Julie Curly
Gig Seeker Pro

Julie Curly

Montréal, Quebec, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2014

Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Established on Jan, 2014
Band Pop Rock




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Still working on that hot first release.




Accompagnée de ses musiciens, Julie présente ses « confessions » en chansons, à saveur pop/rock/jazz. Des chansons à texte inspirées par les relations amoureuses et les réflexions sur la vie, qui s’animent sous forme d’histoires, comme des courts-métrages, avec une trame sonore variée (mandoline, harmonica, guitare, piano, congas, djembé, basse, batterie). De ces univers aux couleurs diversifiées, Julie fait ses confessions au public, tantôt humoristiques, tantôt déchirantes, parfois agrémentées d’anecdotes, mais toujours éloquentes, soulignant l’importance que l’auteure accorde à des textes riches et évocateurs, qui font à la fois sourire et réfléchir. C'est le cas de la chanson Can you imagine? (The Killing of John Lennon) dont le vidéoclip de la performance s'est mérité un Akademia Music Award (Californie) ainsi que la première position, après plus de 4000 vues sur Beat100 (Angleterre) en 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzPC9ryxX7U

While John Lennon was tragically murdered in New York City, Julie was born in Montreal, during a blustery snowstorm. Julie’s early arrival left her in a precarious premature fragile condition. Her determination proved to be her first character trait. Her passion for music may have been consistent for the last decade, but still, her journey towards making music has been making waves. She has always followed her own path as a singer-songwriter, launching in 2014 her debut album called Confessions, a 12 track album, in her native French speaking language. In the process of creating her own musical universe, playing guitar, piano and mandolin, joined with her vocal & lyrical talents, Julie Curly’s beloved instruments, permit her to express her ideas, which come alive in the form of stories and short films. French or English, it doesn't matter. Heartfelt stories, such as Can you imagine? (The Killing of John Lennon) is her reason for making music. The music video of the song Can you imagine? won prizes such as an Akademia Music Award (California) for best live performance and finished number one with more than 4000 views on the Beat100 (Britain) Music Video Charts in 2015. 

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