s Desde Barranquilla engages the listener with a mix of traditional Columbian sounds and an almost singer-songwriter personability. The CD is a smash.

It’s so easy to forget how wonderfully rich Latin music history is with sound and rhythm in light of the popularization of genre killing styles such as the Americanized Reggaeton. Corazon Latino shows how rhythm brings life to music without becoming the sole point. Desde Barranquilla opens with Dejate Mirar, mixing classic rhythms and an almost pop sensibility. Vocalist Gloria Velandia is amazing here, and the song has a real sense of inertia that makes you want to get up and dance. OBA follows with vocals that will melt your speakers in an unforgettable performance. Un Rayo De Luz sounds more like a pop tune with Latin Rhythms. The melody is very memorable and almost floats into the poppy chorus. Mentiras continues the quasi-popular music leaning on Desde Barranquilla, with easy soulful vocals and an almost jazz flavor dancing along beneath the surface. Other highlights include Un Beso En La Luna, No and Costena De Barranquilla.

Desde Barranquilla is a great introduction to the traditional sounds and rhythms of Colombia. It probably helps if you understand Spanish, but as a non-speaker I still found this highly enjoyable. Fans of Paul Simons' Rhythm Of The Saints will find a lot to love here, as will folks who are open to world music. The CD is fantastic. Highly recommended.
- Wildy's World

"Yummy yum yum!"

Yummy yum yum!

Desde Barranquilla - Corazon Latino

Whew, I feel brand new after listening to this. So much good music out there and this group is surely doing it’s part to make sure we’re not left wanting in the good music department. All the guest vocalists on this album are perfectly placed. With traditional instruments and vocal arrangements, this album sports an Afro Cuban feel that is light but packs serious talent. All parts fit together nicely with nothing outshining the other. Chants are nestled nicely into rhythmic grooves and then BAM outta nowhere comes a gripping horn on track ‘Oba’. Another suprising twist on this album is ‘Mentiras’. Is it soul? Is it Jazz? Is it world? Yes, it’s all of these things. Corazon Latino are all of these things. Their music is a party and we’re all invited!
Corazon Latino is a partnership of musicians from Colombia and Switzerland. DESDE BARRANQUILLA is their second album and it brings listeners the sound of the Colombian coast using a rich mix of traditional instruments, infectious rhythms and original songs composed by the group. - By: Mut Asheru

"CD Review: Corazon Latino - Desde Barranquilla"

Corazon Latino is a partnership of musicians from Colombia and Switzerland. Desde Barranquilla is their second album and it brings listeners the sound of the Colombian coast using a rich mix of traditional instruments, infectious rhythms and original songs composed by the group. This acoustic album is a breath of fresh, infectious music as good as the aroma of just-brewed Colombian coffee.


11 tracks of infectious, acoustic Colombian music
Co-produced by A. Bopp,Sebastian Brunner, Einar Sten Escaf
Released by Suisa
Guide Review - CD Review: Corazon Latino - Desde Barranquilla

There's a lot of great music coming out of Colombia these days, but sometimes the desire to appeal to a broad, international audience strips the sound of Colombia from the music.
So it's a little surprising that Corazon Latino, a conglomerate of Swiss & Colombian musicians, should give us an album that retains so much of the country's local flavor while delivering a fairly modern album of songs, newly written by members of the group.

But that's just what they do in Desde Barranquilla. With rhythms like cumbia, traditional Colombian instruments, an acoustic sound without alot of studio manipulation, the album is an unexpected, infectious pleasure.

As much great music as there is coming out of Colombia these days, not much of it really resounds with the native sounds of the country or uses indigenous Colombian instruments - with the notable of exception of Carlos Vives and Aterciopelados. That makes it doubly rewarding to review an album like Desde Barranquilla which is full of these elements.
Corazon Latino is the brainchild of Andy Bopp, a Swiss musician who has brought together talent from both Colombia and Switzerland to form the group. Bopp has enlisted the help of Einar Escal, straight from Carlos Vives' group, to co-produce. The vocals feature Sebastian Enrique and Gloria Velandia; the instrumental mix includes tres, bombardino, gaita and a host of native percussion.

With this background of traditional Colombian instrumentation, the songs are new, written by founder Bopp and members of the group. A mix of cumbia, son, boleros and other rhythms, the songs are fresh and approachable.

In this age of overproduced, synthetic and electronic music, Desde Baranquilla is acoustic, with rich, folkloric coros and a breezy, coastal flavor. If you close your eyes, you can almost feel yourself sitting in a Colombian cafe, savoring your coffee as you are serenaded by a great local group.

Great acoustic music with traditional Colombian instruments
Irresistable, danceable track "En Amargura"

- Tijana Ilich,

"Kolumbianisch-karibische Mischungen"

20.11.2007; Seite 30

Für ihre zweite CD «Desde Barranquilla» nahmen Corazón Latino in Kolumbien aufregende und farbige Sound-Mixturen auf entstanden ist ein stilistisch vielfältiges Album.
hans keller

Barranquilla an der Karibikküste im Norden Kolumbiens gehört zu den Millionenstädten des Landes und liegt unweit des historisch bedeutenden, schönen Cartagena. An der Karibikküste entwickelten sich zwei der wichtigsten kolumbianischen Musikstile: der Vallenato und die Cumbia. Bei Ersterem handelt es sich um eine akkordeonlastige, melodiöse Festmusik und Tanzschaffe, die so aktuell ist wie eh und je, während Letztere mit ihrer eigenwilligen, Shuffle-artigen Synkopierung in Kolumbien selbst etwas in den Hintergrund gerückt ist, jedoch witzigerweise in anderen westlateinamerikanischen Staaten samt Argentinien geradezu Urständ feiert.
Wer all diese Sounds richtig erleben will, muss die Karibikküste Kolumbiens mit ihrer grossen Varietät an Rhythmen besuchen, zumal dorthin sozusagen übers Meer auch die Musiken Kubas, Jamaikas und der Dominikanischen Republik dringen aus dieser sozusagen als Antwort auf den Vallenato vor allem das Tempo-Teufel-Akkordeon des Merengue Tipico.
Der Schweizer Andy Bopp, die kolumbianische Sängerin Gloria Velandia und deren Sohn Sebastian Brunner bilden den harten Kern von Corazón Latino. Sie begaben sich mit vorproduzierten Songs nach Barranquilla, um sich von diesem Schnittpunkt der Musiken bei den Aufnahmen inspirieren zu lassen. Herausgekommen ist mit «Desde Barranquilla» eine CD, die sich in kein festes Latino-Raster zwängen lässt, sondern ganz dem kolumbianischen Karibik-Feeling entsprechend diverse stilistische Strukturen bedient.
Am ehesten sind die Bestrebungen von Corazón Latino auf diesem neuen Set mit der Panlatino-Vorgehensweise des grossen dominikanischen Musikers Juan Luis Guerra zu vergleichen, der Merengue, Bachata, Canciones und Trova aus seinem Umfeld nebeneinanderstellt und dabei auch stets musikalisch nach Haiti hinüberschielt, den anderen Teil von Hispaniola. Es kommt nicht von ungefähr, dass «Dejate Mirar» als der erste «Desde Barranquilla»-Song ein Vallenato mit einer «sweet melody» ist und etwas nach Guerra tönt. Andy Bopp outet sich denn auch als Fan des Meisters, dem er Anregungen und Inspirationen verdankt. Ansonsten aber gehen Corazón Latino eigene Wege, zumal sie technisch gesehen gediegen akustisch bleiben. Keine pompösen Backbeats und dergleichen. Vallenatos stehen hier zwangslos neben Son, der in «Mentiras» als synkopiert schreitende, in einen Cha Cha Cha ausgeformte Guajira daherkommt. «Oba» wiederum kombiniert Son-Elemente mit Cumbia-Shuffle-Rhythmik. Corazón Latino hatten in Barranquilla Kontakt zum versierten Produzenten Einar Escaf aufgenommen, der die Vorproduktionen von Bopp bearbeitete, wobei die Stücke im Studio dann oft nochmals umarrangiert wurden. Typisch für die entstandenen Mixturen ist zum Beispiel das transparent mit Vallenato-Akkordeon-Tupfern und geschäftiger Perkussion begleitete, von Gloria Velandias ausdruckstarker Stimme getragene «Un Beso en la Luna».
Die kolumbianischen Musiker seien von der Experimentierfreudigkeit während der Aufnahmen angetan gewesen und angesteckt worden, erzählt Andy Bopp, der mit «Desde Barranquilla» eine für Schweizer Verhältnisse in jeder Beziehung herausragende Latino-Produktion geschaffen hat.
Corazón Latino Desde Barranquilla. Zu beziehen über die Website
- Aargauer Zeitung / MLZ


available on:
mp3 downloads in major shops like "itunes".



Corazon Latino is a partnership of musicians from Colombia and Switzerland. DESDE BARRANQUILLA is their second album and it brings listeners the sound of the Colombian coast using a rich mix of traditional instruments, infectious rhythms and original songs composed by the group.

CORAZON LATINO is playing latin music that takes its listeners beyond traditional settings. Even though they use very traditional or even folkloric elements to add flavor to their music, CORAZON LATINO always mixes soundcolours, rhythms and songstructures the way they feel it sounds good. Gloria Velandia and Andy Bopp have been the heart of CORAZON LATINO since 2002. For many years they worked together starting up as a local fun project turning into an internationally renowned band. Sebastian Enrique joined them on their so far most ambitious recording project DESDE BARRANQUILLA where they worked with some of the best musicians in tropical and latin-pop music. With open minds and open ears they approached their songs, searching for what they consider to be the essence of music: the CORAZON (Heart)

Their music moves between the pop and blues culture and hot carribean rhythms. Their collaboration on DESDE BARRANQUILLA with Einar Escaf was a perfect choice. Einar had already worked with Carlos Vives co-producing the famous mixture of Vallenato and Rockelements. On DESDE BARRANQUILLA they turn out to be a great team naturally combining colombian, carribean and songwriting pop elements.


Winner of the Kuratoriumprice of Kanton Aargau 2007

Track OBA
1. is IMA FINALIST for Latinsong of the Year 2008
2. is the Winner of the Global Rhythm magazine/ Sonic Bids Song contest for March 2008.
3. is selected Track on Compilation: Afrobeat Cafe Volume 2

Track Mentiras:
Music Independence Summit Connection CD Compilation Vol. 2

Radios that informed us that they play our music:

Radio Swiss Pop (Playlist), Switzerland
WJFN Showcase Internet Radio Show USA
Kamlegaze Radio (Playlist) USA
Radio WJFN-FM Oldies 99.7 - Special USA

Track EN AMARGURA is the Winner of Diaspora for Africa Compilation Vol.3

CD Critiques:

"This acoustic album is a breath of fresh, infectious music as good as the aroma of just-brewed Colombian coffee."
Tijana Illich -

"Whew, I feel brand new after listening to this... All the guest vocalists on this album are perfectly placed. With traditional instruments and vocal arrangements, this album sports an Afro Cuban feel that is light but packs serious talent. All parts fit together nicely with nothing outshining the other... Is it soul? Is it Jazz? Is it world? Yes, it’s all of these things. Corazon Latino are all of these things. Their music is a party and we’re all invited!"
Mut Asheru from "Unsigned The Magazine"

" jeder Beziehung herausragende Latino-Produktion..."
Mittellandzeitung 20.11.2007