……”very uplifting and comes from the heart”. - Chaplain Dave Lugibihl, Beaverdam, Ohio (419) 230-3294
……”I have seen grown men brought to tears because of the love of Jesus demonstrated in Danny’s songs”. - Chaplain Roy Viessman, Kingdom City, Missouri (573) 230-3210
My CD is entitled Love the Lost" and includes songs I have written that are as relevant today as when I wrote them. I distribute it as part of my ministry to help others. I continue to write songs as God gives them to me. Jimmy Was a Trucker is the latest song I have written. Although a fictional ballad, I have known of many drivers like Jimmy who gave their lives to save others.

Out of a difficult childhood in rural Arkansas came my "escape" into a friendship with a guitar at age ten. It "talked" to me and I wrote songs to communicate with my guitar. I was influenced in my later teen years by John Denver, Jim Croce, and Gordon Lightfoot and thus developed a folk style genre. I played songs I had written in coffee houses in and around Denver, Colorado until I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior on December 26, 1973 in a parking garage in Long Beach, California. It was then I began writing songs for God. I have written many songs over the years and performed mostly in Churches. God has placed it on my heart within the last two years to share my music, and I recorded a CD at Mustard Seed Studios in Pana, Illinois this past summer. I have distributed it as part of my ministry to help other, lost children of all ages find God and find healing. I have been driving a truck all across the US and Canada and have performed in Churches and Trucker's Chapels. I frequently perform in Kingdom City, Missouri at the request of Chaplin Roy Viessman and have been given radio airplay on 90.3 there. I am following God to see where He wants me to take my music. May His will always be first in my life.