Dane Estok
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Dane Estok

Nashville, Tennessee, United States | SELF

Nashville, Tennessee, United States | SELF
Band Pop Acoustic


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"On Deck"

Up-and-coming Nashville-based singer/songwriter who’s just released a debut EP boasting a great sound. Check out the track “Semiautomatic Kind of Love.” - Hits Daily Double

"What Gets Us Stoned"

Everyone has a story, something to overcome. If anyone has come out on the other side, it is singer/songwriter Dane Estok - Manhattan Via Van Vision

"Dane Estok"

Nashville new comer Dane Estok just released his first EP. - Kings of A&R


'Dane Estok' EP released December 2010



"Often times, when it comes to the music industry, the things that come to mind are women, sex, and drugs. Anthony Kiedis of Red Hot Chili Peppers battled a drug addiction, (including extensive addictions to heroin and cocaine) which started at a very young age due to his drug addict father. Metallica front man James Hetfield was battling his drug addiction in 2001 and Ozzy Osbourne frequently mentions that he is baffled at how he has been able to survive forty years of substance abuse.

Everyone has a story, something to overcome. If anyone has come out on the other side, it is singer/songwriter Dane Estok. When someone is surrounded by drugs his or her entire life, it’s hard to escape that type of lifestyle. “My sister died of a heroin overdose and my dad is a recovering crack addict,” the singer told me through e-mail. “But through all that, I've managed to not become a drug addict or ruin my life—something I can only attribute to faith in God.” In “What Gets Me Stoned,” a song off of his newest EP, Dane talks about this and what gets him stoned—love and relationships."