Kim Sonders
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Kim Sonders

Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark | INDIE

Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark | INDIE
Band Pop World


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"From an interview by Matthew Moran, Songsalive"

Where are you from? Copenhagen, my city of birth.

What style of music would you say you do? Mainstream pop/indie pop

What do you enjoy best – song writing or performing and why?
I like music. And to compose music is for me really such a privilege. I only began about 4 years ago. Before that I couldn't even dream about it. Since then I have composed more than 70 songs. But why compose songs, if I don't get to play them for others. It's a must for me to get on the stage regularly.

Who are your musical influences?
I grew up with Beatles, BeeGees and The Doors etc. I like the music of the sixties, but keep my distance as far as composing is concerned. My inspiration as composer: I lived in the Philippines in the late 90'es and got inspired by all the great boy bands - Westlife, Boyzone, Back Street Boys, A1 and Take That. Later I have adopted Britney Spears, Dante Thomas and Jason Mraz.

Describe your favorite song you have written and why is it so special to you.
My favorite song is “The color on my wall”, title song on my newly released CD. The style fresh main steam pop music. The text might seem a bit cryptic; destiny symbolized by a color code on the wall.

What are your goals for the next 5 years musically speaking?
It’s a principle for me to focus on doing one thing at a time. One of my favorite quotes is from an interview with Mother Teresa. Asked about how she managed to pick up so many dying people in Calcutta, she simply answered: “I started picking up one”.

Where can we buy your music?
At the moment from iTunes and other online stores in Europe or from my personal website –, including the associated music videos to my singles, which can be seen on YouTube. -


Where are you from, originally and what brought you to your current city?
Copenhagen, It's my city of birth.

What style of music would you say you do?
Mainstream Pop/rock

What do you enjoy best – song writing or performing and why?
I like music. And to compose music is for me really such a privilege. I only began a little more than 2 years ago. Before that I couldn't even dream about such thing as composing. But since I started, I have already composed more than 70 songs. But why compose songs, if I don't get to play them for others. Actually, I performed to some degree with popular songs, before I started to compose my own. It's a must for me to get on the stage regularly.

Who are your musical influences?
I grew up with Beatles, Stones, BeeGees and The Doors etc. I like the music of the sixties, but I keep my distance as far as composing is concerned. It's outdated - period - no interest. I only really started learning pop songs to perform, when I lived in the Philippines in the late 90'es. There I suddenly got inspired by all the great boy bands
- Westlife, Boyzone, Back Street Boys, A1 and Take That. I keep an honor in trying to create music, which is reasonably up to date (as far as I am able of course). Lately I dropped the boys as my learning masters. Instead I keep up learning some new girl songs (to the point that I can sing them by heart publicly) - Katy Perry, Rihanna, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga and Beyonce. Maybe it sounds crazy, but I feel that the girls are a little ahead in music for the time being.

Describe your favorite song you have written and why is it so special to you.
My favorite song is called “The color on my wall”. It’s a song about a particular destiny symbolized by a color code on my wall. The mood is pending from uttermost happiness to the deepest despair due to changing belief and unbelief in the sign. The deeper meaning is hidden for the listeners. It might seem cryptic. Still the lyrics are beautifully put together and the style fresh main steam pop music. It has become the title song on my newly released CD.

What are your goals for the next 5 years musically speaking?
Thanks for asking me. I have not thought much about my future in music. I might though occasionally dream about performing on a real big stage with a super band behind me. That might be fun. As for now I have no long term plans. It’s a principle for me to focus on doing one thing at a time. One of my favorite quotes is from an interview with Mother Teresa. Asked about how she managed to pick up so many dying people in Calcutta, she simply answered: “I started picking up one”.

Tell us about your recordings and what's in store next.
I sent out an EP in Danish language about 1 ½ years ago. Since then I have switched to compose and record in English. I just sent out a fully proffesional CD - Color on my Wall. By the way one of the songs on the CD - Nightmare - found its way to the latest CD sampler of Songsalive. My song “I can’t live” was chosen for honorific mention (November’s top song writers) by Song of the Year. For "House of Love" I got an award as suggested songwriter by the staff of Song of the Year. I have already started the recording of my next CD and at before Christmas I plan to send out a single in the genre dance featuring a famous female Danish singer in the female role.

Where can we buy your music?
From iTunes and other online stores in Europe or from my personal website –, including the associated music videos to my singles, which can be seen on YouTube.

What are your views about where the music industry is heading in your community, or on a global level?
It’s hard, but to get to the market with new music these days, there has to be good music videos available. Downloads are increasing and less CD’s are sold. I am not knowledgeable about the particulars of the music industry as such. - Songsalive by Matthew Moran


EP 2008: Kysses af dig (in Danish)
Single:They took my love away 2008
Single: I'll Fly 2008
Single: Suicidal Love 2009
Single: Nightmare 2009
Album 2010: The Color on my Wall
Single: No-one knows my name 2011
Album 2011: Superstar
Single: Isabella (Spanish)



My career as 'popsinger' began in August 2005 in my friend's place in the European capital Brussels. At first it seemed like a coincidence, but maybe it really was my destiny to start singing beautiful lovesongs right at Waterloo, where Napoleon finally got defeated by Lord Wellington and the allied European armies. But in relation to my music, it might though seem more relevant to consider the connection to ABBA's Eurovision Song Contest winner and lovesong “Waterloo� from 1974. At first I copied all the great boybands, but in 2007 I suddenly started composing my own texts and music. I see the lyrics as the winning core of my songs and the music a way to express what’s in my heart. So please listen to what I have to say through my songs. I sincerely hope that my upcoming songs will bring both happiness and comfort to all the people, who happen to hear them in the time to come.

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