The best kept secret in music
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Still working on that hot first release.

Owner and director of GBMUSIC music productions, is a self-taught musician of various instruments, who grew up with the records of Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, J.M. Jarre, as well as the Beatles and Italian artists like Pino Daniele. As early as 1985, still very young, he worked in many recording studios, working on music technology/computers as an audio engineer, a midi expert and arranger. He has always been enthralled by the world of computers and music technology, having experimented in this field and continuing to study the relationship between sound and its effects, so as to compose pieces dense with noises and rarified sonorities, in the hopes of recreating the typical visual atmospheres of cinematic and television music. Over the years he has gained tremendous technical experience tied to his gifted abilities as an arranger and pianist. He was editor of the magazine MUSICFILE (formerly FAREMUSICA) and for 5 years editor for the magazine STRUMENTI MUSICALI (SM), the most important in Italy in the field of electronic musical instruments and music technology. In 1992 he started his own recording studio in which he started producing many up and coming artists(Alessandro Graziano, Velvet), at the same time continuing to play with some of the most important soul and blues groups on the Roman scene in that period. In 1996 he chose to leave the stage and became his own producer, preparing hundreds of refined musical compositions ranging from lounge, chill-out to electrojazz. He has produced important PRODUCTION MUSIC LIBRARIES for important compies like RAITRADE, MACCHIAVELLI AND FABRIZIO MARIONI PUBLISHING. His compositions have appeared on the RAI and MEDIASET networks in adverts, documentaries, and news segments (Linea Blu, Frontiere, Costume e Società, TG2, UNO MATTINA). He prepared over 60 minutes of music for the DVD series published with the Gazzetta dello sport "I MITI DEL CALCIO", "I MITI DEL CICLISMO", and "IL PALLONE D'ORO" published by RAI TRADE: equalling over 1,000,000 copies! In 2002, he came in second in the national music composition contest for TV soaps and Television SOUNDTRACK LAB 2002 by the Pergolesi Music School (AN). He has licensed his music for tens of promotional and company videos. To this date he has written some of the most refined electrobossa, soul, lounge and chill out projects on the peninsula. With the LATIN VIBE project, he brought out two BOSSA/LOUNGE albums, on Claudio Donato's Antibemusic label. These two CDs brought him to be part of many compilations in Italy and abroad. The artists with whom he collaborates have been featured on many radio specials(interviews and live performances on the program BRASIL on RADIO UNO RAI, disk of the week on Radio Centro Suono Due ROMA). As arranger, he has collaborated with important artists(Gatto Panceri, Enrico Boccadoro, and JIM PORTO.) Under the pseudonums VibraPHile, Mazachigno, Luna Lounge, Soft Sofa and 2 Dancing Dogs, Giacomo Bondi has appeared as producer and remixer on important national and foreign labels on over 70 compilations. Among his latest collaborations, he is proud of working with the famous Brazilian pianist and jazz singer Jim Porto, with whom he made two versions of the song "Voce è demais" (written with Saturnino) and "Diga" played on among others RADIO DEE JAY, RADIO GLOBO, RADIO SUBASIO, RADIO UNO RAI, and gaining 3rd place on the MIAMI 105 playlist. In 2004 he collaborated as musical producer with ENRICO BOCCADORO (Sanremo 2005) on the song LA COSA MIGLIORE. He unceasingly continues his work as producer on Lounge, Nu:jazz, and Bossa record projects, thanks also to his precious collaboration with artists of national fame as well as American and Brazilian vocalists.