Heavenly Noise Musique LLC
Gig Seeker Pro

Heavenly Noise Musique LLC

Band Hip Hop Gospel


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This band has not uploaded any videos



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Still working on that hot first release.



Where does my story begin…….It does not begin with the story of my life as a child nor with my parents or my grandparents or even my place of birth but more like the birth of my faith. At the age of 15 while my parents were on the verge of divorce, my father who was then struggling with the spirit of alcoholism began attending Unity of Faith Fellowship church here in Richmond, Va. He asked me to attend with him one Sunday, and of course I was not thrilled but went along. Tired, irritated, and full of the world, I sat there starring at this man that had so much knowledge of things I had no understanding of and filled with something that I had never seen before. This man Pastor Myron “Rock” Davis along with my father, encouraged me to want more for my life. At the age of 16 after God bought my parents back together I accepted Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior. At that time I didn’t fully appreciate what it meant to be saved and born again, but I now realize it was the best decision I have ever made.

I didn’t know that God had a purpose for me until a tragic day in November of 2001 when I was involved in a horrific car accident, in which most thought I should have died. After the accident I began to feel as though God saved me for a special purpose, but because I was living for the world as well as trying to live for Christ, I couldn’t hear God speak to me until one night at the age of 21, when most people are thinking about going to clubs, drinking, and indulging in more sin, I confessed to the Lord that I didn’t want to live that lifestyle anymore. Following the word in 1 Peter 5:7, I cast all of those cares to him, and have been since striving to please HIM in everything that I do. After only 2 months of prayer God brought a special woman into my life who I soon realized was meant to be my wife. After one year of dating we became one flesh on Christmas day of 2007. As we prayed together and asked God to reveal to us what our purpose is, HE put something in my heart.

I always had a thirst for music that could never seem to be quenched. It was always playing on the T.V., radio, and in my head and in most cases at the same time, lol. Though after changing my life, I continued to listen to secular music, but because I was open to receive what God was putting in my spirit, my ears were able to hear the death filled words and I began to notice how damaging it was to my spirit. I knew it wasn’t right and it did not line up with the word of God, so HE began showing me that I had a gift for music to minister to the body of Christ as well as to those who are lost and headed for eternal death. Since then, I have been producing with a sincere heart to work with artists of a like mind to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Although this is a wonderful gift, God has lead to me to begin studies in International Seminary in the Fall of 2009, and I pray through out this journey he reveals what else he has in store for me.