Hillbilly Holiday
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States | SELF
If you want to see tons of fancy press, go to http://www.babyray.com/press/ and read the clippings. Substitute "Hillbilly Holiday" for every mention of "Baby Ray" and "country" for every mention of "rock" and you'll have enough clippings to choke a horse. (But please, don't choke a horse.)
Trust us, we're good! - http://www.babyray.com/press/
Check out the "Audio" page!
Also, we've released 4 new recordings that you can listen and own at: http://hillbillyholiday.bandcamp.com/

What if a group of indie rockers took a hard right turn into traditional country music, not worrying too much about the rules, except for the one that says "anything goes"? And what if they were fronted by a lead singer whose only country credentials are that she comes from a country (Taiwan) and doesn't really like country music? And what if they stretched the definition of "country music" to include...pretty much anything? And what if they put on some fancy clothes and just tried to show people a good time?
Well, Hillbilly Holiday is what you'd have. It starts with three members of late-90's Boston indie band (and Thirsty Ear recording artists) Baby Ray -- Kenny Lafler, Nate Logus, and Paul Simonoff. Add in Selena Tan (formerly of Boston's Tweety UK) on lead vocals, and Erica Moody (formerly of Boston's The Touch Me There's) on keys. Have 'em do songs from pretty much every decade of the 20th century as if they were all being played in 1956. And have yourself a beer.