This past Friday night a capacity crowd piled into the incredibly warm Cellar for an opportunity to see Grand Theft Bus one more time before their new album Flies In the No Fly is released on February 22. Luckily for that capacity crowd, they were also treated to a mind-blowing opening set by new local band Force Fields.
A side-project of Kyle Cunjak of Melonworks, Nick Cobham and Steve Dunn of All of Green, and Bob Deveau of Grand Theft Bus, Force Fields are a band unique in their sound and especially unique in their approach to songwriting. It all started with Kyle and Bob sending each other song ideas created with computer music software like Reason and Fruity Loops via MSN Messenger. What would start out as a simple chord progression would gradually pick up more and more parts from various contributors until a whole song was created. From there, the band learned the songs they had written on computers with their instruments.
“It’s a really different process,” noted Cunjak, “recording and then learning the song, rather than learning and practicing a song, then recording it.”
Within a few months, Cobham and Dunn came on board and the song ideas really started flowing. “If it weren’t for computers, this band wouldn’t exist,” said Cunjak before the show.
Thank goodness for computers.
Their music is unlike anything I’ve heard from our local music scene. It’s a spectacular mix of slow melodies and haunting guitar lines interspersed with loud rockouts, the occasional techno beat, and odd computer-speak. They had the crowd spellbound with their brilliant soundscapes and Cobham’s spastic stage presence. That man, by the way, is Fredericton’s premier rockstar and don’t you dare forget it. The next time they play, you absolutely owe it to yourself as a human being - not just a music fan - to give them a listen.
- the Brunswickan
Force Fields expertly crafts epic and ethereal soundscapes that are as complex as they are original, and as beautiful as they are dangerous. - Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival
Julie (2010)
Forward Music Sampler (2008)
Ben EP (2007)

The Fussy Part can be described as both beautiful and coarse, offering ethereal soundscapes and conjoined guitar melodies. Their original compositions are filled with complex and rich arrangements, bringing a refreshing breeze to the live music scene in Fredericton. Audiences can open their minds to haunting guitar rifts and electronic interludes. Nothing can quite prepare you for this eccentric and alluring performance.