Gig Seeker Pro


Los Angeles, California, United States

Los Angeles, California, United States
Hip Hop Pop


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This band has not uploaded any videos



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Still working on that hot first release.



( EARLY LIFE ) Patterson was born in Houston, Texas, and later moved with his single mother, sister and brother to Atlanta. He wrote rhymes often as a child, and began rapping at age 16. growing up on the eastside of Atlanta brought its own troubles to patterson. he thrived in sports as a teen in junior high, but PEEZY would later fall in love with music. His passion for the art of entertainment star struck PEEZY's fellow peers, as he began Perfecting his craft not only in but out of the booth as well. Known as a friendly libra who loves to get his work done PEEZY has had many obstacles to surpass in his young life. the 19 year old dropped out of high school to chase his dream of becoming a full-time rapper. (LEGAL ISSUE) Labelled a juvenile at the age of 14, PEEZY would continue to be arrested. re-arrsted on juvenile probation violation, landed PEEZY his first trip to boot camp. shiped to savannah ga, where he served a 3 months term. Shortly after his 18 birthday. Peezy then re-arrested late november, but charges where later dropped due to lack of evidence