Boston, Massachusetts, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2002
Nadia Shattered Skies Interview
Nadia has released two singles "Torture" and "Club Accord" from her debut album, "Shattered Skies". The acoustic double album has 21 original songs. It's a mix of pop, soul and rock.
The album was recorded and mastered by Matty Trump, who produced Sam Adams', "Boston Boy", debut album.
For more information, go to Nadia's official website at www.nadiaworld.com
Interview with Nadia Salomon
Question: How did it feel to hear your songs Torture and Club Accord played all over the airwaves?
Nadia Salomon: To saying "exciting" would be an understatement. Getting airplay is such an affirmation of all the hard work that goes into creating each song. Airplay = worthwhile.
Question: How would you describe the album, Shattered Skies?
Nadia Salomon: Shattered Skies, is mostly an acoustic album. It's a mix of pop, soul and rock. There's even a hint of blues thrown in. It's an emotionally eclectic album; it features universal themes that are relatable and deal with life's daily struggles. The songs were recorded live in one or two takes. The only song that had some production (a chorus effect) was, 'One For Me'. I recorded and mastered the album with producer Matty Trump. He produced Sam Adam's debut album, Boston Boy. Overall, the album is visceral and raw. I think it captures some of the pain, loss, anger, frustration and hope I was feeling at the time.
Question: What is the story behind the album name?
Nadia Salomon: I was playing around with the concept of light and dark. Being a double album, I separated the songs into these two categories. I was also thinking of imagery for the album cover and kept thinking of the phantom zone; like being trapped by your emotions. However, over time, I just decided to refer to the collection as songs that could be found under a shattered sky.
Question: Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?
Nadia Salomon: Yes. I continue to write my own songs. I'm inspired by so many things. I find that I'm an emotional writer and tend to write in reaction to things going on around me or what I see others going through.
Question: What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?
Nadia Salomon: I'm addicted to AltNation and Palladia, so most of the artists that are featured on these programs from Airborne Toxic Event, Mute Math to Black Country Communion. I've also been following some of the local artists and bands I've worked with like, Coffee Blue and Emily Earle.
Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?
Nadia Salomon: No. I don't give up very easily. I've come too far to throw in the towel.
Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?
Nadia Salomon: The answer remains live. Performing live is such an overwhelming feeling…I can't really explain it in words. I can definitely say it's like an adrenaline rush - a scary, thrilling and sensory experience. It's better than recording live in a studio.
Question: What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?
Nadia Salomon: River.
Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?
Nadia Salomon: In addition to time, I'd have to say my music itself. Even though it can be categorised as pop, soul and rock…a lot of the labels I've sent my music to aren't sure how to market it. I believe with drive and persistence things will eventually pan out in the direction I'd like to move my music.
Question: What's a typical day like, for you?
Nadia Salomon: I'm definitely, overscheduled. I try to squeeze out time wherever I can find it to work on my music. I'm not always successful, but, I try.
Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?
Nadia Salomon: It's still the song-writing process.
Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?
Nadia Salomon: That's a really tough question considering there are so many brilliant artists out there right now. I'd still say my dream writes would be with BRMC and Citizen Cope. However, it'd be really cool to work with U2, Jack White, Mutemath, Sons of Sylvia, The Script, Lenny Kravitz and Justin Bieber. ...Yes, the Biebs.
Question: Do you have a website fans can visit?
Nadia Salomon: www.nadiaworld.com
Question: What message would you like to say to your fans?
Nadia Salomon: Thank you for discovering and listening to my music!
Interview by Brooke Hunter
- Femail.com.au
"I just found out my half-brother's sister and her 9 month old child was killed in the earthquake in Port-Au-Prince," says singer Nadia Salomon, bringing a very personal reaction to the devastation in Haiti. Nadia - who just uses her first name as a performer - is doing what musicians often do in times of tragedy: Fundraise. It just happens that Nadia founded the Emerge Music Boston Showcase at All Asia. And so ..."Emerge Music Boston will dedicate its monthly showcase and monies raised to support Haiti's earthquake victims during this immense time of need." It takes place Tuesday Jan. 26.
The monthly showcase, says Nadia, "was originally designed to give indie, emerging, female artists an opportunity to perform in and around Boston. I created this opportunity because a lot of the local venues wouldn't give me a chance to perform, so, I decided to go it alone. After a couple of shows, it became a permanent gig. Funny enough a lot of male artists got wind of this showcase and asked to be a part of it. So, the showcase is now open to any emerging, indie artist who wants to perform around town."
Ans so, the fundraiser: "I'm hosting this for all the victims of the earthquake. My family was affected. Our home in the city was affected - we're not sure of the extent of the damage, but the care-taker was injured during the collapse. All the remaining occupants were safe thankfully. Although most of my family is from Plaisance (a city in the country side), many moved to Port-Au-Prince, Gonaives, and other towns. So, it's heartbreaking to watch the devastation on the news or to get phone calls like I did to learn of such tragic deaths. Also, my brother's neighbors in Florida, found out a relative died after watching live video on CNN of a coffin being rolled down the streets of Port-Au-Prince -- and the family behind the coffin was theirs; nameless to the world, but, familiar to them. I don't have words to describe the extent of this tragedy. That's the reason for the fundraiser. This is a universal tragedy and this is the time for us to act and do something, anything...to help ease the suffering that's affecting Haiti right now."
Right now, the artists confirmed to perform are Nadia (www.nadiaworld.com) and Josh Beetler (www.myspace.com/joshbeetler). Also just added: Shelby Trevor, Heaven Sent, Mark of Jah Fist and the Tom Harrison Band. Money goes to the Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund, started by Wyclef Jean. Says Nadia: "I wanted to do this fundraiser for Yele Haiti because I have long appreciated Wyclef Jean not only for his music, but for his pride in being Haitian. ... I am proud he started this foundation and is doing something good for Haiti. Through this foundation, he has raised awareness about the needs of this poor, forgotten Caribbean country. I believe through music we can pull together in this global community to do something to help those left behind."
Showtime is early, 6:30-9:30. Suggested donation: $10. Charity info: Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund, PO BOX 2345, New York, NY 10108
www.yele.org., Tax ID# is 650 823 881.
334 Mass Avenue, Cambridge,617-497-1544 www.allasiabar.com
- jimsullivanink.com
"Nadia has a heart wrenching, soulful voice. These songs totally remind me of Sade, full of emotion, passion and pain. Her harmonies dance on the ear like water on a vine leaf. -- Her voice is beautiful." - Joel Simches
Nadia is a singer-songwriter from Boston, Massachusetts, USA, who previously worked as a television journalist for a number of years, before deciding to pursue her true passion - music. Madonna, Sarah McLachlan, Dido and U2, are among the artists who inspire Nadia.
The track Love Song has somewhat of a Destiny's Child sound and feel to it, and is about selfishness and being mistreated in a relationship. Her song Born to be Wild, is about moving on, getting stronger and pushing through the tough times to get to where you want to be.
Nadia sings of love, heartbreak, relationships, and the ups and downs of life's tribulations. Her music is infused with catchy melodies, soft, sweet sounding harmonies, and with her voice she creates smooth, melancholic and emotion driven tunes.
Interview with Nadia Salomon
How did it feel to hear your song played all over the airwaves?
Nadia Salomon: I was both excited and amazed to hear my songs getting airplay. I nearly fell off my chair. It's the most accomplished feeling in the world!
Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?
Nadia Salomon: Of course, it's like having one vision of what you think may happen, but once you start on the journey and reality starts to set in, certain expectations or thought processes change. I come from a broadcast journalism background, I feel in some ways it prepared me for the music industry. These two businesses are very similar in so many ways even though they are different mediums. You must have a 'look', a product that sells, and you have to be competitive to stay at the top of your game. It's also about songwriting, performing live and having the ability to entertain. In TV you start out with a resume tape - which is a reel showcasing your reporting skills; that's equivalent to your demo tape - which is a CD showcasing your vocal, writing and performing ability. However, the pay in the music industry as a songwriter, I'm sure is definitely better than what a local TV news reporter or one-man-band gets paid in a medium to small market station. You don't really earn the big bucks in TV news until you hit the top 25 or make network.
Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?
Nadia Salomon: Yes. I write my own songs. I'm inspired by life, concepts, ideas and emotions...anything that moves me.
What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?
Nadia Salomon: U2, Sade, BRMC, Citizen Cope, Gorillaz, Lady Gaga.
What's next? Tour/Album/Single?
Nadia Salomon: I have a couple of shows lined up for March and April. I have a live radio interview with Jordan Rich of WBZ-TV in Boston in May. And, I've been in the studio working on my debut album. It will be a double album filled with over 25 acoustic songs.
Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?
Nadia Salomon: No. I actually wasn't sure about wanting to come down this path...but, with lots of support and encouragement...I've been on this journey since 2002. It's been an interesting ride so far from overcoming stage fright and singing a one song set to now an hour plus set. I'm more prolific writing songs and performing not only in venues but festivals. It's just amazing. So, regardless of hiccups or where the road may lead me...I'm in it for the long haul. In hindsight, I probably should have pursued music over television news. I'd probably be farther along in my music career, but, I have no regrets. TV news it turns out, prepared me for this new path.
Do you prefer performing live or recording?
Nadia Salomon: Live. The energy of your audience definitely impacts your performance and your show versus recording live in a studio.
What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?
Nadia Salomon: River.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?
Nadia Salomon: Time.
What's a typical day like?
Nadia Salomon: After working my 9-5 job, in the limited spare time I have left, I spend it either rehearsing, writing songs, booking gigs, running my banner showcase - Emerge Music Boston, updating my sites, doing marketing and promo work on my musical endeavor and trying to learn to play an instrument. So, I'm beyond exhausted by the end of any given day. All this hard work is definitely worth it because the payoff alone s getting any kind of response from your audience when your song speaks to them!
What has been your favorite part of becoming a music artist?
Nadia Salomon: The songwriting process.
If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?
Nadia Salomon: BRMC or Citizen Cope.
Do you have a website fans can visit?
Nadia Salomon: www.nadiaworld.com
Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?
Nadia Salomon: Confidence, Good Health, Flexibility, Peace of Mind and Honesty.
What message would you like to say - Femail.com.au
Do you like listening to live music? Then you won’t want to miss Emerge Music Boston’s (EMB) Showcase. The exhibition of musical talent will take place in Cambridge on Tuesday, February 23rd.
Singer songwriter, Nadia, founded EMB last summer. Since then, she has been producing a monthly showcase to promote herself, her music, and other developing artists in the area. “EMB was started as an avenue for me to get gigs while in a sense, paying it forward to anyone interested in going for a ride with me,” Nadia said.
Emily Earle is new to EMB and will open the showcase. Earle is from Texas, and currently attends Berklee College of Music. She writes most of her own songs and plays guitar. “I grew up around music. I absolutely love it, and knew that nothing else would make me feel fulfilled in life.” Her sultry voice sounds similar to Sheryl Crow’s, and is sure to uplift the crowd.
Jah Fist, a Roots Reggae band formed in 2009, will follow Earle. The band from Rhode Island primarily covers old Reggae classics. It’s hard not to move to the beat of their smooth music and let their rhythmic melodies relax you. Listen to them long enough and you’ll feel like you’re on a tropical island.
Next on the list to perform is professional guitarist, Josh Beetler. “The basis of my show is myself, my acoustic guitar, and my computer. I can create big atmospheres, sometimes layers upon layers of music, so it sounds like a group is playing. I like to call it ambient sound texture,” said Beetler, who affectionately named his guitar, Blondie. Most of his acts are improvised, and he’s performed at a variety of venues including the Boston Music Festival and Harper’s Ferry. However, Beetler isn’t always alone under the spotlight. He plays guitar for Nadia and several other bands including the UMass Lowell Jazz Lab and Studio Orchestra (Big Band) Ensemble.
Just after eight o’clock, Nadia, who’s also hosting the event, will hit the stage to perform. Her catchy songs are a combination of pop and rock, with a little bit of soul. “I usually write about what I feel, what I see, and sometimes what I would want to change,” Nadia said. Listen to her music at nadiaworld.com.
Heaven Sent will wrap up the show with some acoustic, classic rock. The duo covers hits such as “Be My Baby,” “Everyday,” and “Hey There Delilah.” Band member, John, is grateful for the opportunity to take part in the showcase. “We’ve done open mics, but you only get one, two, or three songs. With EMB we get to play a full set.”
For a preview of the music by Heaven Sent, or any of the other performers, check out their pages on MySpace. The showcase starts at six-thirty p.m. at All Asia Cafe, 332 Massachusetts Avenue, in Cambridge. The cover charge is five dollars if you’re over twenty-one, and eight if not.
- Cambridge News Weekly - Ashley Troutman
TV reporting gives way to singing her own stories
By Cindy Cantrell
Globe Correspondent / June 22, 2008
While working at television stations across the country, Nadia Salomon spent years reporting on other peoples' trials and tribulations. Now a singer-songwriter trying to make her mark in the local music scene, she's telling her own stories through song.
Growing up singing in church choirs in Boston, she was the girl in the back row, singing alto and harmonizing.
"I wasn't exactly the one who got the solos," said Nadia, who now lives in Framingham and uses only her first name when performing. "That's why it was a shock and surprise to everyone when I became a singer."
After graduating from Boston Latin Academy and Emerson College, she said, she didn't raise a single eyebrow with her first career choice: emulating childhood heroes Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer through a career in broadcast journalism.
She got her start at a small television station in Fairbanks, Alaska, and went on to jobs as a general assignment reporter, editor, producer, and anchor in Florence and Myrtle Beach, S.C.; the Mississippi Delta; and Jackson, Miss.
In those years, she reported on crime, politics, education, health, consumer issues, and breaking news. She still vividly remembers an incident in which a mother died while saving her son from drowning in a river in Alaska, and a teen who died in a boating accident in Jackson.
"You immerse yourself into these families who need to be given a voice and closure," she said. "It's a tremendous responsibility."
In 2005, Nadia returned to Massachusetts and took a television job in Springfield. She still loved sharing the stories of the people she met, but soon discovered she had outgrown her dream. An "atypical" broadcast journalist who eventually realized that she hated doing live shots in front of a television camera, she was yearning for a traditional work schedule.
"Everyone thinks it's easy to get all dolled up for the camera, but it's a tough business, especially when you're just starting out," said Nadia, who now works at a biotech company in Waltham.
"But I'm glad I can say I did what I always wanted to do."
Nadia had continued pursuing music throughout her career in journalism, particularly immersing herself in the blues tradition while living in the Mississippi Delta. While she didn't adopt the area's musical style, she said, it reinforced her practice of writing songs based on her emotions and personal experiences.
Her in-progress demo CD, "Blue," features one of the first songs she remembers writing, around age 15.
"Born to be Wild," which she calls a "break free" song, describes her efforts to find her voice and identity at home as the fourth of five children.
"Tears of Mine" was written years later, she said, as she sat in a bus station after her car broke down.
Other songs carry themes of love and longing, with inspiration from artists including U2, Madonna, the Eagles, Sarah McLachlan, and Dido.
Nadia's music can be heard on Exploit Boston Radio, a streaming Internet station featuring local musicians, and her website, nadiaworld.com.
Future performances include a concert, also featuring Jordan Clemens and Christa Renee, on Thursday at 6 p.m. at the All Asia Bar in Cambridge.
She will also perform as a member of Calliope, a Boston-based choral/orchestral ensemble, Sept. 6 in the Old West Church in Boston.
"I've worked hard to be where I am, but if you don't live the way you want, what's the point?" Nadia said.
"I believe people have the power to take the right steps toward making their dreams a reality. And a little luck helps, too."
Cindy Cantrell can be reached at cantrell@globe.com
© Copyright 2008 Globe Newspaper Company. - The Boston Globe
Still working on that hot first release.

I'm a singer-songwriter from Boston. Before that, I was a television and print journalist. Instead of writing about the daily happenings of the day via news stories, I'm now telling stories that are both real and imaginary from all kinds of voices and perspectives.
For the past few years I've been writing songs and performing on the stages of some of Boston's live venues from All Asia and Johnny D's to Out of the Blue, Church and the Milky Way Lounge. I've also played on the festival circuit at Make Music Cambridge, The Topsfield Fair, to the Yarmouth Clam Festival and the West Quoddy Head Lighthouse in Maine.
Since releasing my debut acoustic double album, Shattered Skies, I've been on WBZ's Jordan Rich Show. I've received airplay on Women of Substance Radio, Vinyl Stereo and had four tracks, 'Torture', 'Club Accord', 'Once Upon A Time', 'and Rise Up', featured on NECN's Morning Show Soundtrack. I've also received some press from The Somerville Patch to Femail.com. And now, a national sponsorship with Supercuts #RockTheCut campaign featuring the song, 'Caged'.
Thanks to my fans, I hit the Top 10 milestone on the Reverbnation Charts for Pop in Boston!
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