Gig Seeker Pro


Cresskill, NJ | Established. Jan 01, 2016 | SELF | AFM

Cresskill, NJ | SELF | AFM
Established on Jan, 2016
Solo Pop Country




This band has no press


Still working on that hot first release.


Feeling a bit camera shy


Josette, 19 year old, is an amazing singer/songwriter based in New Jersey. She has been singing her whole life and writing music since the age of 7. In all honesty, it's the only thing she can see herself doing in the future, not because she is not capable of anything else, but simply because it's her passion! Her love and passion for music grew at an enormous rate and it dragged her into teaching herself how to play the guitar at the age of 10. She enjoyed that challenge so much, just like she enjoyed the challenge of teaching herself how to play the piano as well. Today, she has a total of 157 amazing and unique copyrighted songs and more coming almost every single month. She has won many songwriting contests including last year, 2014, a National Grand Prize "Geico Insurance" contest that they created to promote safe driving. 


Band Members