Tunis, Tūnis, Tunisia | SELF
M’nâma est le nouveau spectacle organisé par le luthiste Fadhel Boubaker et son ensemble. Il s’agit d’un concert de musique instrumental qui traduit les dix ans d’expérience du musicien et tout son bagage artistique.
Des surprises sont prévues telles que l’intervention d’instruments de musique inhabituels. L’artiste fera appel à plusieurs invités qui agrémenteront la présentation avec des morceaux musicaux inédits. Au programme également un spectacle de Slam improvisé au milieu du concert instrumental.
Qui sera le protagoniste du spectacle de Slam ? Qui seront les invités surprises ? Pour le savoir, il faut assister au spectacle M’nâma de Fadhel Boubaker et son ensemble prévue pour le vendredi 15 octobre à partir de 19.00H sis le centre culturel Ibn Rachiq. Pour les détails, visionnez cette interview accordée par le luthiste et son producteur.
- Tunivision
Entre Deux Rives

Mounir Troudi, who is a Tunisian traditional musician born in 1968, is graduated in Arabic Music (1998). What is important for this flagship figure of the emergent music in Tunisia, which is the music essence, is the fusion between genres that allows the communication between beings as it creates the sharing. It is by being loyal to his ideals that he obtained the blue ribbon in the Tunisian Song Festival in 1993.
It is among his numerous collaborations that Mounir Troudi participated in Fadhel Jaziris performance, Hadhra, between 1994 and 1998. He collaborated in 1999 with Faouzi Chkili for a concert in Paris entitled Jasmine Nights . He also shot a clip with the artist conductor Antonio Maiello in Tunisia and in Italy as part of a musical project called Mediterranea. With Maiellos orchestra, he made a tour in Italy and played in front of 80.000 persons in a concert in the famous St-Giovanni square. As he is always in search of new experiences, he often works with Erik Truffaz, one of European trumpet masters. Through their meetings, a fusion between the aroubi Soufi singings and the jazz is born.
Mounir Troudi begins a new 100% Tunisian project by collaborating with the arranger, composer and the pianist, Sami Ben Saïd, bringing therefore an electro touch to new pieces of music.
Festivals / Tours:
Participation in Fadhel Jaziris performance El Hadhra between 1994 and 1999.
Participation to the 2000 International Jazz Festival of Tabarka
World tour with Erik Truffaz and The Lady Land of the album Mantis between 2002 and 2004,
World Tour of the album Saloua with Truffaz in Canada, Mexico, Russia, Jerusalem, Europe Doubaï, and in South Africa between 2005 and 2007.
Participation to the Lyrical Italian Opera Lultima Dansa de Frederico II of Antonio Maiello, as well as the participation in the Mediterranean orchestra of Antonio Maiello in 2007 and 2008.
Mounir Troudi played in the most prestigious Jazz Festivals:
Jazz in Vienna in 2009,
Festi' neuch in 2007,
Cork Jazz Festival in 2005
Ljubljana Jazz festival in 2005
Montreal International Jazz Festival in 2005
Willisau Jazz Festival in 2005,
Bluenote Festival of Gand in 2002,
North Sea Jazz Festival in 2003
Five Continents Jazz Festival in Marseille 2002 .