Gig Seeker Pro


Madrid, Madrid, Spain | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | INDIE

Madrid, Madrid, Spain | INDIE
Established on Jan, 2008
Band Electronic Rock




"Fuego en la nevera"

Mihassan: Personas normales haciendo cosas únicas, al igual que nuestro trabajo es clasificar las bandas, el de algunas de ellas (Mihassan, por ejemplo) es sacarnos de nuestras casillas y dejarnos en evidencia. Esto es tan positivo que uno no se hace a la idea si no ve en directo los “cutres” vídeos proyectados sobre el escenario que te meten en los ritmos enfermizos de canciones como Señorito o Siga al Agresor, provocando una espiral de baile y contagio de ¿rock Electrónico? que sólo acaba con los repentinos finales, relacionados con los repentinos cortes de planos. Y es que las ideas de Mihassan tienen mucho sentido, y el caso no es sólo atreverse a cambiar cosas, sino también tener el talento para que salgan bien. Ayer pudimos ver a una de las bandas más innovadoras del actual panorama de Madrid, y me permitiré hacer la comparación con aquel momento en el que LCD Soundsystem surgían camuflados entre ritmos de Daft Punk pero con guitarras ochenteras y nadie sabía que decir de ellos.

Dejemos de clasificar cosas para bien o para mal y disfrutemos del arte y la música a los niveles que podamos, porque al final todo esto es un medio de expresión y liberación personal, gracias al cual también podemos llegar a otras personas y cambiar desde individuos concretos hasta sociedades. Ahora que la cultura esta “on fire” dejemos que Madrid arda hasta que el fuego llegue a los pisos superiores, y propaguemos este fuego para que todo sea calor y energía. - Crazyminds

"The fantastic four of the current spanish indie music"

There are times when more than one talented reserve football player appear at the same time. Spain, which is experiencing a difficult social and political moment, is living something similar despite that. After several years of work, there are a bunch of musicians who are maturing and they are ready to play in the top leagues of festivals, media, agencies or simply to an open minded audience.

We show you the current Fantastic Four of the Spanish indie music: Biznaga, Hazte Lapón, Mihassan and Murciano Total.

Don’t ask yourself why these fellas aren’t in the top league yet. Or why they are not in the highest lineup of FIB, Primavera Sound, Dcode or whatever. The reason they are not is due to other matters regarding financial decisions of the establishment and invisible deals from dark booking offices. These artists have talent. In fact more talent than the Spanish music network can currently support. However, they don’t have those powerful, influential ‘friends’ to reach a wide audience. But they will sooner than later, and you will see them rise. - New Hispanic Music


Mihassan LP (November 2016)
Mihassan - "Estoy muy guapo" (July 2016)
Mihassan - "Mihassan" (October 2014)
Mihassan - "EP1" (June 2014)




Be handsome or feel handsome? Dilema that Madrid´s 3 piece present with “Estoy muy guapo” ("I´m so pretty"), first single out of what will be their second LP (out in November 2016). “Puse un dinero” ("I put down some money"), B side of the single and a classic on their incendiary live shows.

About Mihassan:

Their songs are built from carelessly mixed samplers, transformed and deformed over and over. During this process, harmonies and structures appear and disappear until they finally crystallise in something vaguely recognizable, a song you know you have heard before but you can´t really remember what it is. It´s all about copying a song that does not even exist yet. From there on, the product is refined and humanized, and sometimes the end result might even make sense. 

Their live shows:

Mihassan´s live shows are their strong point and where their recipe, full of improvisation, immediatism and raw art being puked without compassion over the audience. The motto is that there is no rest, no option...no one breaths...everyone dances.

On the other hand, and for each of their songs, Mihassan creates a video projection made of cut-outs from films, photographs, tv captures, own video recordings and, in general, anything that may hide a reason to make a arty video piece. If there is something that Mihassan have learnt through the years is to dig in the trash.

And what do they say? That what really matters is that things run silk smoothly.

Band Members