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Coyoacán, The Federal District, Mexico | INDIE

Coyoacán, The Federal District, Mexico | INDIE
Band EDM


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"Jazz visual y Collages Sonoros"

Jorge Esquivelzeta y Harriet Payer Anderss, músico mexicano y artista visual alemana, respectivamente, forman el grupo Jaap. Jaap es un término que denota una utopía marxista: una sociedad sin clases en la que todos sus miembros gozan de los mismos privilegios y responsabilidades.

Si el nombre de la agrupación es o no una declaración política es de poca importancia. Lo importante es que Jaap promueve una manera verdaderamente multimedia de hacer arte. No es un grupo musical, no es un colectivo de artes visuales, no es un dueto de performance: es las tres cosas simultáneamente. Ninguna disciplina tiene predominio sobre la otra: una armonía triple lograda gracias a la tecnología digital.

En el Museo Dolores Olmedo, que se ha mostrado muy interesado en el arte joven contemporáneo de México, se presenta El suspiro de un adiós, exposición multidisciplinaria formada por los collages fotográficos digitales de Anderss, la música jazz breakbeat de Esquivelzeta y los videoartes realizados por los dos ex profeso para la muestra.

Más que una exposición es, pues, todo un proyecto artístico, una manera peculiar (aunque no fuera de tendencia, hay varios proyectos parecidos en el mundo) de percibir la realidad.

Todos los montajes de Anderss son polisémicos, es decir tienen varios niveles de significado: la textura como el soporte en que han sido impresos tienen tanto que decir como las imágenes que lo conforman.

Por ejemplo, la pieza “Perro muerto-beso mojado”, serie de imágenes repetidas colocadas sobre una vieja escalera, o “Girls,Girls, Girls” que usa imágenes religiosas contrapuestas con una fotografía de prostitutas esperando afuera de un motel de Tlalpan.

Hay piezas inspiradas en los feminicidios de Ciudad Juárez que tienen encima arena del desierto. Hay collages impresos sobre telas, sobre periódico, sobre plástico.

¿Denuncia social? Según ambos artistas, la denuncia y la política no son objetivos primarios. Más bien quieren ser cronistas de la realidad mexicana tal como se topan con ella, usando objetos que encuentran en las calles, capturando sus imágenes cotidianas en videos y fotografías. La inspiración de las obras es un México urbano, complejo, lo mismo decadente y violento, moderno y espectacular.

Sin duda, lo más interesante de la propuesta de Jaap es que se trata de arte vivo. Como parte integral de la exposición habrá tres presentaciones en las que se podrá escuchar la música y ver la mezcla de videos en vivo. Los músicos (todos grandes exponentes del jazz contemporáneo, por cierto, entre ellos el baterista Hernán Hecht y el saxofonista Daniel Zlotnik) harán improvisaciones y Anderss hará lo propio con las imágenes: un jazz visual que será irrepetible y diferente en cada presentación.

La primera función será este sábado 31 de enero a las 12 del día en la galería del Dolores Olmedo, y habrá dos más el 28 de febrero y el 4 de abril, estas últimas con la participación de Iraida Noriega, gran cantante de jazz.


"Visual jazz and collages sonorous (ENGLISH TRANSLATION)"

Visual jazz and collages sonorous
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On January 30, 2009 - 13:48
The sigh of a farewell
CREDIT: Concepción Moreno
Jorge Esquivelzeta and Harriet Payer Anderss, Mexican musician and visual German artist, respectively, form the group Jaap.
Jorge Esquivelzeta and Harriet Payer Anderss, Mexican musician and visual German artist, respectively, form the group Jaap. Jaap is a term that denotes a Marxist utopia: a society without classes in whom all his members enjoy the same privileges and responsibilities.

If the name of the grouping is or not a political declaration performs little importance. The important thing is that Jaap promotes a truly multimedia way of doing art. It is not a musical group, it is not a group of visual arts, it is not a short duet of performance: it is three things simultaneously. No discipline has predominance on other one: a triple harmony achieved thanks to the digital technology.

In the Museum Dolores Olmedo, who has proved to be very interested in the young contemporary art of Mexico, presents to herself The sigh of a farewell, multidisciplinary exhibition formed by the photographic digital collages of Anderss, the music jazz breakbeat of Esquivelzeta and the videoartes realized by the two specifically for the event.

More that an exhibition is, so, the whole artistic project, a peculiar way (although not out of tendency, there are several projects seemed in the world) of perceiving the reality.

All the assemblies of Anderss are polisemic, that is to say they have several levels of meaning: the texture as the support on which they have been printed they have so much that to say as the images that shape it.

For example, the piece “ Dead dog- wet kiss ”, series of repeated images placed on an old roten stairs, or “ Girls, Girls, Girls ” that uses religious images opposed with a prostitutes' photography waiting out of a motel of Tlalpan.

There are pieces been inspired by the women killings of Ciudad Juárez that have above sand of the desert. There are collages printed matter on cloths, on newspaper, on plastic.

Social denunciation? According to both artists, the denunciation and the politics are not primary targets. Rather they want to be chroniclers of the Mexican reality as they come across with her, using objects that they find in the streets, capturing his daily images in videos and photography. The inspiration of the works is an urban, complex Mexico, decadent and violent, modern and spectacular the same.

Undoubtedly, the most interesting of the proposal of Jaap is that it is a question of alive art. As integral part of the exhibition there will be three presentations in which it will be possible to listen to the music and to see the miscellany of videos in alive. The musicians (all big exponents of the contemporary jazz, certainly, between them the baterista Hernán Hecht and the saxophonist Daniel Zlotnik) will do improvisations and Anderss will do the proper thing with the images: a visual jazz that will be unrepeatable and different in every presentation.

The first function will be this Saturday, the 31st of January at 12 a.m. of the day in the gallery of Dolores Olmedo, and there will be two more on February 28 and April 4, the above mentioned with the participation of Iraida Noriega, big singer of jazz. - EL ECONOMISTA

"Decadencia y muerte a través del arte multimedia"

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Decadencia y muerte a través del arte multimedia
Unen su talento la artista visual Harriet Payer y el músico mexicano Jorge Esquivelzeta

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La muerte como tal, la pérdida de ideales o valores, son distintas formas de no estar o de cerrar ciclos en la vida para dar paso a otras etapas.

Esto lo saben muy bien la artista visual alemana Harriet Payer Anderss y el músico mexicano Jorge Esquivelzeta, quienes conforman el grupo Jaap y reflexionan en torno de estos aspectos a través de la muestra multimedia El suspiro de un adiós.

Se trata de 27 imágenes que conjugan fotografía, video y pintura digital e igual número de piezas electroacústicas, que se presentan en el Museo Dolores Olmedo que, por otra parte, acostumbrado a exhibir expresiones plásticas formales, ahora abre sus puertas a una exposición en donde se conjugan lenguajes multimedia y perfomances.

Las obras que conforman El suspiro de un adiós, cuenta Harriet Payer, “están muy inspiradas en el Día de Muertos en México, en cómo se maneja el tema de la muerte en este país, que es muy fascinante, aunque no en todas las imágenes hablamos del fin de un ciclo de vida, también está la decadencia o cómo se muere un ideal, pero no desde un punto de vista pesimista sino para dar paso a nuevas ideas”.

Así, la muestra es un recorrido por los principales problemas y realidades que rodean al hombre de principios del siglo XXI; la descomposición y la degradación de la vida humana y de otros seres vivos, así como la muerte, tan presente en la cultura mexicana.

Harriet usa la fotografía como la metáfora de un lugar capturado que no regresa jamás, mientras que Esquivelzeta ha compuesto piezas musicales para cada fotomontaje, a partir de distintas variantes electroacústicas como el house, lounge, funk, jazz y breakbeat, generando un ambiente de introspección alrededor de cada cuadro.

“Los videos también son nuestros y dan cuenta de la vida cotidiana, lo mismo de un basurero que de un hombre cortando pollo en Xochimilco. Tomamos como base la escena mexicana contemporánea y urbana con sus influencias multiculturales y multisociales”, cuenta Esquivelzeta.

El suspiro de un adiós se complementa con la presentación de un performance multimedia que permite ver in situ el proceso creativo de los artistas, quienes involucran a otros músicos para crear una fusión multidisciplinaria de imágenes, música y voz.

Dos de las obras más simbólicas de esta exposición están inspiradas en temas bíblicos y en la experiencia de emigrantes mexicanos hacia Estados Unidos. En el primer caso, la obra Eva ya no es una atracción presenta una serpiente —convertida en signo de pesos—, que ya no se siente atraída por Eva sino por un helado, dando a entender que el paraíso ahora está conformado por objetos materiales y relaciones de consumo.

En El muro sangriento, la artista alemana deja ver el horror palpitante de los mexicanos que buscan el suelo americano y son atrapados por la muerte.

“Al final, únicamente queda de ellos una simple botella que los clasifica como no identificados”, concluye Esquivelzeta.

La exposición del grupo Jaap estará abierta hasta el 5 de abril en el Museo Dolores Olmedo (Av. México 5843, colonia La Noria, Xochimilco).

Un performance multimedia permitirá ver en vivo el proceso creativo de los artistas, los días 28 de febrero y 4 de abril a las 13:00 horas. - EL UNIVERSAL

"Decay and death across the multimedia art (ENGLISH TRANSLATION)"

Decay and death across the multimedia art
There join his talent the visual artist Harriet Payer and the Mexican musician Jorge Esquivelzeta


The death as such, the loss of ideal or values, they are different ways of not being or of closing cycles in the life to pass to other stages.

This is known very well by the visual German artist Harriet Payer Anderss and the Mexican musician Jorge Esquivelzeta, who agree the group Jaap and reflect around these aspects across the multimedia sample on The sigh of a farewell.

It is a question of 27 images that bring together photography, video and digital painting and equal number of pieces electroacústicas, that appear in the Museum Dolores Olmedo who, on the other hand, accustomed to exhibit plastic formal expressions, now opens his doors for an exhibition where multimedia languages conjugate and perfomances.

The works that shape The sigh of a farewell, tells Harriet Payer, “ they are much inspired in the Day of Dead in Mexico, in how one handles the topic of the death in this country, which is very fascinating, although not in all the images we speak about the end of a cycle of life, also the decline is or how the ideal one dies, but not from a pessimistic point of view but for to pass to new ideas ”.

This way, the sample is a trip for the principal problems and realities that surround the man of the beginning of the XXIst century; the decomposition and the degradation of the life humanizes and of other alive beings, as well as the death so present in the Mexican culture.

Harriet uses the photography as the metaphor of a captured place that never returns, whereas Esquivelzeta has composed compositions for every photoassembly, from different variants electroacústicas as the house, lounge, funk, jazz and breakbeat, generating an ambience of introspection about every picture.

“ The videos also are ours and they realize of the daily life, the same of a dump than of a man cutting chicken in Xochimilco. We take the Mexican contemporary and urban scene as a base with his multicultural and multisocial influences ”, tells Esquivelzeta.

The sigh of a farewell complements itself with the presentation of a multimedia performance that allows to see in situ the creative process of the artists, who involve other musicians to create a multidisciplinary merger of images, music and voice.

Two of the most symbolic works of this exhibition are inspired in Biblical topics and in the experience of Mexican emigrants towards the United States. In the first case, the work Eva is already not an attraction it presents a snake — turned into sign of weight—, which does not feel already attracted by Eva but by an ice cream, giving to understand that the paradise now is shaped by material objects and relations of consumption.

In The bloody wall, the German artist allows to see the palpitating frightfulness of the Mexicans who look for the American soil and are caught by the death.

“ In the end, only there stays of them a simple bottle that classifies them like not identified ”, he concludes Esquivelzeta.

The exhibition of the group Jaap there will be opened until April 5 in the Museum Dolores Olmedo (Av. Mexico 5843, colony The Treadmill, Xochimilco).

A multimedia performance will allow to see in alive the creative process of the artists, on February 28 and April 4 at 13:00. - EL UNIVERSAL

"El Museo Dolores Olmedo abre sus puertas al arte multimedia de vanguardia"

¦ Buscamos captar público joven para acercarlo al acervo del recinto, adelanta su director
El Museo Dolores Olmedo abre sus puertas al arte multimedia de vanguardia

¦ Mostrarán pintura digital y música electroacústica de Harriet Payer y Jorge Esquivelzeta

Arturo García Hernández

Aspecto de la exposición que se abrirá el sábado 31 en el Museo Dolores Olmedo Foto: Jesús Villaseca

El Museo Dolores Olmedo va en pos del público joven y para ello abre sus puertas al arte multimedia de vanguardia.

Lo hace con El suspiro de un adiós, exposición de pintura digital, fotomontaje y música electroacústica del colectivo Jaap, encabezado por la artista visual alemana Harriet Payer Anderss y por el músico mexicano Jorge Esquivelzeta.

Sobre esta apertura, Carlos Philips Olmedo, director del recinto, explicó: “Lo estuvimos discutiendo mucho con el equipo del museo y llegamos a la conclusión de que si nosotros tenemos dentro de nuestra función promover la cultura en México y la cultura mexicana, no podemos dejar de lado lo que ocurre en el siglo XXI, porque correríamos el riesgo de volvernos un espacio anquilosado, casi una pirámide prehispánica.”

Exposición de El Corcito

Entrevistado al final de la conferencia en que se anunció la exposición de Jaap, Philips Olmedo esgrimió su convicción de que “el museo debe ser vivo”, por lo que continuará haciendo estos altos para mostrar el arte del siglo XXI sin renunciar a su compromiso con el arte tradicional.

Al respecto, adelantó que posterioremente, en la segunda mitad del año, se tiene programada una exposición de Antonio Ruiz, El Corcito: “De pronto se puede decir: ¿qué tiene que ver un pintor costumbrista mexicano del siglo XX con el performance, el video y la música electroacústica? Pues que son expresión de la sociedad de su tiempo”.

De lo que se trata, en última instancia, es de poner en contacto a un público joven con la colección del museo. Porque está ocurriendo que en general acude un público maduro, que sabe y gusta de la obra de Diego Rivera y de Frida Kahlo, pero “eso no quiere decir que no haya otra cultura que necesita promoverse”.

Harriet Payer Anderss y Jorge Esquivelzeta se definen como una “comunidad creativa concebida bajo la idea de ofrecer una producción artística que goce de un carácter vanguardista, moderno, urbano y aun comercial, pero siempre proponente y a la vez, capaz de adentrarse en el laberinto del más alto gusto y nivel”.

El suspiro de un adiós tiene lugar en la sala Fernando Gamboa del recinto. Será inaugurada el próximo 31 de enero y permanecerá abierta hasta el 5 de abril.

Incluye 27 pinturas digitales y fotomontajes de Payer, alrededor de las cuales Esquivelzeta compuso obras musicales “con toques de house, lounge, funk, jazz y breakbeat”. De manera complementaria, se realizarán tres performances multimedia –el 31 de enero, el 28 de febrero y el 4 de abril– en el que los artistas compartirán con el público el proceso creativo.
Anterior Siguiente

"The Museum Dolores Olmedo opens his doors for the multimedia art of avant-garde (ENGLISH TRANSLATION)"

¦ Think about how to receive young public to bring it over to the undivided assets of the enclosure, his director passes
The Museum Dolores Olmedo opens his doors for the multimedia art of avant-garde

¦ Will prove to be a digital painting and musical electroacústica of Harriet Payer and Jorge Esquivelzeta

Arturo García Hernández

View of the exhibition that Dolores Olmedo Foto will open to herself on Saturday, the 31st in the Museum:

Photo: Jesús Villaseca

The Museum Dolores Olmedo goes in pos of the young public and for it it opens his doors for the multimedia art of avant-garde.

It does it with The sigh of a farewell, exhibition of digital painting, photoassembly and music electroacústica of the group Jaap, headed by the visual German artist Harriet Payer Anderss and by the Mexican musician Jorge Esquivelzeta.

On this opening, Carlos Philips Olmedo, the director of the enclosure, explained: " We was discussing it very much with the team of the museum and came to the conclusion that if we have inside our function to promote the culture in Mexico and the Mexican culture, we cannot leave of side what happens in the XXIst century, because we would run the risk of a space turning anquilosado, almost a pre-Hispanic pyramid. ”

Exhibition of The Corcito

Interviewee at the end of the conference in which the exhibition of Jaap promised to be, Philips Olmedo used his conviction that “ the museum must be alive ”, from what it will keep on doing these high places to show the art of the XXIst century without resigning from his commitment with the traditional art.

On this matter, it moved forward that posterioremente, in the second half of the year, an exhibition of Antonio Ruiz is had programmed, The Corcito: " Suddenly it is possible to say: what does a painter have to see Mexican writer of folk literature of the XXth century with the performance, the video and the music electroacústica? Since that are an expression of the society of his time ”.

About what it talks each other, ultimately, it is of communicating a young public with the collection of the museum. Because it happens that in general it comes a mature public, that it is known and pleases of the work of Diego Rivera and of Frida Kahlo, but “ does not want to say that that there should no be another culture that needs to be promoted ”.

Harriet Payer Anderss and Jorge Esquivelzeta are defined as one “ creative community concebida under the idea of offering an artistic production that enjoys an avant-garde, modern, urban character and even commercially, but always proponent and simultaneously, capably of penetrating into the labyrinth of the highest taste and level ”.

The sigh of a farewell Fernando Gamboa of the enclosure takes place in the room. It will be inaugurated next January 31 and it will remain opened until April 5.

It includes 27 digital paintings and photoassemblies of Payer, about which Esquivelzeta it composed compositions “ with touches of house, lounge, funk, jazz and breakbeat ”. In a complementary way, three multimedia performances will be realized on – January 31, February 28 and April 4 – in which the artists will share with the public the creative process. - LA JORNADA

"“El suspiro de un adiós” en el Museo Dolores Olmedo"

Decidido a crear nuevos públicos, el Museo Dolores Olmedo continúa dando vuelta de tuerca en su perfil luego del paso del modernismo americano, la escultura de Javier Marín y ahora "El suspiro de un adiós", una simbiosis de arte multimedia presentada por el grupo Jaap.

”Esto es una mezcla de todo ello, tiene la parte de 27 obras que son fotomontajes, tiene video, tiene música y los 3 performances que van a hacer”, expresó Carlos Phillips Olmedo, director.

Dupla creativa integrada por una madre de tres niños originaria de Alemania y un músico-piloto aviador mexicano que presenta una selección de imágenes urbanas superpuestas en materiales que de acuerdo al discurso reafirman o complementan el trazo.

“La hago en tela, por ejemplo, a Eva, que es una representación de un ideal y a veces los valores se pudren más rápido y la tela igual y esto al mismo tiempo tiene un símbolo de la Biblia, tal como Eva también lo tiene”, manifestó Harriet Payer Anderss, artista plástica.

Una sucesión de imágenes condensadas en cada cuadro, mismos que como característica especial cuentan con su propia música. Un proyecto integral que tiene contemplado generar cada ambiente con una serie de conciertos en vivo.

“Pueden ser percusiones que se puede decir muy del lugar del que provienen, muy folclóricas diría yo, afroantillanas, africanas, puedes encontrar también cosas alemanas muy modernas”, indicó Jorge Esquivelzeta, músico.

El suspiro de un adiós se dejará sentir, a partir del 31 de enero, con un happening y concluirá el próximo 4 de abril.

"“ The sigh of a farewell ” in the Museum Dolores Olmedo ( ENGLISH TRANSLATION )"

Determined to create new public, the Museum Dolores Olmedo keeps on giving return of nut in his profile after the step of the American modernism, the sculpture of Javier Marín and now " The sigh of a farewell ", a symbiosis of multimedia art presented by the group Jaap.

” This is a miscellany of all this, it has the part of 27 works that are photoassemblies, has video, has music and 3 performances that they are going to do ”, expressed Carlos Phillips Olmedo, the director.

Double creative integrated by an original mother of three children of Germany and a musician - pilot Mexican aviator who presents a selection of urban images superposed in materials that in accordance with the speech reaffirm or complement the line.

“ I do her in cloth, for example, to Eva, who is a representation of the ideal one and sometimes the values rot more rapid and the equal cloth and this at the same time has a symbol of the Bible, as Eva also has it ”, showed Harriet Payer Anderss, plastic artist.

A succession of images condensed in every picture, same that as special characteristic they are provided with their own music. An integral project that has contemplated to generate every ambience with a series of concerts in alive.

“ They can be percussions that it is possible to say much about the place from which they come, very folk it is me who would say, afroantillanas, African, you can find also very modern German things ”, indicated Jorge Esquivelzeta, musician.

The sigh of a farewell will allow itself to feel, from January 31, with a happening and will conclude next April 4. - ONCE 11 TV MEXICO


First record is under editing and mixing, release date for October/November 2011.
Song HOW 13 premiered in Deustcheradiokulturberlin March 2010
Song Metamorfosis selected for Mixed compilation 28 from Mercedes Benz in Germany autumn 2009.
Song Einfach selected for Youngrebel webzine. London, England December 2010
Song Metamorfosis selected for Radio UK International January 2011.
Jaap chosen to be programmed regularly at one of the most important indie blogs in the US, Laserdog blogspot in Atlanta, Georgia.



Jaap is a multimedia band created by Harriet Payer Anderss (Germany) V.J.visual design and Jorge Esquivelzeta (Mexico) keyboards, sequencing. Jaap's music is full of different and vast colours and textures, having always a strong approach for rhythm section, which is always synchronized with the unique visuals the band handles live, never underestimating any musical genre.

During studio and on the gigs, Jaap is always delving into an electro-acoustic flair that develops Dance music such as House,Breakbeat, Down-Tempo, and Lounge styles but is always having a strong base on Funk, Rock, Blues and Jazz, always reinforced with a solid harmonic knowledge.

All the songs are always having a counterpart challenging visual composition for each of them, using the latest technology for improvisation as well on stage, making them not the typical visual add but a visual structure to complement the music.

This visual journey designed by Harriet Payer Anderss is always using own footage from everything that a human life can see mainly on a day.

jaapkore.com is where you can see most of the visual work on Harriet.

The band takes from the roots of Jazz the most important tool this genre has got, the improvisation...which is handled as well musically and visually, that has always the support from the best musicians available from the mexican musical jazz scene, including Grammy winners and challenging and innovative players on stage.

Using as much musicians, as sampling and synthesis, both visually and musically, the Jaap live shows will never give you a common repetition on any of the tunes played live, but a unique moment on creativity and improvisation, very much ahead from the normal bands, including a fantastic Poetry in motion sort of style on the lyrics if desired.

Influences in Jaap are vast as well as in music,literature,cinema and noise...mainly James Brown, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Herbie Hancock, John Coltrane, Duke Ellington Derek Bailey, Wayne Krantz, John Abercrombie, Pat Metheny,Talk Talk, Mark Hollis,Talking Heads,Brian Eno,Steve Reich,Kid Koala, Cold Cut, Ammon Tobim, Forss, Genesis, Gentle Giant, King Crimson, Bill Bruford, David Sylvian, Igor Stravinsky, Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Ligeti, Pierre Boulez, Edgar Varese amongst others.
In Literature Tolstoi, Kafka, Dostoievsky, James Joyce, George Orwell, Goethe, Fontane, Iris Murdoch, Emily Brontë amongst others.
Cinema influences Vittorio de Sica, Federico Fellini, Etore Scola, Orson Welles, Ridley Scott, Wim Wenders, Ingmar Bergman and Tim Burton.

Jaap always searches to strive beyond, even from our website, which is a hybrid between HTML and Flash.

Jaap is a 3 year old band that comes from a German-Mexican co-production based in England in the company George&HarrietLtd.

Harriet Payer Anderss studied photo and video during years 2005-to present including Coreldraw,Finalcut,Photoshop,Motiondive, After Effects and uses at the moment Modul8 for the live shows.

Jorge studied piano from age 13 and harmony, composition and arrangement with Cesar de la Cerda and audio,DAW,sampling ,synthesis and sequencing in London,England from 2001 to 2006.

Jaap has played in the finest,clubs, museums and galleries in Mexico and recently closed an Art biennale in Venezuela ,Caracas summer 2009.

Also Jaap has been chosen by Mercedes Benz Deutschland to appear on the Mixed Music comp 28 on their web-site, autumn 2009.

By late March 2010 Jaap's song HOW13 was premiered on Deutscheradiokultur, Berlin; a mixing between electronic-dance music and sound-art.

For summer 2010, Jaap was invited to attend the biggest digital art and artificial intelligence festival in America, FILE ELECTRONIC LANGUAGE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

On autumn 2010 Jaap was hired to give an experimental sonic seminar "Experimentacion sonora con materiales ortodoxos y creacion In situ" in the most important museum(art gallery) in the north part of Mexico, The Cecut ( El Cubo ) from "Consejo para la Cultura y Las Artes" CONACULTA, the main art federal government organization in the country.

In December 2010 Jaap was also chosen to appear in the Youngrebel webzine in England, one of UK´s filters for new music and talent as one of the freshest and promising new sound bands across the world.

January 2011 saw Jaap winning the right to appear in the most important internet radio station in the UK, Radio UK International in the International Showcase Hour, gaving Metamorfosis ( Jaap tune ) an extra week of time on air by demand from the people.

In February 2011 Jaap appeared in the most important art magazine in Mexico, "Gaceta del fondo de Cultura Economica", a monthly publication.

For the summer 2011 Jaap has been chosen for 2nd consecutive year to appear in the biggest and most important digital art and artificial intelligence festival in America, the FILE ELECTRONIC LANGUAGE INTERNATIONAL FES