Gig Seeker Pro


Bristol, England, United Kingdom | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF

Bristol, England, United Kingdom | SELF
Established on Jan, 2011
Duo Blues Rock




"Video Premiere"

Okay, we can confess that we’ve seen quite a lot of different musical acts in the history of NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. Very unique formations indeed but we can clearly say we haven’t seen anything like this before. Dave Crowe and Andy Balcon are HEYMOONSHAKER – and this is the premiere of their latest music video Colly Drop.

A quite special combination these two have. A dirty blues rocker on one side and a talented beatboxer on the other side. Yes, really. The result is music which is both – powerful and rough with a clear sense of passion. In a ime when you think you’ve already heard every musical possibility before HEYMOONSHAKER provide something truly new and inspiring. Their debut album is on the way, their intense new video Colly Drop has already arrived today. It was directed by Holden (weareholden.com). Experience it right here and don’t forget the duo’s upcoming tourdates below. - Nothing But Hope And Passion

"Interview with Heymoonshaker"

Rolling Stone calls them ‘Dazzling!’, 13 million+ YouTube views – beatbox blues duo Heymoonshaker release new EP and head to Shoreditch.

Tell us about your new album?
Andy: Last year was a real eye opener for us, and we were fortunate enough to play for a real eclectic plethora of audiences, in that process we felt the music move in it’s own direction and we were simply the vessel for the sound developed around our choice in lifestyle. The recording process was basically trying to capture the essence of our live performance and wrap it in a palatable parcel. Our live shows weaves in and out of the ideas involved in the EP, and bears the fusion between Beatbox and Blues which we carried through the Chai Wallahs Festival circuit last year. We’ve been working closely with Diplomats of sound for the upcoming tour and the result is a calendar with some of our personal favourite venues.

What is the inspiration behind your music?
Crowe: The life, The freedom. We believe that one can do whatever they desire, its only the societal life that makes that seem less possible. For us, we had no choice but to leave where we grew up to find the thing to fill the void, upon this journey we found music, we found it was our key, and also the easiest way to tell people about the way in which we live. To advertise the idea of freedom, true freedom of choice. A life you decide.

What is innovative about what you do compared to other Beatboxers?
Crowe: It’s important to state, that when I agree I’m different I do not mean better. I think the difference comes from what I want from it, I want beatbox to now be looked at as an instrument, a tool to create lasting music, not a trick or yo yo fad. Performance wise, I want to push the body to the limit to explore the body through noises and rhythms . No more 10 or 15 minute shows. A real musical performance, I believe this way we can break the stereotypes that may surround beatboxing. But of course there may be others doing what I’m doing, I just don’t know of them. And I don’t wear a new era flatcap.

How would you describe the art scene in Shoreditch?
Crowe: The art scene for us coincides with the fashion and way of life that shoreditch represents. We love the outgoing styles and street art, but sometimes East London comes across as a little pretentious. Or maybe were just not cool enough.

Who/what are your favorite Artists/Businesses in the area?
Andy: Buisness wise, Heymoonshaker wouldn’t have got off the ground if it wasn’t for the help of Paul Jellis who works with Nabokov and runs Bad Physics. They run interactive Arts events that involve Music, theatre and dance to a themed event. That’s how we were introduced to Diplomats Of Sound. It was a Halloween event in 2011 that united us.
It was around that time we worked with Director Ozzie Pullin to record ‘London Brick lane, Part 1-4`, Ozzie works for Partizan, and has just recently been working with a project involving ‘Tame Impala` and ‘Rufus Wainwright`.

What are your favorite places in Shoreditch?
Andy: We love bricklane, for busking and partying, hackney is a place to be chilled with but mainly the vibe of shoreditch just makes the place welcoming. Many a party has been spent there, and the morning is always seen without sleep. That’s nice. - Made In Shoreditch

"Introducing Heymoonshaker"

It isn’t necessarily a genre that anyone was missing in their lives, but there is something admittedly intriguing about the unlikely beatbox-blues duo heymoonshaker. Andy Balcon brings the furious vocals of the blues as he pounds on his guitar, and Dave Crowe (who was becoming quite famous in his own right as a human dubstep artist) creates a personal drum machine that creates a charismatic battle between the two. Having seen them at Bedroom Bar, Shoreditch, what was impressive was how well the two had blended these two quite different aspects, despite the diversity. If, as the band claim, they are trying to move beatboxing beyond a novelty act, arguably it successfully became its own instrument on stage. - IDOL Magazine

"EP Review"

English beatbox blues duo Heymoonshaker comprises Dave Crowe (beatbox) and Andy Balcon (voice/guitar). They met in New Zealand 3 years ago as touring street performers and have since developed their mutual interests.

Believing in constant travel, they’ve taken their stage show around the world to Sweden, Australia, Switzerland, New Zealand, Germany, France and Italy. During last summers tour they visited Beach Break Live, Greenman Festival, Shambala, Wilderness and Kendal Calling in the UK.

Their debut EP Shakerism, a nine track recording, is released on 18th March, 2013. It was recorded at Wetlab studio’s with music maestro Viktor Benzen.

Heymoonshaker fuse urban sounds and deep bass with blues and rock and roll rhythms. Andy’s voice howls and growls like an enraged wolf. They’ve a raw, fresh energy and over 13 million YouTube viewers have now watched their nomadic busking. They’ve created something a bit different through a personal reinvention of the blues and should be praised for their adventurousness, though they’re possibly a bit too experimental for some peoples tastes. - AAA Music

"Live Review Cardiff"

Having first seen Heymoonshaker a couple of years ago at Green Man Festival I was more than excited to see the ‘beatbox-blues’ duo again in Cardiff, upon the release of their EP Shakerism. The venue was intimate this time, making for a very different atmosphere that I wasn’t sure would work.

The show kicked off with Schoolboy’s Death Trio, a bizarre combination of punk rap poetry, expressive saxophone and drums. Although the musicians showed real talent, the vocals and lyrics detracted from their sound and I soon found myself longing for the headlining act to begin (as quickly as possible).

Luckily as soon as Andy Balcon and Dave Crowe hit the stage the atmosphere became electric. The pair wowed and warmed up the crowd from the very first song; Balcon’s distinct woody blues vocals combined with Crowe’s astounding beats make for something special and unique that you don’t see from anyone else. They evidently work hard for their art too, as they strained, sweated and rocked their way through the show, much to the delight of the diverse crowd.

Both Crowe and Balcon gave a solo performance to really show off their skill. Crowe’s ability in particular to connect with the crowd made their performance what it was, as he went from making jokes mid-song to tackling the meaning of life (and receiving a surprisingly warm response). My only gripe was that all their songs seemed to merge into one. Although impressive, catchy they ain’t and that’s why they are so much better onstage where they can truly show off.

Regardless of this, the pair were very personable both on and off stage as they enjoyed a few drinks with the adoring crowd after the show. I would recommend seeing the pair to any blues and/or beats fans, and I look forward to seeing them perform in front of a bigger crowd at a few festivals this summer. - Buzz Magazine

"Marsatac 2012 Review"

Dialogue hallucinant entre un guitariste possédé au chant écorché et une beatbox parfaitement maîtrisée. Une émotion folle s’en dégage entre sourires, joutes et grosses perfo. Éblouissant ! - Rolling Stone France


Shakerism EP - March 2013
Shakerism (Definitive Edition) EP - October 2013



“A well balanced mix of smiles, verbal sparring and an impressive performance convey deep emotions. Dazzling!”  Rolling Stone Fr

Heymoonshaker are the unlikely pairing of two art forms that are decades apart; grit-your-teeth raw blues guitar and impressive heart-pounding beatboxing.  Urbanizing blues music now for nearly 3 years, Andy Balcon and Dave Crowe are extremely talented at their craft but what impresses most and has made their commitment to ‘Beatbox Blues’ so successful is the indescribable chemistry these two have on stage.  The musical sparring of Crowe’s powerful beats versus Andy’s possessed vocals forge together like two pieces of iron, creating an inspired piece of creativity and originality.

Heymoonshaker have showcased their unique and energetic take on the blues in the US, Japan, Mexico, Canada and Europe.  Not to mention at some of the largest festivals across the globe including WOMAD & Glastonbury (UK), SXSW (USA), Fusion Festival (Germany), Paléo Festival (Switzerland), and Sziget Festival (Hungary).

Band Members