Derby Sunshine
Gig Seeker Pro

Derby Sunshine

London, England, United Kingdom | SELF

London, England, United Kingdom | SELF
Solo Pop EDM





Depuis quelque temps j'écoute en boucle "Bedford", une chanson du talentueux Luigi Buccarello communément appelé Derby Sunshine. Ce nom qui ne m'évoquait rien il y a peu est devenu une source d'inspiration. Je me suis donc mise à la recherche d'un moyen pour contacter ce jeune italien. Curieuse de savoir qui se cachait derrière ces gracieuses mélodies!
Finalement j'ai pu le contacter, et je lui ai posé quelques questions pour vous!

-Derby Sunshine, who are you, truly?
A random dude with a great love for music
-What inspires you?
Anything I can't touch with hands!
-Do you plan on integrating music forever in your life ?
It's not a plan, it's a fact.
-Where do you see yourself in a few years ?
Doing what I do today I guess.
-According to you who's the number one artist of 2013 ?
There isn't one yet.



Depuis quelque temps j'écoute en boucle "Bedford", une chanson du talentueux Luigi Buccarello communément appelé Derby Sunshine. Ce nom qui ne m'évoquait rien il y a peu est devenu une source d'inspiration. Je me suis donc mise à la recherche d'un moyen pour contacter ce jeune italien. Curieuse de savoir qui se cachait derrière ces gracieuses mélodies!
Finalement j'ai pu le contacter, et je lui ai posé quelques questions pour vous!


Depuis quelque temps j'écoute en boucle "Bedford", une chanson du talentueux Luigi Buccarello communément appelé Derby Sunshine. Ce nom qui ne m'évoquait rien il y a peu est devenu une source d'inspiration. Je me suis donc mise à la recherche d'un moyen pour contacter ce jeune italien. Curieuse de savoir qui se cachait derrière ces gracieuses mélodies!
Finalement j'ai pu le contacter, et je lui ai posé quelques questions pour vous!


Tonight, I invite you to discover Derby Sunshine, alias Luigi Buccarello. He touched me by his music, both nostalgic & melancholic and playful & joyful. From the first notes, I succumbed!

Through this interview, Luigi confides in ?bracadabrac and takes you to his nostalgic electro-pop universe.

Madame Figaro already compares him to New Order and My Bloody Valentine ! So, you see… "The Roman Luigi Buccarello perfectly revives atmospheric voices and crackling amps ." Madame Figaro

Ready for take-off?

Interview by Elodie VERNHET for ?bracadabrac

Derby Sunshine, who are you? I am Luigi. I was born in Rome, but I moved to London at 24. I bought my first guitar at 15, after my sister made me discover Ok Computer by Radiohead. I never managed to sit down and study music theory, but I played incessantly since then. Writing music is like playing with Lego bricks. It’s fun! I add and swap things around until it sounds good. I really enjoy it. That’s why I can only write when I’m in the playing mood, I need to be very happy. My universe reflects who I really am. I like old movies, playing football and reading a lot… But, I am a lazy music listener! I tend to listen the same songs over and over…

If you had to define your music in one word, which one would it be? Playful
What are your main sources of inspiration? It comes from very eclectic sources! Love in all his forms, relationships, films, football, big cities, memories…
Are you planning any concert in France? Not yet, but hopefully soon…

On a desert island, which song would you take with you? If you ask me the same question in one hour, the answer will have most likely changed! Now, I would say Losing You, by Solange.
Losing you by Solange

For an unplanned trip, what would you bring with you? My laptop, a keyboard and some headphones. Ah, and the laptop charger!

Something else to tell people reading ?bracadabrac? Have a look at The Night of The Hunter by Charles Laughton. Definitely, my favorite movie!

Trailer : The Night of the Hunter de Charles Laughton


Thank you Luigi for your time! I hope to make an other Interview of Derby Sunshine but this time, when you will be playing in France! I wish you every success and I invite my blog-readers to discover your music… Here it is ! - ABRACADABRAC


Tonight, I invite you to discover Derby Sunshine, alias Luigi Buccarello. He touched me by his music, both nostalgic & melancholic and playful & joyful. From the first notes, I succumbed!

Through this interview, Luigi confides in ?bracadabrac and takes you to his nostalgic electro-pop universe.

Madame Figaro already compares him to New Order and My Bloody Valentine ! So, you see… "The Roman Luigi Buccarello perfectly revives atmospheric voices and crackling amps ." Madame Figaro

Ready for take-off?

Interview by Elodie VERNHET for ?bracadabrac

Derby Sunshine, who are you? I am Luigi. I was born in Rome, but I moved to London at 24. I bought my first guitar at 15, after my sister made me discover Ok Computer by Radiohead. I never managed to sit down and study music theory, but I played incessantly since then. Writing music is like playing with Lego bricks. It’s fun! I add and swap things around until it sounds good. I really enjoy it. That’s why I can only write when I’m in the playing mood, I need to be very happy. My universe reflects who I really am. I like old movies, playing football and reading a lot… But, I am a lazy music listener! I tend to listen the same songs over and over…

If you had to define your music in one word, which one would it be? Playful
What are your main sources of inspiration? It comes from very eclectic sources! Love in all his forms, relationships, films, football, big cities, memories…
Are you planning any concert in France? Not yet, but hopefully soon…

On a desert island, which song would you take with you? If you ask me the same question in one hour, the answer will have most likely changed! Now, I would say Losing You, by Solange.
Losing you by Solange

For an unplanned trip, what would you bring with you? My laptop, a keyboard and some headphones. Ah, and the laptop charger!

Something else to tell people reading ?bracadabrac? Have a look at The Night of The Hunter by Charles Laughton. Definitely, my favorite movie!

Trailer : The Night of the Hunter de Charles Laughton


Thank you Luigi for your time! I hope to make an other Interview of Derby Sunshine but this time, when you will be playing in France! I wish you every success and I invite my blog-readers to discover your music… Here it is ! - ABRACADABRAC


À l'instar de ses compatriotes Mauro Remiddi (Porcelain Raft) et Alessio Natalizia (Banjo Or Freakout), Luigi Buccarello s'est expatrié à Londres pour embrasser un rêve musical en Technicolor. Originaire de Rome, le garçon, autodidacte et appliqué, a d'abord débuté en bande avant de faire volte-face : “J'ai mis un terme à mon ancien groupe lorsque j'ai compris que quelque chose ne fonctionnait pas. Pendant un ou deux ans, j'ai tenté de comprendre, avant de réaliser simplement que j'avais besoin d'être seul, d'exprimer ce qui fourmillait en moi sans traiter avec la vision d'autres personnes. Ce que je créé relève d'une certaine intimité, d'une lecture personnelle à un moment précis.” Composées dans la joie et l'allégresse (selon ses dires), les mélodies de Luigi Buccarello ne laissent pourtant transparaître que leur mélancolie. Le choc ressenti à la découverte d’Ok Computer (1997) de Radiohead à l'âge de quinze ans a sans doute laissé des traces. Puisant dans tous les styles que sa terre d'accueil a initiés depuis la fin des années 80, le jeune homme a finalement trouvé, avec Derby Sunshine, l'équilibre parfait entre les lignes mélodiques héritées de l'école Sarah Records et d'intenses grésillements électroniques chipés à Aphex Twin.

Manipulant aussi bien les images que les chansons, le jeune homme a trouvé un compromis astucieux en gratifiant tous ses morceaux d'une vidéo artisanale : “Je pense toujours que je devrais me lancer dans la réalisation de films plutôt que dans la composition musicale…” Usant d'images tombées dans le domaine publique et d'effets kaléidoscopiques, la méthode offre le plus beau des écrins à son dernier titre The Milky Way.

LCD 4 témoigne de tout le savoir-faire du néo-Londonien où rythmiques martiales, gimmicks et vocalises aériennes forment l'armature d'une chanson rendue poignante par son apparente simplicité.

Les compositions de Derby Sunshine ont été jouées en live pour la première fois en mai dernier, mais l'idée de les emmener au-delà des frontières britanniques a déjà fait son chemin. Ainsi, Luigi Buccarello a planifié une tournée européenne hivernale qui devrait coïncider avec de nouvelles appétences discographiques.
Fabien Le Gourrierec - MAGIC RPM


À l'instar de ses compatriotes Mauro Remiddi (Porcelain Raft) et Alessio Natalizia (Banjo Or Freakout), Luigi Buccarello s'est expatrié à Londres pour embrasser un rêve musical en Technicolor. Originaire de Rome, le garçon, autodidacte et appliqué, a d'abord débuté en bande avant de faire volte-face : “J'ai mis un terme à mon ancien groupe lorsque j'ai compris que quelque chose ne fonctionnait pas. Pendant un ou deux ans, j'ai tenté de comprendre, avant de réaliser simplement que j'avais besoin d'être seul, d'exprimer ce qui fourmillait en moi sans traiter avec la vision d'autres personnes. Ce que je créé relève d'une certaine intimité, d'une lecture personnelle à un moment précis.” Composées dans la joie et l'allégresse (selon ses dires), les mélodies de Luigi Buccarello ne laissent pourtant transparaître que leur mélancolie. Le choc ressenti à la découverte d’Ok Computer (1997) de Radiohead à l'âge de quinze ans a sans doute laissé des traces. Puisant dans tous les styles que sa terre d'accueil a initiés depuis la fin des années 80, le jeune homme a finalement trouvé, avec Derby Sunshine, l'équilibre parfait entre les lignes mélodiques héritées de l'école Sarah Records et d'intenses grésillements électroniques chipés à Aphex Twin.

Manipulant aussi bien les images que les chansons, le jeune homme a trouvé un compromis astucieux en gratifiant tous ses morceaux d'une vidéo artisanale : “Je pense toujours que je devrais me lancer dans la réalisation de films plutôt que dans la composition musicale…” Usant d'images tombées dans le domaine publique et d'effets kaléidoscopiques, la méthode offre le plus beau des écrins à son dernier titre The Milky Way.

LCD 4 témoigne de tout le savoir-faire du néo-Londonien où rythmiques martiales, gimmicks et vocalises aériennes forment l'armature d'une chanson rendue poignante par son apparente simplicité.

Les compositions de Derby Sunshine ont été jouées en live pour la première fois en mai dernier, mais l'idée de les emmener au-delà des frontières britanniques a déjà fait son chemin. Ainsi, Luigi Buccarello a planifié une tournée européenne hivernale qui devrait coïncider avec de nouvelles appétences discographiques.
Fabien Le Gourrierec - MAGIC RPM

"BIRP! playlist May 2013"

playlist - BIRP!

"BIRP! playlist May 2013"

playlist - BIRP!


Derby Sunshine is the latest project of Italian born musician and musical Chameleon Luigi Buccarello. Working previously as a solo artist and singer-songwriter in the now defunct St Francis, his output has varied in both style and quality. His last work with St Francis left the impression of a performer and songwriter who had yet to develop his own sound and none of his previous output felt fully realised. That has now changed, however. Reinventing himself as one-man electro pop troubador, Luigi has cast aside much of the Sparklehorse and Bright Eyesisms that characterised so much of his previous material and we are happy to report it suits him well. His songwriting is more concise, brave and feels like he is finding his own musical personality rather than paying homage to others.

Tonights venue is 'The Shoreditch' and is typical of music venues in this neck of the woods. Overpriced beer, disinterested staff and a lack of real atmosphere. None of this seems to put off Derby Sunshines loyal and ever expanding fanbase as there is a tangible sense of excitement when Luigi takes the stage. Kicking off proceedings with a dreamy slice of Electronica that has hints of The Radio Dept and going straight in into LCD4, his first song released under his new moniker, it's a highly impressive start. Melancholic and haunting, but at the same time dancible. Next track 'Love Love Love' is the evenings only real clanger, lumpen beats and a forgetible melody. Not that this proves to be a problem as follow up 'The Milky Way' raises the roof. The track shimmers with beauty and grace as Luigi delivers nothing short of a pop masterclass. It has an unforgetable melody and yearning quality which has the audience in a hushed silence. It is a up there with the best tracks released this year - no question about it. It shows what Derby Sunshine are truly capable of. Greatness. Ending the evening with a new track that has shades of German Ambient, the set is over.

Short, well paced and passionate, This is the music of a man on top of his game and getting better with age. Listeners are strongly advised to check out Derby Sunshine either live or recorded. This is truly life affirming music. - LIVEMUSIC.FM


video - NO FEAR OF POP


Luigi Bucarello la mente detrás de Derby Sunshine libera una nueva canción y con esto también un vídeo de esta misma, el titulo de dicho material es “The Miliky Way”.

Como nos tiene acostumbrados, este ingles no cambia de formula de sus 2 anteriores canciones al mas puro estilo dreampop con esas voces oniricas y un sintetizador que llega a embolber a uno en pocos segundo.

En lo que al vídeo se refiere son unos curiosos efectos de VHS magnetizada muy trash movie el estilo.


He may not be from Derby, but he [Derby Sunshine, a.k.a. Luigi Buccarello] certainly knows a thing or two about the sunshine, as the waves of ethereal haze spilling from the speakers ply their trade in assaulting your senses with dreamy visions of summer.

Distant vocals drift in and out of the track, like an evening breeze running through your hair, and synths soar across the soundscape, akin to a seagull gliding on the thermals above a humid and bustling seaside town.

The track is available now via Derby Sunshine’s Soundcloud page. - CENTURIES


Keeping with the ultraviolet dream pop stylings that seem to be passing my ears today, London’s Derby Sunshine (Luigi Buccarello) is currently microwaving my ears a bit with this heater: - PASTA PRIMAVERA


Lo avevamo ospitato al suo esordio assoluto nella compilation natalizia, e ora cominciano finalmente a uscire le prime nuove canzoni: si fa chiamare Derby Sunshine, ed è il progetto musicale del fotografo Luigi Buccarello, romano trapiantato a Londra. Da qualche giorno si trova su Soundcloud (e con un video anche su Youtube) questa LCD4: al vecchio piano Wurlitzer romantico sono subentrati synth magniloquenti, atmosfere epiche e la pulsazione calda di una cassa. Tutto molto, molto cinematografico. Ora aspettiamo il resto! - POLAROID RADIO BLOG


Luigi Buccarello nos pone (no sólo) los pelos de punta con su LCD4, uno de los hits como Derby Sunshine
Luigi Buccarello no es el primer italiano que nos causa buena impresión en sus primeras incursiones musicales. También lo hicieron en su día Alessio Natalizia con su proyecto como Banjo or Freakout o Mauro Remiddi, como Porcelain Raft. Inexorablemente (y no sabemos si es culpa de la fama, aunque sea ligera, o únicamente de sus espléndidas obras cortas, sus epés, fundamentalmente) los trabajos en largo nos hicieron repetir aquello del primero era mejor, sólo que aplicado a sus primeras manifestaciones artísticas. No sabemos si nos decepcionará después o no, pero Derby Sunshine tiene un petardazo increíble con este LCD4 del que es imposible despegarse. Sincero synthpop de nébula que escala en arpegios de sintes y notaciones reiterativas que nos conducen a un incógnito estado de placer. Producido por Manolo Remiddi (y es que casualidades en esta vida ya hay pocas), el single abre boca y nos conmina a seguir la pista al que puede ser uno de los mejores socorristas de nuestra querencia bliss. Que venga pronto con más. Y que nos encandile igual.



I’m feeling pleasefully nostalgic this morning and I have Derby Sunshine to thank for that. The London-based producer and singer-songerwriter, whose real name is Luigi Buccarello, creates a wonderful, nostalgia-drenched, noisy dream pop affair with hints of melancholy. His new track “The Milky Way” is a jaunty ride through dreamy vocals, blissful synths and an uptempo beat, all wrapped up in a heartwarming sound. The song is being accompanied by a fitting music video that shows a compilation of low-quality footages that could easily be taken from old VHS tapes. Watch it below. - MUSIC FOR THE MASSES


LCD4 - Derby Sunshine

by Derby Sunshine

Our first post of the year, Derby Sunshine’s ‘LCD4’, is the perfect kickstarter for your January one resolutions. It’s a synthastic anthem of a track - orchestrating big meaty synths into a sound that’s imbued with swagger and sentiment. In other words, it’s this years indie electronica rendition of ‘Eye Of The Tiger’. Download it via the soundcloud link below.


LCD4 - Derby Sunshine

by Derby Sunshine

Our first post of the year, Derby Sunshine’s ‘LCD4’, is the perfect kickstarter for your January one resolutions. It’s a synthastic anthem of a track - orchestrating big meaty synths into a sound that’s imbued with swagger and sentiment. In other words, it’s this years indie electronica rendition of ‘Eye Of The Tiger’. Download it via the soundcloud link below.




sparkling electronic bombast - VICE


We were gemini in the dark - stark dazzlings roaming in a never-ever-ever land we called LCD4 because naming is the darkest thing. London’s Derby Sunshine are the we.

We were gemini in the dark - closing the sun and being without being seen. In a never-ever-ever land where with one more ever the moon would go blacker than eternity. - VERB/RE/VERB



Derby Sunshine - Bedford
Written and Produced by Derby Sunshine
Mastered by Manolo Remiddi
Releases 11.04.2013

Derby Sunshine - Italo Riviera
Written and Produced by Derby Sunshine
Mastered by Manolo Remiddi
Released 09.11.2012

Vadoinmessico - Pepita (Derby Sunshine Remix)
Produced by Derby Sunshine
Mastered by Manolo Remiddi
Released 11.09.2012

Derby Sunshine - The Milky Way
Written and Produced by Derby Sunshine
Mastered by Manolo Remiddi
Released 01.07.2012

Derby Sunshine - LCD4
Written and Produced by Derby Sunshine
Mastered by Manolo Remiddi
Released 29.12.2011

Derby Sunshine - If I Love You
Written and Produced by Derby Sunshine
Mastered by Manolo Remiddi
Released 13.12.2011



Derby Sunshine is the London based producer Luigi Buccarello.
Luigi was born in Rome, and relocated to London at the age of 24.
Music producer, multi-instrumentalist and sound engineer, spends most of his life involved in numerous projects, until starting his own solo project in the fall of 2011, under the name of Derby Sunshine.
He releases his first single on December 2011, "LCD4" (accompanied by a video he also makes).
In a few hours the song generates an impressive word of mouth between the blogsphere. The track reaches "MADAME LE FIGARO", national paper in France, that describes it as
perfect mix of New Order and My Bloody Valentine. The Dutch edition of "VICE Magazine" includes it in the best 9 songs of the month.
VERB/REVERB, DON'T DIE WONDERING, NOTODO, POLAROID BLOG, TRANSIENT JUKEBOX all dedicate a special mention of the song on their pages.
The second single realise,"THE MILKY WAY" has even a bigger impact.
The paper version of the french magazine "MAGIC RPM" features Derby Sunshine in a special one page interview. NO FEAR OF POP selects the video between the 5 best video of the week. PASTA PRIMAVERA, CENTURIES, MUSIC FOR THE MASSES share the song. The song is played on a few radios including RADIO2, italian national radio, NEWTON RADIO and 1RADIO.
Derby Sunshine starts playing regularly in London, builds his name up in the capital music scene. He performs many gigs in venues such as 93 FEET EAST, DUBLIN CASTLE, BUFFALO BAR, RATTLESNAKE. His gig at THE SHOREDITCH, in East London earns an enthusiastic review on the pages on LIVEMUSIC.FM.
In July 2012 he remixes a track for the band VADONINMESSICO, "PEPITA, QUEEN OF THE ANIMALS". The track gets over 7000 plays on Souncloud in less than a week,
and the band invites Derby Sunshine as main support of their two weeks tour across Italy in November 2012.
During this tour Derby Sunshine has the opportunity to perform in some of the best venues in Italy in front of audiences of 500-600 people.
In February 2013 he spends 6 weeks in NYC, USA, playing 5 shows between Brooklyn and Manhattan. One of shows is caught by Jacob Graham by The Drums, who dedicates to him "THE RADAR" section of the paper version of NME.
In April 2013 Derby Sunshine releases his last single, "BEDFORD".
The BIRP! magazine includes "Bedford" in its prestigious playlist featuring it among the best 100 songs of the Month and track gets played by Gary Crowley on BBC Radio London.
In June 2013 the BBC DJ Gary Crowley features Derby Sunshine as artist of the week and invites him on an interview on his show.
Derby Sunshine gets invited to headline the NOTTING HILL ARTS CLUB, legendary venue in West London. He has also invited to POWER LUNCHES, THE MONARCH, AMERSHAM'S ARMS.
Derby Sunshine is currently working on his first EP, set to be released November 2013.

Derby Sunshine is often compared to the likes of M83, Beach House, Wild Nothing, Sigur Ros, Radiohead.

BBC London: "Terrific stuff, very very impressive"
MADAME LE FIGARO: "Perfectly revives atmospheric voices and crackling amps"
VICE.COM: "sparkling electronic bombast"
NME: " Exciting electronic pop music"
TRANSIENT JUKEBOX: "perfect"; "epic"
MUSIC FOR THE MASSES: "Wonderful, nostalgia-drenched, noisy dream pop affair with hints of melancholy" POLAROID RADIO: "Magniloquent, warm, epic, cinematic" NOTODO.COM: "sublime, an authentic wonder" "incredible firework" "an undercover state of pleasure"
SOUNDS ARE ACTIVE: "Big, dreamy, entrancing"

Band Members