Gig Seeker Pro



Band Hip Hop Gospel


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"Lazor Vision Band and Radio"

"Your music and ministry is a blessing for the youth and youth at heart."

- Lazor Vision Band and Radio

"New Covenant Fellowship Church Virginia"

"CL Ministries has been a tremendous blessing to our church, especially for our youth group kids. When I first invited Chung Lee (CL) to our VA campus for a friend's night, all the kids were touched by the testimony of his faith. I still remember CL shouting "Pick your crosses up!" CL's passion and the words that he was shouting out truly challenged everybody in the room to re-evaluate their walk with God. God has given him a tremendous gift of writing songs that don't just sound great, but are inspiring for many Christians. The way CL performs on stage shows his true humbleness and undeniable love for God. The lyrics he writes are very biblically solid and foundational to all Christians. CL is not afraid to speak the truth in his songs and I admire his boldness to proclaim God's truth in any setting and circumstance. I'm confident that God will continue to use CL Ministries in great ways to change many peoples lives. All the kids at our church are already talking about inviting CL back. We have become partners for the Kingdom of God! Thank you so much for your ministry CL!" - Pastor Brian

"New Covenant Fellowship Church Maryland"

"Chung has a powerful voice and his emotions are carried through his entire performance. The words were touching many hearts and some stood up with excitement. It was from the heart and the message was clear. Many teens could relate to the message and the crowd response was great. Since then, we decided to invite Chung again to speak to us. His giftedness is undeniable and his performance was incredible to witness." - Pastor Moses


"Chung, thanks for the great music man, I don't think I can thank you enough. my little bro loves rap and pop but I have a hard time finding any with a strong positive message, and that shows a love of God. he loves your songs. Thanks man, may God bless you and your ministry." - Anthony Ruopoli

"Rev. Dean Thomas"

"I was very pleased to present your ministry on my show. It was particularly an honor for me as your outreach are to children which I believe are our future. Your speaking and witnessing for the Lord is outstanding and I think we got across many good messages to our listeners." - The Peoples Showcase


"Brother C.L. this David (Hakmin) reaching out to you from Tokyo, Japan. Im currently listening to "Quiet Nights" on this site, too bad its not on the album i love this track. It takes great courage and responsibility to speak a message so bold as you have done so already." - David Hakmin Lee

"Myspace Friend"

"Brotha CL, you are an admiration in the eyes of Lord I am sure and an inspiration to me. You have a way with words and expression that touches hearts. With God on our side, all things are possible. God bless you and will continue praying for you and your ministry. Keep on pressin'...Sista Lily " - Lily

"Myspace Friend"

"Hello, I like your tracks. It's not usual to hear six tracks of an artist on here and like five. I like all in the context of salvation of course. You are truly a tool of Christ. You are doing an excellent job for Christ. All is possible with Christ. Carry on and never stop, Oliver." - Oliver


United In Christ Mixtape Vol. I
Witness Protection Mixtape Vol. II
From Darkness To Light (Release Date in May '09)



Chung Lee aka CL, a son of a preacher man, grew up in the church but still ran from God and fell into many worldly sins! This new emerging sensation has now turned his life over to Christ which was the only thing that delivered him from a life of drugs and alcohol addictions. This Christian emcee and speaker gives strong testament from the living word of God and his own real life experiences. CL represents his salvation through his music and ministry about the coming from the darkness into the light.

While developing his God given talent, CL has been actively building his ministry, teaching youth at his church and attending Washington Bible College. Using Christian rap as a tool, CL reaches out to youth, college, and young adults in hopes to spark an awakening in their hearts for Christ. Stay tuned for fresh singles from his first album From Darkness to Light, projected to be released in Summer of '09.

CL's main focus is not only to share his music but to share his journey in life which led him to Christ. "I really want to build a ministry that goes beyond the stage."