Dead Fools Fiesta
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Dead Fools Fiesta


Band Rock Reggae


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"Dead Fools Fiesta Album Review"

If Katchafire and Tex-Mex band Los Lonely Boys had a love child it would no doubt be a culturally diverse and inclusive hot mess. Dead Fools Fiesta could very well be that love child combining the best of NZ reggae with a Spanish feel. Don’t get me wrong, a mess in the best complimentary way, more like a hot mix of everything, and their first self titled CD definitely has included a little bit of everything.

The first track 'Journey Men' starts off with a great little Spanish trumpet tune and made me think I would be hearing a quirky Mexican singing something muy bien, however it sets up a nice reggae sound that continues through out the CD. 'Run Away', features Kronic Re and infuses a little bit of hit hop backed by some Spanish style keys and a reggae bass line that is shows the cultural and musical diversity of this band. The next song 'Blood Money' transforms the sound similar to that of the godfathers of Kiwi Reggae, Herbs.

8 well flowing songs and a gripping vocalist that would impress any skeptics like me, who was surprised to hear this sound coming from 4 lads from the Waitaks, but they have a unique sound and some seemingly angsty lyrics you would find from any band out West. They end up with a live version of 'Piece of Mind' that solidifies the bands ability to create good NZ Reggae music. - Dilemma


Dead Fools Fiesta- Dead Fools Fiesta (self-titled album)-2010
Blood Money-April 2010 radio single



Dead Fools Fiesta are: Jude Hassett on vocals and keys; Adam Wilburn on guitar and vocals; Jack Graves on bass and vocals & Jon Hart on drums and vocals.

The four childhood friends began making music together in late 2005 based on a shared interest in reggae rhythms and a pure love for music and art. The friends played their first gigs under the name ‘The 4 Mexicanos’ which burst onto the Auckland Ska scene in early 2006. Over the next two years the band spent countless hours refining their original sounds and playing as many shows as possible up and down the north island playing with the like of House of Shem, Tahuna Breaks, Unity Pacific and The Managers.

2008 saw the release of their debut self titled E.P under their former name, The 4 Mexicanos. This release helped cement the band as an integral part of the Auckland Ska/Reggae scene.
With the success of their first E.P in the Auckland Ska/Reggae scene the band set their sights on recording a full length studio album. During the last few months of 2009, Dead Fools Fiesta entered York St. Studios to begin work on their first full length album.

Dead Fools Fiestas debut self titled album was release on the 19th April 2010. The band played their release show on the 17th of April to a crowd of over 350 people at Galatos bar in Auckland. Following the album’s release the band featured on the I.A.N live sessions with Fleur Jack on Kiwi Fm. The band also featured on BFM’s Fancy New Band segment with Mikey Havoc on the breakfast show as well as interviews with DJ Dubhead of BFM. Dead Fools Fiesta featured in the backstage pass write up on With the album selling over 200 copies within the first week of release Dead Fools Fiesta shows no signs of slowing down.

“this is worth your attention like Tahuna Breaks, but with a bit more fire in the belly.” 4 ½ stars.

“8 well flowing songs and a gripping vocalist that would impress any skeptics like me, who was surprised to hear this sound coming from 4 lads from the Waitaks.”