Jackie Rocks
Santa Cruz, California, United States
Jackie is 15 she is the Singer and plays Lead Guitar.
De'Andre is 14 he sings Back up and plays Bass.
Greg is 17 and plays drums.
Why do you think there are so many new teen bands?
There are many new programs, for example "Be in you own Band" that offer help to teens with their idea of starting a band. More young bands seem to be popular right now, and us teens look at that and think, "we can do that too!" but it takes a lot of dedication and hard work. Mainly it's just about having fun!
What are the goals of the band?
The goals of the band are to really just take it as far as we can and to be as successful as we can with our music, before we had off to college. We
are very passionate about this, and the experiences we are having along
the way are awesome!
Greg: To be a giggin' as a jazz drummer.
Jackie: To be a successful musician /songwriter and to learn as much as
possible about music and the music industry.
De'Andre: My ultimate goal is learning all I can as musician (jazz, classical,
etc.) and to take my music to as high of a level as I can.
Why did you start playing music?
Greg: it's what I've wanted to do as a career
Jackie: I've always had a passion for music, and I wanted to express it!
De'Andre: I started playing music because my cousin Nathan knew how to play bass and I was really influenced to start learning how to play bass. I also got into music from playing at my middle school.
Have you had any lessons or training?
Greg: I've taken drum lessons from Joe DeRose privately and have had many instuctors in Marching Band and Drum Corporations
Jackie: I've been taking lessons from Ken Draft for about two years now.
De'Andre: I took beginner lessons for about a month and a half, but other than that I haven't had any lessons and I'm all self-taught.
Do your parents support your music?
Greg: Yes, they dive me wherever I need to be, and they pay mostly
Jackie: Yes, my parents are very supportive because they are always at the shows and they take care of me when I need help.
De'Andre: My parents drive me places and buy me musical supplies, and help any way possible. - Your Music Magazine
"The Band Jackie Rocks has been participating in our Your Music Magazine Band Olympicks for the pas three years and has no problem competing with bands twice their age and experience. Lead singer Jacklyn Partida performed in our vocal solo competition and won the sivler medal. She followed 7 guys that really tore it up. But once Jackie got up there she was amazing , no fear."
Jackie Rocks Band has been playing live for a few years now. They performed in Philadelphia at a teen fashion rock show for Seventeen Magazine & Converse Shoes. Played at Candlestick Park for the 49rs Family Day event. Took part in Your Music Magazine Rock Olympics. Just played at the Catalyst with Dirty Penny and Stellar Corpses! And at Great America Amusement Park a couple of times.
- Your Music Magazine
Seventeen would like to congratulate the Jackie Rocks Band - our
grand-prize winners of the Converse and Seventeen “She’s A Star!”
girl band search! The Jackie Rocks Band wowed our Rock the
Runway crowd when they opened for Making The Band’s Donnie
Klang on October 11th, 2008 at the Nashaminy Mall in Bensalem,
Pennsylvania. Keep your eye out for the Jackie Rocks band because
they truly are stars! - She's A Star
Jackie Rocks well beyond their age
SUBMITTED BY EDDIE ON WED, 10/07/2009 - 13:12.
A little while back I hit up a rock concert in Santa Cruz, Calif. at the
Catalyst. The opening band was called Jackie Rocks, named after
the 15-year-old lead singer and guitar player.
I was upstairs in the bar shooting pool and having beers with friends
when the band caught my attention. Sounded like Pat Benetar was
playing downstairs. Jackie Rocks busted out a set of original music
and a couple covers that blew MY MIND. I hit 'em up for their contact
info so I could check out their stuff. Take a look at the Alicia Keys
cover of No One they performed that night.
Here's the actual link to the site where you can see one their videos
from that night:http://theradreport.com/jackie_rocks_catalyst - Jackie Rocks well beyond their age SUBMITTED BY EDDIE
Streetlight Records announced that 15-year-old Jacklyn Partida's
local band, Jackie Rocks, will represent the Santa Cruz store in a
national battle of teen bands.The independent record retailer and 10 others across the U.S. each nominated a group for the contest.
The Pacific Collegiate School teen and her bandmates will have one
of their songs featured on a vinyl album compilation, due for release
at Streetlight Records on Saturday in honor of Record Store Day. A
grand-prize winner of the battle will be announced online that
afternoon at www.recordstoreday.com. - Santa Cruz Sentinel -Friday, April 16, 2010
Streetlight Records announced that 15-year-old Jacklyn Partida's
local band, Jackie Rocks, will represent the Santa Cruz store in a
national battle of teen bands.The independent record retailer and 10 others across the U.S. each nominated a group for the contest.
The Pacific Collegiate School teen and her bandmates will have one
of their songs featured on a vinyl album compilation, due for release
at Streetlight Records on Saturday in honor of Record Store Day. A
grand-prize winner of the battle will be announced online that
afternoon at www.recordstoreday.com. - Santa Cruz Sentinel -Friday, April 16, 2010
A day in the life of a highschooler can be busy: school,
homework, sports practice, music practice, traveling to
Philadelphia to perform in front of adoring teen fans…
OK, maybe that last part is fantasy for most teenagers, but for
Jackie and De'Andre of local teen group Jackie Rocks Band,
that’s life…at least sometimes.
Among their latest achievements was winning Seventeen
Magazine’s national “She’s a Star” contest. They were flown to
Pennsylvania to perform at a Teen Fashion Rocks show,
opening for MTV’s Making the Band star Donnie Klang.
They also got a thousand dollar shopping spree. Jackie, the
band’s guitarist, lead singer and songwriter, bought clothes.
Joanna, the drummer, bought an American-made Stratocaster.
De’Andre, the bassist, bought a Squier bass guitar and boogie-
boarding fins.
All three are thrilled that their band is getting recognition outside
of Santa Cruz. And they’ve been working hard to make it
happen. As students at Aptos, Soquel, and Harbor High
Schools, their work on the band takes place evenings and
weekends, sandwiched into an already busy schedule.
“It can be kind of difficult sometimes, getting on the homework,”
admits De’Andre. “Some days I have basketball practice right
after school, so I have to juggle it all.”
The band started with Jackie, who wanted to learn to play Heart’
s “Crazy On You” on the guitar. Soon she began writing her own
songs and singing. When they were in sixth grade, Jackie and
De’Andre, buddies since preschool, formed a band.
Now the band is tight with a growing following and a secure
sense of who they are.
“When I was younger I wrote mostly about things I wished could
happen,” Jackie says. “I wrote a song called “Fly Away,” which
was about dreaming about being able to fly.”
Lately, though, their songs have had more teenage themes. “I
really like our songs and I think they’re really sophisticated,
Each one has its own thing going and they’re all their own
The band has plans well into the future, with a summer ’09 tour
in Southern California, and hopes for a career well past high
When asked of her plans for the future, Jackie says, “To
achieve success…of course!”
Suki Wessling is a local writer, former rock star wanna-be, and
the mother of two. - Growing Up In Santa Cruz
At just 16, Jackie Partida and her Jackie Rocks Band have already
logged 300 shows. The band won a national competition and will
be returning to play at Great America this summer, but recent gigs
closer to home have a special place in her heart.
This summer the band will perform at all three of the American
Cancer Society's Relay For Life events in Santa Cruz County. The
teens started with the new-this-year Scotts Valley Relay on July 10,
and will make an encore appearance at Cabrillo College for the
Santa Cruz version July 17 and finish Aug. 1 in Watsonville.
Jackie was involved in Relay even before she took to the stage.
"When I was 10 I lost my great uncle to cancer," she said, and
when her mother's co-workers asked them to join a team, they
became part of the many volunteers who raise money and take
turns walking during a 24-hour-event to support cancer services
and research.
These days her original hard rock accompanies the walkers and
entertains the crowd of cancer survivors, friends and families
enjoying the festival atmosphere.
Doing What She Loves
Jackie has been fronting a band since she was 12. Jackie Rocks
consists of bassist De'Andre Warren ? a friend since preschool
days ? and drummer Greg Brock.
Jackie handles vocals and lead guitar. She's also the group's
"I write all the songs first and take them to band practice, and the
other members figure out their parts," she explained.
The rock bug bit early, with encouragement from parents who took
her to see bands such as the Rolling Stones and Kiss as a
preschooler. She says she can still remember the band's
shredding solos and an exploding guitar from those early
"I always wanted to be a singer and guitarist. The songwriting came
after," she said. She lists Sheryl Crow, Heart and Linda Ronstadt
as inspirations.
In October 2008, the band won a trip to Philadelphia and the
chance to play at a fashion show in the "She's a Star" competition
sponsored by Seventeen magazine and Converse shoes. The
teens have played for several events for the San Francisco 49ers
and held their own against older, more experienced bands in
various Battle of the Bands contests. "Usually its friendly
competition," she said, praising the support of the music
Two of her current band members are from San Jose, and she met
drummer Greg when he subbed for the group before joining.
Staying Busy
The other support comes from their parents. While the band
members handle their own bookings and competition entries, they
still need rides.
"Our parents help fund us and get us places," she said gratefully.
The band makes the most of summer opportunities to perform
when the members don't have to work around school. Jackie
attends Pacific Collegiate School and De'Andre goes to Soquel
And as serious as the group is about its music, it is just as sincere
in its commitment to the fight against cancer.
"We've all lost someone who is close to us, a sibling, parent, family
member or friend. It really affects us and makes it personal. We'll
always want to be a part of [Relay For Life]" she said. - Mid County Post
Jackie Rocks EP (2006)
Angels In Heaven/Clone (2008)
Demo (2010)

This band of working class teens have been performing original, hard hitting music since the age of 12. They have pursued every opportunity to get their music heard, to date having played over 300 shows from backyard parties, nightclubs, festivals, fundraisers, and stadiums.
The bands sound has been described as melodic and upbeat, yet aggressive and heavy. A wide variety of comparisons have been made from Pat Benatar, Joan Jett, The Donnas, Poison, Soundgarden, to My Chemical Romance, AFI, and Cheap Trick.
The band has had several accomplishments over the past four years:
* Chosen as one of the top ten independent high school bands in National Record Store Day's Battle of the Bands; original song, "Haunted", was featured as the opening track on the vinyl album compilation that was released across the US
* The songs My Own World and Haunted are currently receiving college radio airplay in Chicago at UIC, who are the winners of the 2010 Chicago Music Award/Best College Public Station
* Sponsorship with Daisy Rock Guitars
* Winner of Seventeen Magazine & Converse Shoe's contest as potential breakout artist
* Performed at the "Rock The Runway" fashion show in Philadelphia
* Multiple performances at Candlestick Park for the San Francisco 49ers
* The band was featured on the 49ers/Bay Area television show, "Total Access"
*Finalist in the San Mateo School Of Rock Battle of the Bands
*Semi Finalist in School Jam USA Teen Band Contest