Jonny Sayre
Gig Seeker Pro

Jonny Sayre

Cleveland, Ohio, United States | SELF

Cleveland, Ohio, United States | SELF
Band Rock Acoustic


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"27 Days" - Erase the Grey - Universal/Republic Records (Vocals/co-songwriter/co-producer)
"The Return of Jesko" - Erase the Grey (Vocals/co-songwriter/co-producer)
"Version 2.0" - Shenoah (Vocals/co-songwriter/co-producer)
"Latem Nu" - Burning Vegas (Vocals/co-songwriter/c-producer)



From stage managing national acts to writing and co-writing/co-producing over 150 songs throughout his career, Jonny has lived and breathed music his entire life. Losing friends, major record deals, family and more along the way, Jonny's perseverance in music is, to say the least, admirable. Enduring some of the biggest upsets one could ever handle and that most would walk away from, he keeps his head up with nothing but the future in his eyes, including heading up his own independent record label, Rilan Records.

A caring, devoted father, Jonny's passion for music is only trumped by his love for his children.

"I've lost a lot in my life. Whether it was from unforeseen accidents or my own egocentric stupidity, I've learned more from those mishaps and mistakes than from anything else. I've hurt people that were close to me, been burned by some too but, it's the bumps and bruises of life that make us who we are." - Jonny Sayre (read less)