Katrina Barclay
Gig Seeker Pro

Katrina Barclay

Bryant, Alabama, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2008

Bryant, Alabama, United States
Established on Jan, 2008
Solo Folk Singer/Songwriter


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"Katrina Barclay - In Your Shoes - Free Music Review"

Reminds me a lot of Nicole Nordeman (this is a good thing - in voice and in two of the songs) The album is labeled "Rough Demo" but honestly - the recording is not bad at all. Much like other times I have reviewed I really like the REAL sound you get when you have not cleaned EVERY bit of 'real' out of it. Her voice is pure in this, very ... beautiful honestly.

I had to listen to some of the tracks("In Your Shoes" and "Pick Up Your Crosses") a few times, just because they are SO DEEP - so many points and thoughts in each little song nugget! Good thing is that listening to them over and over was neither annoying or torture, it was totally enjoyable!

Stand Outs:

"In Your Shoes" - Odd to think of walking in the shoes of Jesus. Usually this statement is used to put you 'into the life' of someone you look down on, but really just do not understand (much like I talk about here) Even so - the statement fits wonderfully, not because so many look down on Christ, but that to 'walk in ones shoes' we are to experience their lives - and that is really what Christ wants. He wants us to experience as He would - He gave up His life for us, so we COULD walk in His shoes. Love this!

"Pick Up Your Crosses" - Almost a story about finding Christ - Almost a testimony - Almost a cry for the lost to be saved - Almost a cry to cry for the lost (and all of those things!) laying the right stuff down, and picking the right stuff up ... On one hand, totally complicated - On the other, SO SO EASY. I have an art project I did dealing with this a little bit (here)

"Work of Art" - Seeing the beauty in yourself is SO crucial to positive attitude and this song has it in spades! - Derek Jordan


Still working on that hot first release.



You'd think after years of playing bluegrass/gospel music, I would continue down that beaten path. I've never been good at labeling my music. "What genre of music do you play?" or "What kind of music do you make?" are questions that haunt every artist. I guess you could say my music is primarily folk or singer-songwriter, and that's mainly because I do a lot of acoustic material. My influence stem from all I have learned through watching other musicians and listening to not only their music, but their stories. These stories, passions, and driving forces are beautiful to me and easy for me to relate to because I feel as though music has lost some of its magic and mystery in this age of over processed, under imaginative sounds. Have a listen to Freddie Mercury or Linda Rondstadt sometime (huge influences of mine) and you'll see what I mean. Many of my songs are written as a result of how I have interacted with others. I gather inspiration from relationships, no matter their nature. My primary source of inspiration lies in my relationship with my maker and Savior. I follow a path set out before me that is unclear. But I have faith. Faith that love is alive, that lives can change, that hearts can be altered through music by the Holy Spirit. So, I can't really say that I make music, but I must admit that music is and has always been making me.