Downside UP
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Basically, I think you guys sound incredibly sincere, both in your songwriting and in your performances. You have a certain sound and I can see why you've been successful in the college market. You remind me of some of the bands now being featured on the tv show Austin City Limits...You do have dynamic changes and repeating themes that keep it interesting...Everything is well-balanced, discernible and clear. I think I understand what you're trying to accomplish here, and your success in the market speaks for it self! So I say keep up the great work! - Leslie J. Bialik
"Downside up" is a song that Ronnie Stanley wrote in the beginning of his writing career. We needed a band name that was short that could be easily remembered. People usually ask if we mean "upside down" but we don't...We have a wide variety of music influence, from oldies to indie. A lot of the musical influence is derived from Jeff Buckley, The Spill Canvas, Jason Mraz, Dave Matthews, and Grateful Dead...Songwriting is something that just comes to you. It's something spiritual. It can be triggered in a brief moment or a past memory....The message is really within the individual. We would like people to just sit back and remember certain times in their lives. A lot of our lyrics and writing evolve from powerful emotions...Downside up will be continuing to play music all around Atlanta, while trying to keep the vibe and culture of indie music with our fellow local bands. - VENTS Magazine
"Thanks for submitting the material for the evaluation. I enjoyed the songs very much. Outstanding musicianship, cool songs and an impressive Bio. I'm glad you contacted me about Downside UP. RATING SCALE "1" Indicates the Lowest Score "5" Indicates The Highest Score Recording Quality/Production: 4 Lead Vocals: 4 Musicianship: 4.5 Lyric Writing: 4 Music Composing: 4 Melodies: 5 Song Arrangement: 4 Quality of EPK Content: 4 Overall Delivery: 4 To give you insight to the scoring scale above, the majority of artists score in the 2.5 to 3.5 range in the various categories. When an artist sees 4, 4.5 or 5 as their score in a category, it's a validation from a professional, confirming that the songs are of the highest level and show strong potential in the ultra-competitive music industry. To really raise the bar, every artist should work hard to earn a 4.5 or 5 in every category. I don't give out 4's and 5's easily, so any of those you see, you have earned. " - Gene Foley
What is the best way to write music?
Ronnie Stanley write the songs, and he brings the songs to the table for the rest of the band to play with. He has said many times that he just writes out the blue print and the rest of the band builds the house. - Atlanta Music Guide
So I saw most of your set (you went on right before my friend's band), then grabbed one of your CD's, and listened to the whole thing on the way home since it was more than an hour drive. I kind of expected to forget about it after that, s
ince it's not a genre I normally listen to, but then I had Anchors stuck in my head the next day, and when I finished listening to it, I thought, "And hey, didn't I also really like track number 6?" and at that point, I decided I also wanted to hear Around You again, and when the song after that came on, I just let it keep playing. Today the same thing happened. I'm just going to go ahead and keep that CD in my car for a while, because I've listened to those four songs at least 10 times each now, not counting the other ones I listened to, and I was actually alternating between my CD player and my iPhone adapter, which means your CD was competing with my iPhone and winning. - Patrick Brehe
Still working on that hot first release.

Downside UP is a four piece acoustic rock ensemble that was formed in January of 2009 and has since been performing across the Southeast of the United States with the goal of building a certain level of notoriety in the music scene. With over 100 shows under their belt, they have developed a professional vision for marketing their business in the industry of artists. They have shared the stage with national touring artists such as Ocean is Theory, Girl in a Coma, States, 10 Years, Nee Deep, Asherel, IRE, as well as many others. Recently they were entered into a competition to perform at Bonnaroo in June 2012. However, with the disappointment of not being able to perform, another window of opportunity was opened before the band. They were chosen to play at BamaJam 2012 this past June with such artists as Tim McGraw, Zac Brown Band, Kid Rock, Uncle Kracker, Alan Jackson, NEEDTOBREATHE, Eric Church, and many other high profile artists. This landmark performance set a standard for the four individuals remaining years as active musicians looking to make a career out of their passions. Their music has been familiarized with Jason Mraz, Dave Matthews Band, and Counting Crows. Their main attraction has always been their catchy sing song chorus that complements an equally pulsating guitar melody. The acoustic rock band continually brings success with them wherever they go. Rendy Lovelady, Producer of BamaJam, says, This band has one of the freshest sounds I have heard in a long time. They would fit in a club or college venue with ease. Consequently, the group has fulfilled that objective within the heart of the college music scene. Their mission is to provide quality music that is pleasing to the ears of others.