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Band Alternative New Age


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Me-Lee's Mosaic 2005 (Indepedent/MGM distribution)
Mozaika(2008) (IngotRock/BDC distribution)

CREDITS (Me-Lee Hay as composer)

Feature Film
Penelope - director Ben Ferris (2009)

TedX Sydney Convention, Carriageworks (2010) (2010)

Short Films
Crossing The Line: director Luk Varasin (2010)
Oh The Places Youll Go : director Ben Claremont (2009)
Wish : director Phillipe Roch (2009)

Dance Productions
Recess:00 - Performed @ NiDA (2010) Short and Sweet Dance Festival (Choreographer Ela Ray-Markstein)

Capsule - Performed @ Seymour Centre (2009) Short and Sweet Dance Festival (Choreographer: Ela Ray-Markstein)

The Australian Trienalle Ceramics exhibition 2009 (produced 2010)
Not on Track director Nick Danger (2009)

Dance Films
Liminal (2010) director Karen Crespo
Shades of Desire (2008) director Karen Crespo

Music related

Artist: Mozaika
Album Release: self titled (Ingot Rock) 2008
UK/Europe tour 2008

Me-Lee's Mosaic - EP release (MGM) 2005
Me-Lee - EP release (Independent) 2000

Artist: Grande Bizarre Album: self titled (Phatmud Productions)
Style: hard rock
Role: Strings arrangements and Synth additions\

Artist: Vamp - corporate performance based classical pop group
Style: Classical Pop
Role: composer and cellist
Notable performances: Star City Casino, Malaysia Guiness Promotions

Artist: Claude Hay Album: Kiss The Sky (Independent)
Style: blues and roots
Role: Cellist and strings composer



Film composer Me-Lee Hay ( is the driving force behind Mozaika which is a rich auditory exploration of Bjork style electronica beats and textures, angelic vocals reminiscent of Portishead and classical influences of Chopin and Eric Satie.

Mozaika is a project that aims to collaborate with not only musicians but with visual artists, film makers, photographers, dancers, sound scape artists in fact anyone who is willing to cross and interchange the boundaries of multi-media and genre.It is Me-Lee Hay's solo project juxtaposing her film and dance composition work

Primarily Mozaika is an original blend of Alternative, Electronica and Classical music sometime experimental, always original.

Line up includes a core of classical piano, synths, electronica loops and Me-Lee's vocals and she can be accompanied by acoustic and electronic stringed instruments, electronic drums and even giant sized projections of film, photos and paintings.

Mozaika's first single album was completed in 2008 and Me-Lee toured solo in UK and Europe in September 2008 to promote it. She is currently working on an instrumental Mozaika album, in between the classes at the prestigious Aust Film and TV Radio School (Screen Music Composition) and freelancing as a composer. .

Mozaika's self titled album is out now through an american lable Ingot Rock (