Ignorance Manifest
Gig Seeker Pro

Ignorance Manifest


Band Folk Acoustic


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In July 2005, my studio album "As Yet Untitled..." was released for sale from my website. Tracks from this album are available for streaming play on music.download.com, and from CPU.ie
I was also approached at one point by someone looking to include my song "Cosmopolitan Indifference" on a UK & Ireland compilation for Label representatives, but unfortunately I had to decline.



Born of a lust for guitar playing and a poetically inspired rush of creativity, Ignorance Manifest blossomed from a song here and there to a full 13-track studio album. Inspired by poetry in both it's written and spoken form, I began melding my own poetic attempts with my slowly awakening desire to play guitar. As my playing developed, my style developed from my many influences ranging from Rodrigo y Gabriela to Judas Priest, from Rammstein to Green Day, from The Horslips to Machine Head and from System Of A Down to Tenacious D. Blending my style of poetry with my world views, I wrote lyrics to suit my music, always writing one before the other, and everything magically flowed into 15 or 16 songs that fully expressed who I was and how I felt. One song "Butterflies & Bruises" was even written in 10 minutes after inspiration from watching a TV show. To me, playing music is meaningful. I take something from hearing music and seeing bands/artists play. I take something from their lyrics. And so, when I write a song, it has meaning to me. And when I play a song, I want to have meaning for the listener. Not neccesarily the meaning I intended, but any meaning they take from it is good. Plus it's just plain fun to write & play your music and have it be appreciated by others.