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Still working on that hot first release.

Luigi Morleo was born in Mesagne, Italy (BR) in 1970. Mr. Morleo is presently teaching Percussion at
the N. Piccinni Conservatory in Bari.
In 1992 he won the “Valerio Bucci” 1st prize for Percussionists organized by the percussionists of the
Teatro alla Scala in Milan. From 1987 to 1991 he was percussionist with the Teatro Petruzzelli
Orchestra in Bari and from 1992 to 1994 was percussionist and timpanist with the Symphonic
Orchestra of the Provincial Administration in Bari, now is timpanist of the Bari Society of Concert
Orchestra while has played in Europe, Japan and China.
He is very active as a soloist and conductor at International Festivals in Italy and throughout the world.
In 1998 he made his American debut, before for the Forum Composers at the New York University in
Manhattan, after for PASIC 2001 (Percussive Arts Society International Convention) in Nashville, TN.
Prizes for composition have included third prize at the Percussive Arts Society Composition
Competition in 2001; second prize for the Il Timponi d”Oro in 2002; and first prize from Tactus Figit
for Musica e Ironia again in 2002, has been invitated to Conservatoire National Superior Ginevra (CH),
Conservatoire National Regional Lyon (F), New York University in New York (USA), Associazione
Percussionisti Italiani in Bolzano (I), Giornate della Percussione in Fermo (I) , Orchestra Sinfonica Rai
di Milano – dir.L.Berio, Time Zones with Steve Reich.
In ensemble he played and conduct music of J.Cage, L.Berio, A.Part, B.Maderna, G.Crumb, G.Petrassi,
E.Varese, I.Stravinsky, S.Reich and other composer. With the Myth Ensemble he created many
multimedia extravaganzas including “The Voyages of Aeneas” in collaboration with New York
University, the University of California/Ervine and the European Institute of Design of Rome.
He appears in varied musical and artistic styles like rock-cross-over, folk-popular, Jazz and DJ;
however actors, film directors, painters and architect: Steve Reich, Antonello Salis, Radiodervish,
Nicola Pisani, Emanuele Arciuli, Francesco D’Orazio, Mario Caroli, Livio Minafra, Faraualla,
R.Carlos Nakai, Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic, John Beck, Tarshito, Deposito dei Segni, Marcello Prayer,
Vincenzo Gazzolo, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Riccardo Rossi. His compositions include music for many
films and CD Roms. Among them are the “Frammento Orfico” by A.Amoroso d’Aragona that received
special recognition by the jury of the 26th Concours International de Musique Electroacoustique in
1999 at Bourges, France; “No Pasaran!” by F.Grimaldi and P.D’Orazio edited from Manifestolibri; the
CD Rom: “Pixel di Puglia” by L.Galli edited from Softmedia with the collaboration from Regione
Puglia (2002), "Paesaggio Mediterraneo" by A.Trono edited from “Araba Fenice” (2003) presented in
Albania and in Congo-Africa, in 2010, on invite from Italian Consuls, “Per Bari” by L.Galli edited
from Proforma with the collaboration from Comune di Bari (2005).
His compositions have been performed in Europe, USA, South America, Africa and Asia: PETRU’ for
violin, doublebass, piano and orchestra played from Maracaibo Symphonic Orchestra, NESSUN
POPOLO OPPRESSO 2 (Concerto per percussione e orchestra) played from Orchestra di Roma e del
Lazio, OLTRE LA LINEA DI FUOCO 4 (Concerto per marimba e orchestra) played from Lyon
Symphonietta, MESSA PER I POPOLI for Choir, Four Percussionists and Orgel played from Coro
Vallisa and Florilegium Vocis, SUONI E RUMORI PER I POPOLI (Concerto per Percussione e
Orchestra) played from Orchestra Sinfonica della Provincia di Bari, CONCERTO PER I POPOLI (Concerto per Fisarmonica e Orchestra) played from Orchestra della Società dei Concerti di Bari, THE
FOOD OPERA (azione scenica in un atto e in sette scene) played from Festival Operistico del
Mediterraneo, Diversità: NO LIMIT (Concerto per Serpentone e Orchestra d’Archi) played from
Monopoli Conservatory of Music Orchestra; published by Agenda Musical Editions (Italy), Alfonce
Production (France), Honeyrock Publishing (USA), Henry Lemoine (France) and MorleoEditore
(Italy). Many his Compositions are inserted in the program of European Conservatory, American and
South Africa University: Conservatorio di Venezia, Conservatorio di Lecce, Conservatorio di Lione,
Conservatorio di Clermont-Ferrand, Northern Arizona University, University of Kentucky, Juilliard
School of New York, New York University, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Kansas State
University, University of South Africa. Mr. Morleo’s CD monographic with the Warhol Percussion
Quartet, Kroupalon Trio and Morley Mediterranean Quartet is now available. In 2006 the
MorleoEditore was published his book of the title “IL GESTO MUSICALE –origini e culture-.