Enigmatic is a rapper from Hobart, Indiana… a place not known for it’s genre-blending hip-hop, but if he has anything to say about it, that will soon change. Writing songs that follow the rapper’s path of braggadocious defiance, as well as a more emotive rock and roll vibe, Enigmatic is out to show the world he’s got something to say. We took a moment to chat over the phone, and he said some things to me.
Monster: Knowing that it’s hard to be a musician in general, and making waves in a big city is a challenge, how are you getting your music out from Hobart, Indiana? Is there a scene there to support it? Seeing that you have shows in Chicago, is that where you play most often?
Enigmatic: There’s a little scene in Hobart. There’s a few clubs, but the big scene is Chicago, which is about an hour a away. To get the music out there, it’s really just the face-to-face… You know, “I got this CD. Wanna listen to it? Kick the five bucks, Let’s get this goin’…
Monster: In the song submitted, there’s a welcome melodic progression to your flow. Are you a trained musician, or self-taught? Ever take music classes, or have a mentor?
Enigmatic: I took a lot of music classes from 2nd grade up into high school, so I know about chord progressions, and and how melodies work, and other elements of music theory. Which I think gives me a bit of a let up on other rappers, who usually don’t understand music so well. But really, the music tells me where the words should go, and I just try to spit things that fit inside the melody.
Monster: Tell us about the creation of the musical part of your songs. Do you play an instrument or instruments to create your tracks, or does it come from samples, computer programs or session musicians?
Enigmatic: I play the saxophone, but when it comes to the music music I use for the instrumentals, I mostly I work with other producers, in a collaboration. One of the people I’ve worked with, who actually had the platform for the song I submitted, is a gal from Germany named Eva. She goes by Eva-lution Beatz .
Monster: The song has a melancholic,emotional, and introspective feeling to it, but also includes an exhibitionistic defiance, of which we’ve found in hip-hop for decades. One could infer that this might be born of a lot of things, but it does feel like there’s a straddling of a variety of feelings. Knowing that all writers take from personal experiences, how much of the backdrop of living in Hobart, Indiana has influenced this? Or does that come from a deeper place?
Enigmatic: The song was actually written last year, when I was in a darker time in my life. I lost a job, had a breakup, and had to move in with my parents, so it was really Bad News Bears all over. I was in a tough spot, and honestly, I was really thinking about stopping doing music in general, but I found Eva’s song, and got inspired, and I wanted to show the world that I had something to give. That I could do so much more than I was doing at the time, in every way.
Monster: So here’s the inevitable musicians’ question… Can you tell us about your inspirations? Can you describe your sound for those that haven’t heard you?
Enigmatic: Well, my parents inspire me. They came into this country not knowing a single word of English and were able to take their family from poverty to middle class in one generation. They are my heroes and why i will always pursue my dreams. As for the music, I am influenced by so many different genres…. On my iPhone you will find every kind of music. The music I make has influences from techno, dub-step, classic hip-hop. old school R&B. To me it’s a blending of so many genres that its hard to find a perfect word or phrase to properly describe the sound I hope to achieve. I think my lyrical content and storytelling ability set me apart from a majority of music that is being played in hip-hop. On many occasions I have been told that my voice has the intensity of Eminem in his early years, but at the end of it all I don - Monster Cable
Height: 5’9” Hair: Brown
Performance Type: Rap/MC Eyes: Brown
Records Released
Element of Surprise – March 9th 2006
Fading Lines – In Production
∙ Katrina Relief Benefit Concert. Houston Texas September 17, 2005
∙ Album Release Party. Portage, Indiana March 9th, 2006
∙ Zeta Sigma Chi-Multicultural Extravaganza. Michigan State University, East Lansing
April 28th, 2006
∙ Hip Hop for the Cure-Breast Cancer Fundraiser/Concert. DePaul University
May 28th, 2006
∙ Lake Station 4th of July Concert, Lake Station, Indiana July 4th, 2006
∙ Club Ice. Merrillville, Indiana ` June-August 2006
∙ Tau Phi Sigma Hip Hop show. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
October 26th, 2007
∙ Welcome Home Celebration~Jo River Center. Harvey, Illinois January 26th, 2007
∙ Artist Showcase & Contest- Club M-1-5. New York, New York
4th place out of 30 performers February 20th, 2007
∙ Artist Showcase. Memphis, Tennessee July 14th, 2007
∙ On-Air Radio Interview- KCT Radio. Kansas City, Missouri June 20th, 2007
Upcoming Performances
∙ Chicago vs. Toronto Artist Showcase. Toronto, Canada September, 29th 2007
∙ Artist Showcase, US Beer Company. Chicago, Illinois October 4th, 2007
∙ Artist Showcase. Club Timbuktu. Milwaukee, Wisconsin October 24th, 2007
∙ Audition for Hip Hop Reality Tour. Denver, Colorado December 20th, 2007
Other abilities
To be enigmatic is to resemble an obscure speech or writing, it is something that is hard to understand and explain, often misunderstood, it is also a mysterious person….all of these encompass who Edgard Junior Gomez A.K.A. Enigmatic really is and what his lyrics are about. Born 24 short years ago in East LA and raised in Chicago; he began writing poetry at the age of 9. He used his writing to escape the badgering of his peers. Enigmatic felt he never fit the mold people expected him to fit and as a result found himself constantly fighting; until his family relocated to Hobart, Indiana. The new and less diverse environment challenged him to adjust and fight the pressures to change. He wanted to maintain his own ideas and views, not loosing his true identity. For the past five years Enigmatic and his brother Ricky “TiggaBeatz” Agosto have been working on creating and producing music that reflects their own unique style. Like many people, Enigmatic faced his own obstacles, he’s been bruised and beaten along his journey but they have only made him stronger and the man he is today. His drive and motivation never ceases, he is constantly seeking inspiration from his family, friends and his past and present life experiences. He seeks to make a mark in history never settling for anything less than above average, always taking risks and chances, always completing what he sets out to do. Time and time again he has surprised his family and peers with achieving his goals and constantly setting the bar higher. Thus the naming of his first album “Element of Surprise” because his life up to this day has been nothing less than surprises, his actions or what people expect him to be are a surprise. But it’s what keeps the life of his peers and his own interesting. With his second album, “Fading Lines,” on the way Enigmatic attempts to help re-establish that line between REAL hip-hop/rap and some of the mainstream music we constantly hear on the radio.
- Garage Entertainment
Still working on that hot first release.

March 9th is a huge day for Hip-Hop history. For those that are not aware of the significance of this date, it was when legendary rapper Biggie Smalls was murdered. This day also marks the birth of another rapper by the name of Enigmatic.
*Enigmatic* is not your average street rapper. He doesnt come from a broken home. He has never sold a single drug in his life. And much to your surprise he feels more at home in the small town of Hobart,In (where he resides now) rather than the old south side Chicago neighborhood where he
grew up. The odds are not stacked against him nor is he holding a royal flush in his hand. Ask him and he's just a regular guy leading a regular life. Ask the people closest to him they all agree- Enigmatic is special. Enigmatic is original and the world will never have another one like him.
*Passion* is the first word that comes to mind when I listen to
Enigmatics music. He comes through the speakers with such tremendous expression, there are times its overwhelming. Every song is a journey and
hes willing to open up his heart to invite you in. No punches are pulled and no apologies are made.
If Hip-Hop fans were asked, "Whats wrong with the current state of Hip Hop?" The usual reply is that it's missing *heart*. Enigmatic is not lacking in that department. Unlike most rappers he does not feel the need to prove how much money he has or how many females he's... for lack of better words. His music is littered with personal life experiences from his car blowing up in Texas, the passing of his grandfather to his family hardships. His music shares his inner and daily struggles that he doesnt feel the need to hide. Instead of letting reality bring him to destruction
he presents it in such a unique sense that curiosity will bring listeners to wonder, "Who IS Enigmatic?"
Enigmatic attacks every beat head on and speaks with an intensity that only comes from knowing one self. Listeners will be drawn to keep listening from one album to the next.