The best kept secret in music
This band has no press
Currently Recording:
2007, Songs for Ordinary Ghosts - upcoming LP soundtrack for Ordinary Ghosts, a novel by Eireann Corrigan.
2005, A Toda Madre - LP
2006, Avenue Boulevard - EP
Feeling a bit camera shy
Go Kat Go is a collective of musicians pooling their individual interests from coast to coast to create something truly of Modern Americana. From Hank Williams to Johnny Rotten to Davids Bowie and Byrne to Nicks Drake and Cave, Odette Magritte is the stuff road trips and deep sea explorations are made of.
In the mountains just between Albany and Amherst, four young men found a common place to create art and music.
Ari Crystal was always a natural musician, steeped in the punk-rock dirt of his Jersey homeland. Also a keen painter, he dug deep into the artistic soil that music and visual art can enrich.
Peter Holland, a cool Californian by way of Texas - a cowboy surfer if you will, found a kindred spirit in Ari's creations, and soon, they began to write songs together. Peter's pacific, good ol' boy style of music was an unlikely, yet uncanny match for Ari's slick, crude oil.
Rafael Cruz, hailing from Queens, New York found a natural rhythm with the duo. As a drummer and amateur film-maker, his wild imagination and effortless timing ran perfectly in time with their music.
Jiwoo Han, another Californian linked up with the trio as he developed a taste for home recording. As a trained pianist and self taught instrumentalist, he brought the quiet solace of the Berkshires into the mix.
Shawn Watts a mean bass player and sharp wit, joined the band when they relocated to Jersey City. His sharp, techincal ear puts the bite into these boys' bark.
Today, they write and play for the trees and hills somewhere in Jersey.