Klay Dot
Gig Seeker Pro

Klay Dot

Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2015 | INDIE

Los Angeles, California, United States | INDIE
Established on Jan, 2015
Solo Pop Hip Hop


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This band has not uploaded any videos



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Release Singles-

*Live Life- Klay Dot
*Gwula- Klay Dot ft.Chi City
*Juicy- D&D ft.Klay Dot
*Patience- Majid Jordan ft.Klay Dot



            From car washes to writing for big names and leaving even larger impressions, this Ohio native has definitely found a way to become unforgettable. Unlike the multitude that has been performing since infancy, this young man with an incredible gift for aligning the perfect words alongside impeccable melodies started only four short years ago. But when listening through his catalogue, there is nothing green about it…not unless you’re predicting his success. 

            With his debut EP, titled Vida, this intimate body of work is home to singles such as I’m A Dog, 5 On It, and Guilty Pleasure, that provides such an effortless sound. Klay, being a newly found resident of Southern California’s City of Angeles, he has created quite a buzz. Hearing his name, seeing his face, and involuntarily singing along to his memorable hooks are just some of what we’ve seen thus far. Klay has managed to surround himself with other hard workers like himself, and he and his team may be the first sound of what reinventing the heartbeat of hip hop sounds like. 

Band Members