Gig Seeker Pro


Augsburg, Germany | Established. Jan 01, 2016

Augsburg, Germany
Established on Jan, 2016
Solo World Avant-garde


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This band has not uploaded any videos


The best kept secret in music


"[Premiere] DΛDΛ's New Music Video Gives Us Post-Apocalyptic Björk Vibes"

Explore the latest self-made music video from visual artist and musician Phyllis Josefine, a.k.a., DΛDΛ.

Drone footage meets an animated tour inside an artist's mind in the frightening and curious new music video from visual artist and musician, DΛDΛ (a.k.a., Phyllis Josefine). In the self-produced "00030 Power," DΛDΛ explores the ways in which our relationships to the digital world often mirror elements of our own human nature, and the nature of desire itself.

For the last two years, the German artist has been directing, animating, and starring in abstract experimental videos made for her own ambient electronic music compositions. Though DΛDΛ, out of consideration for the viewer’s own interpretation, makes a conscious decision not to speak directly about the content of her visual work—“It would be a pity if I would destine how people see my video, since everyone has their own beautiful story about it,” she tells The Creators Project over email—the ten-minute "00030 Power" acts as a sort of exegesis.

DΛDΛ says the music was written from a place of frustration. Her peers kept urging her to change her sound in a way that would cater more to popular opinion. She tells us, “I got told that my music is too ambient, too melancholic, too slow,” but describes a moment of clarity she experienced after watching the music video for Aisha Devi’s "Mazda": “She didn't give a shit, and she made such a good track... I should just listen to my emotions.” That night, DΛDΛ wrote "00030 Power."

DΛDΛ sees music-making as a form of self help. When she was younger, she struggled to find music she could relate to, so she started producing her own. Her original goal was to make something she could fall asleep to, something that would make her feel calm. “I was trying to absorb the atmosphere around me and reflect it back in sound. I felt heavy, weak, and scared. I had a series horror scenes playing in my head. I wanted to find balance. I wanted to find peace, but chaos.”

In "00030 Power," the viewer bears a witness to this internal mental struggle, exhibited through expressive interpretative dance and abstract CGI animation. Premiere the full video below, only on The Creators Project: - Nathaniel Ainley

"#49 Phyllis Josefine (DΛDΛ)"

Selfie – ein so neues und doch nahezu abgenutztes Wort. Aus dem zeitgenössischen Wortschatz und Lebensalltag ist es nicht mehr wegzudenken. Aber die immer gleiche Pose? Wir bitten jeweils Künstler um ein Selbstporträt und ihre Gedanken, die ihnen beim Fotografien durch den Kopf gehen.

Selfie von Phyllis Josefine„Das Selfie: Ein Blick in das eigene Paradoxon. Die eigene Realität, in der man sich im eigenen Ich selbst sieht.“

Ein simples „I am“ steht in Phyllis Josefines Facebook Steckbrief. Das Ich: ein Experimentierfeld. „Jedes Jahr mache ich etwas Anderes“, sagt die Videokünstlerin und Musikerin, über sich und ihre Arbeit. Unter dem Namen DΛDΛ produziert sie Ambient Electro und Musikvideos in Eigenregie, mit ihr selbst als Performerin.

Prozesshaftigkeit, Ausdruck innerster Gefühle und das Remixen von Kultsymbolen aus New-Age, Sci-Fi und Future-Goth zeichnen einen roten Faden durch diese Videos: „Ich habe das Gefühl, dass Menschen am Mythischen, Verborgenen hängen bleiben. Das reizt mich an Symbolen, die auf eben das hinweisen. Aber ich verwende Zeichen so frei wie möglich, mehr um gewisse Gefühle zu verdeutlichen, von denen eine Szene handelt. Jegliches Symbol hat für mich nicht nur eine einzige Bedeutung. Symbole tauchen immer wieder in ähnlichen Formen in verschiedenen Kulturen auf, die höchstwahrscheinlich auf natürliche Phänomene zurückzuführen sind. Oder sie sind Teil von bestimmten Frequenzen, Energieformen.“

Eine dieser Energieformen ist die Angst, die sie in ihrem neuesten Werk „00030 Power“ verarbeitet. Das zehn Minuten lange Musikvideo feierte seine Premiere am 8. September auf „The Creators Project“ von Vice und zeigt DΛDΛs innere und äußere Gefühlswelt: gekrümmt, verloren in einer ewigen Spirale, die nicht aufgelöst wird: - Veronika Christine Dräxler


“I never know how to write about myself. Do I have to? I have a name, I have numbers that destine something of me digitally.”

As soon as you press play, you’ll travel to another world, another dimension with this spectacular piece of work from DΛDΛ! 00030 POWER evokes a sense of helplessness, but also a feeling of being okay with whatever that may bring.

“ The tracks I made before the 30th Track “Power”, were more some self-therapy. I couldnt listen to the radio, I couldnt find so much music that I could relate to, also with all the information I absorbed. So I started my own music. That can put me too sleep and can make me calm down. I was giving me only one law. To not critizise it, not negative not positive. At that time of my life ( and still) I was trying to absorb the atmosphere around me and give it back as sounds. I felt heavy, weak, I am scared, I had a horror scenarios going on in my head, while walking around. I was thinking a lot about war. If everything is me, than I am everyone. Then I am part of everyone, and everyone is part of the others. So everything others do, is also a part of me. I wanted to find balance. I wanted to find peace, but chaos.”

SPOTIFY : https://open.spotify.com/track/4lznG923aAm6QAJlmuHF4u

SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/dvvdvv/00030-power

VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/182126168

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfFB_8wlOeU

direction, editing & animation

Phyllis Josefine

production, singing & writing

Phyllis Josefine

main camera and co-direction

Christian Lendl

filming drone material

Christian Lorenz from Christian Lorenz Photography


mixing & mastering

Najeeb Jones

styling and make up



set installation

julian stahl & christian lendl




distributed by

Gammanh Creative

www.gammanhcreative.com - Poi

"Panama Plus Festival"

(Cloud / Ambient)

DVDV repräsentiert Intuition und Emotion. Es kombiniert Realisationen mit technologischen Prozessen. Das Digitale ist die Zukunft des Menschen und ist genauso teil des Natürlichen, wie das, das man das Natürliche nennt.
DVDV ist ein Projekt, das von Phyllis Josefine ins Leben gerufen wurde, um ihre Ängste, Existenz, zunehmende Abstumpfung, Verzweiflung, Hypersensitivität und Informationsaufnahme zu konfrontieren. Es ist ein Versuch einen Schritt weiter in die Zukunft zu schauen, und in Werten Balance zu finden, die keine Werte haben.
Phyllis produziert, schreibt und singt ihre eigenen Kompositionen. Für ihre neuesten Tracks wurden Neurale Netzwerke für bestimmte Sounds der Tracks mitverwendet. Ihr neues Album wird sich mit dem Thema Künstliche Intelligenz beschäftigen. - Su Steinmassl


Still working on that hot first release.



The project from 00000 to wherever impossible.

DΛDΛ one of the first words a human being can say, to communicate with others. A new world of communication opens up to a being, the world of language. And a new way for me to express my being.

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