Double Stuffed
Gig Seeker Pro

Double Stuffed

Band Folk Singer/Songwriter


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The best kept secret in music


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Still working on that hot first release.


Feeling a bit camera shy


jared bio<title><br /><p>Tales of woe and dismay driven by manic, melancholic guitar riffs boldly contrasted by overjoyous sentiments of love and simple folk ballads all spun with well-crafted lyrics the likes of which have not been heard since Bob Dylan’s Greenwich Village days. Jared Malmfeldt creates musical landscapes that force the listener to question every aspect of their existence and leave them with a sense of reason and rebirth all with a voice just as unique as the artist himself. </p><br /><p>Influenced heavily by the Beat movement of the early 60’s, Malmfeldt credits Bob Dylan and Nick Drake for who he is today, although his music is also coloured by shades of The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Joni Mitchell among others. In concert the 21-year-old plays guitar and harmonica with unbridled ease. He is also fluent on piano, mandolin, bass, drums and pretty much anything else you can throw at him, which he will use to his full advantage as he currently in the studio recording tracks for his debut album due out later this year.</p><br /><p>Above all else, Jared is a musical enthusiast. His ambition and passion for the art just seem to radiate from him. Being so, he will play just about anywhere he can. He has already made quite a name for himself in the coffeehouses and acoustic venues of the college town of DeKalb, Illinois and is quickly broadening his fan base to Chicago, where he will soon call home.</P><br /><p>With the promise of a new year things are only looking up for this prolific singer/songwriter. Jared is very optimistic about the release of his debut album and every chance he gets at turning people on to his unique brand of music, as he should be with the talent and enthusiasm that emanates from him. So leave your worries for another day and join Jared as he sets forth on his musical expedition.</p></html><br /></p></p> </div> <hr class="bio-separator"> <p class="title-links">Links</p> <div class="band-links"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bottom-button"> <a class="tech-rider-lyrics bottom-button-disabled">Tech, Rider, Lyrics</a> </div> </div> <div class="band-modal"> </div> <footer class="site-footer-minimal"><nav><a tabindex="-1" href="/contact/" title="Contact us">Contact us</a><a tabindex="-1" style='margin-top:8px;' href="/faqs/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="FAQ">FAQ</a><a tabindex="-1" style='margin-top:8px;' href="/pricing/" target="_blank" title="Pricing">Pricing</a><a tabindex="-1" style='margin-top:8px;' href="/terms/" title="Terms" target="_blank">Terms</a><a tabindex="-1" style='margin-top:8px;' href="/privacy/" title="Privacy" target="_blank">Privacy</a><a tabindex="-1" style='margin-top:8px;' href="" title="Blog" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Blog</a><a tabindex="-1" style='margin-top:8px;' href="/bands/" title="Band directory">Band directory</a><a tabindex="-1" style='margin-top:8px;' href="/gig-locations/" title="Gig locations">Gig locations</a></nav><span>© 2024 Sonicbids, LLC</span></footer> </main> <section id="signup-overlay" class="overlay" data-widget="overlay"> <a class="close pull-right"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="overlay-body container"></div> </section> <div class="modal fade" id="jobLoginModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="jobLoginModalLabel"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-body-gray" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header align-center"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" data-login-action="exit" aria-hidden="true"><span class="icon-cross"></span></button> <h2 id="jobLoginModalLabel">Join Sonicbids for free to post a band opening!</h2> <p class="pad-tb margin-none"> <a class="btn btn-primary" data-login-action="sign up" href="/find-musicians/signup/band/user/?destination=%2Ffind-band-openings%2Fnew%2F" title="Create a free account">Create a free account</a> </p> <p>Already have an account? <a data-login-action="sign in" href="/login/?next=%2Ffind-band-openings%2Fnew%2F" title="Sign in">Sign in</a></p> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <h4>Why do I need to sign up?</h4> <p>To ensure only genuine musicians and bands are creating and applying to band openings.</p> <h4>Why do I need a musician or band profile?</h4> <p>We include a link to your profile in band openings, to build trust with musicians and help them decide if they will be a good fit.</p> <ul class="row profiles-list list-unstyled"> <li class="col-sm-4"> <img class="profile-card img-responsive lazyload" data-src="" alt="Sonicbids profile"> </li> <li class="col-sm-4"> <img class="profile-card img-responsive lazyload" data-src="" alt="Sonicbids profile"> </li> <li class="col-sm-4"> <img class="profile-card img-responsive lazyload" data-src="" alt="Sonicbids profile"> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="fb-root"></div> <div id="jp-player"></div><div id="jp-container"></div> <script> require.config['napa'] = { default_domain : '', session_cookie_domain : '', custom_url : '', instagram_client_id : '94adfe54aa9a4d5d98c67d06a39f5ab1', annual_plan : 'annual', monthly_plan: 'monthly', epk_pro_annual_plan : 'epk_pro_annual', epk_pro_monthly_plan: 'epk_pro_monthly' }; require.config['google-maps'] = { GOOGLE_MAPS_CLIENT : 'gme-backstage', GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY : 'ot1b6uf0f0_d8IbNAUp9fKUrwQ4=' }; require.config['facebook'] = { facebook_app_id : '225952597533273' }; require.config['tracker'] = { trackingAccounts : [ { trackerType : 'Segment', propertyId : 'FdGKpV3addsqQs6oNejaKwXJkui5QOGX', trackerConfig : { sessionCookieDomain : '', } } ] }; require.config['wysiwyg'] = { screen_css : '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />' }; require.config['public-epk'] = { user_name: '', user_email: '', DISPLAY_CHAT_WIDGET: true, rvslider_css : "", band_id: '58572', band_vanity_url: 'jaredmalmfeldt4', icon_chevron_down: '', icon_chevron_up: '', show_band_modal: false, GTM_ENVIRONMENT: 'prod', } </script> <script>var napaModule = null;</script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script>require(['tracker', 'main', 'lazysizes', 'unveilhooks', 'public-epk']);</script> </body> </html>