Natalie Ceva
Gig Seeker Pro

Natalie Ceva

Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF

Los Angeles, California, United States | SELF
Established on Jan, 2014
Solo Folk Acoustic




"Review in Skope Magazine"

July 15, 2015 - Have you ever had the pleasure of being able to close your eyes and step into the world of music made by someone that truly lives for the moment? Having been able to review just a few albums over this past decade…I can tell you that I’ve definitely had this experience myself; and I can also tell you it’s a lot rarer than you might think.

Audio Listening Link:

You might be familiar with the old musical adage of ‘album people vs. song people’ in the argument for the way people write their tunes. Believe it or not…there’s an even more minute breakdown for this age-old debate…there are ‘moment people’ – and in my humble opinion, solo-artist Natalie Ceva is one of those very types.

Not to say that she ONLY has a single moment on Atlas…cause that’s not what I’m saying at all – Natalie has MANY! What I’m referring to is that genuine freedom in music that only a few artists out there can really get themselves to…the one that just keeps you singing and playing whether notes are dead-on perfection, or if the tone wanders…it doesn’t matter – just keep it going…keep it AUTHENTIC.

So yep…you got it…I’m saying when it comes to Natalie’s music, don’t expect perfection; expect an expression of pure musical bliss and you’ll be all set to listen to the Atlas EP. Full of hope, inspiration and an energy you won’t be able to get enough of, she begins with the title-track and immediately begins to fill up the room with the sound of an artist who’s truly embracing her time. Honestly, it sounds like she always HAS embraced her ability to entertain – Natalie sounds amazingly comfortable and confident, charging into the verse and chorus full-on.

The fear of performance or wondering whether she can rise to the occasion has long left Ceva…I love how she’s managed to make her music feel like she’s the only one in the room…like she’s singing and playing only for herself. Case in point – “Bone Marrow” still manages to build from its isolated beginning, yet it still feels as intimate as a one-on-one with Natalie despite the piano and drums accompanying her somber guitar and the sweetness in her voice. Lyrically, this indie-folk-rock artist is absolutely nailing it here…this is a beautiful love song written in a truly poetic style and delivered with imploring emotion that really digs into your skin and into your bones. Check out the video below!

Yeah…I don’t know…you can call me crazy all you like but I’d much rather hear how an intelligent artist with instincts as sharp as Natalie’s are would approach “Break Me Out” than to have it all twisted up with intense studio-magic that might put her authenticity at risk. The music studio…aka the Prozac-nation for REAL artists…the assimilation of the creative…absorbing them into the norm; whomever worked with Natalie deserves a lot of credit for letting her find her own way and not tinkering all too much with her natural sound. The hooks that she’s created in “Break Me Out” are freakin’ fantastic and she sings this one straight-ahead with a little edge to the attitude in the vocals; great rhythm and melody just past the two-minute mark in a beautiful bridge leading to a short instrumental burst before bringing back the powerfully moving chorus one last time.

For the record…I’m listening to Natalie’s album from her Soundcloud page. I use Soundcloud as a musician too…it’s perfect for that as many of us know…but as a reviewer it’s kind of a funny site. I actually try to minimize the screen for the most part once I’ve got the titles down in my mind…reason being that the site itself is a lot like the movie-preview that gives away the entire plotline. Take the track of the moment here…”High Hopes” – BEAUTIFUL song…but the wav-form is directly in front of me if I look, giving away hints at her every upcoming move! Of course, knowing a tiny little bit about song-structure myself…in a case like “High Hopes” it gives you that extra added feeling of anticipation; I can see that her sweetly stripped-down acoustic opening is all about to build into something bold and beautiful. With a clever addition of strong bass tones and angelic piano, Natalie Ceva confidently hits some gorgeously unforgettable moments, notes and emotions on “High Hopes” in a real highlight performance that showcases just how capable this songwriter is through her thought provoking lyrics and matching heartfelt delivery.

She’s impressed me several times throughout this EP…I think I’m personally leaning towards her more personal, intimate songs like “Bone Marrow” and “High Hopes,” but it’s impossible to deny how well she hits her stride in the final song “You’re My Religion” and the upbeat energy she’s brought to “Break Me Out” and the title-track “Atlas” itself. Her confidence never wavers; whether mellowed out or pepped-up, Natalie Ceva gives it her true, honest 100% every time she takes on a song…and I love that. Very impressive effort from Natalie on the Atlas EP…this is a pure-hearted artist that really puts her soul into her tunes; she’s giving you everything she’s got here and holds nothing back in the music, or in the lyrics. A fearless performer who’s truly bold and inspirational to listen to – she’s got my respect, 100%.

Find out more about Natalie Ceva at her official page: - Spoke Magazine

"SongwriterUniverse "Top 5 Songs""

"Atlas" nominated one of the Top 5 Songs of the month on July 5, 2015 - SongwriterUniverse

"Underground Artist Feature"

June 27, 2015
Meet the Singer/Songwriter, Natalie Ceva

Natalie Ceva is a folk acoustic singer-songwriter with lyric-driven melodies that describe feelings you always felt but could never seem to put into words.

A dry witty sense of humor makes her live shows intriguing and refreshing encompassing a new take on the singer-songwriter genre.
​ Recently she has been featured on "Dopes on the Road" Blog and will be highlighted in Go Magazine's "100 Women We Love" this summer. ​

Her goals in life consist of helping others, exploring the world and discovering new depths to music.​

Natalie says, "Since I was a kid, I was always one to run after the impossible. When everyone said "can't," it made me push harder and change that into "can." Whenever I wanted to try something that was different, I would be greeted with a "stay the course" which only encouraged me to think outside of our set limits.

I'm a singer-songwriter, guitarist, can play piano well enough but am by no means Mozart and simply love creating a song out of nothing. My music falls into the folk/indie genre with strong emphasis on lyrics and singing the words we have trouble articulating.

Connecting with people in the audience through my music is invigorating and I live to create that moment. Music is my life and I am releasing my EP, "Atlas" this summer and looking forward to the ride." - Electric Radio Show

"Featured as "100 Women We Love""

This folk acoustic singer-songwriter has come a long way since belting the Pocahontas soundtrack in the back of her mom´s van. Since then, Natalie Ceva has sung on the Today show and is releasing her first independent EP, Atlas, this summer. The Los Angeleno knows she followed the right path when she locks eyes with an audience member who is engaged in her music. "I´m not just talking about the head bobbing or swaying, but the apparent shift in their eyes. They seem to soften and look at you as if you´ve known them for years. As if every word you are singing to them was their own, picked out of their mind and given back to them in song." On an even more personal note, Ceva confides that her coming out process was a long one, although she wasn´t aware of it at the time: "I went through the classic signs of kissing girls when I was drunk to actually dating a girl my sophomore year in college but just thinking it was a phase. I finally admitted to myself that I was gay a year later and came out to my parents…By no means was this an easy time…but, over the years, we are becoming stronger than we ever were before."-SJ - GO Magazine

"WOS Radio Feature: "Atlas" - Whats on My iPod"

7.6.15 - 7.10.15 : Natalie Ceva's song "Atlas" is featured on WOS Radio's "What's on My iPod" Podcast - WOSRadio

"Queers You Should Know: Indie Singer-Songwriter Natalie Ceva"

May 5, 2015
Interview: This week on Queers You Should Know, We’ve got indie singer-songwriter Natalie Ceva. Her lyric-driven melodies put feelings I could never describe into verse. Her organic voice pulls you into a diary of sound, intimate and personal, yet also relate-able. See for yourself, check out her newest single “Bone Marrow”.

Hey Natalie, tell us a bit about yourself.

Natalie: I grew up with music ringing through my ears. Seriously… every morning I would wake up to my mom playing Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” on piano. Now that I think about it, kind of a menacing piece as the first thing you hear when you wake up but nonetheless, it awakened something in me that I knew I wanted more of.
Sitting in the back of my parents Aerostar van (if you don’t know what kind of car that is, I highly suggest you look it up. It is a dime piece let me tell ya), I would ask my dad to turn up the Pocahontas soundtrack louder so I can belt along. My poor parents. I grew up in countless choirs, a Capella groups, leading in my high school musicals and writing my own music throughout college.

Interview: I feel you, I played the clarinet for 3 years until I realized I was tone deaf. Almost 20 years later & I finally realized why they made me practice at the end of the driveway. ANYWHOO, were your parents supportive?

Natalie: Yes, they were, but I kept getting told I’d need a backup plan. The chances of “making it” are slim to none. I let these thoughts get the best of me and gave up music for a while. I decided to pursue news/entertainment reporting and found myself on the red carpet but on the wrong side of the rope.

Interview: Whoa that sucks… did you ever get jealous or were you fan girling like “OMG RIHANNA?!?!?”

Natalie: hahahaha No, not jealous but after three years, I realized it was time to go after my own music.

Interview: That’s cool and very big of you. Jealousy isn’t cute. What kind of music influences and inspires you?

Natalie: There are a lot of things that inspire me. I love songs that mean something. Whether that be in the musicians lyrics, melodies or simply tucked away instruments. Mumford and Sons and Jose Gonzalez, a Swedish indie folk singer-songwriter, are fabulous musicians that inspire me through soft voice and powerful words.
When it comes to just simple inspirations, being in the woods and listening to its silence evokes revelations for me. Writing outside before dawn, before anyone is up, with a cup of hot coffee is really all I need.

Interview: You’re a way better human than I am. That sounds so peaceful and amazing. Do you write your own songs? Play your own instruments?

Natalie: Yes, I write all my own music including lyrics, guitar, and vocal melodies. I play guitar and grew up playing the piano. I am teaching myself how to play the Cajon so I can loop all my instruments and basically be a “one man band.” I would also love to learn the violin and that is the next instrument on the chopping block after my EP comes out.

Interview Q: What the hell is a Cajon?

Natalie: It’s a box-shaped drum from Peru. You play it by slapping the front of it.

Interview: That’s awesome. You mentioned you’ve got an EP coming out, tell us more about that.

Natalie: Yes! I am currently working on releasing my first EP called “Atlas.” We are done recording and it will be coming out this summer. I am so excited! There are five new songs on the album and really looking forward to sharing it with everyone.

Interview: I’m super pumped to hear it. Where can I buy your music? I’d also love to see you live.

Natalie: I will have CDs and download cards on my website which will also be available at my shows for purchase. If you can’t make it to a show but want to check out “Atlas,” it will also be available on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora.

Interview: You gotta let me know when it comes out so we can spread the word.

Natalie: My website will have all upcoming shows on there as well as on Facebook. I will be playing an album release show this summer in Los Angeles and hoping to tour up the coast and eventually across country. So if you have any cool places that you think I should play, please let me know! Feel free to reach out to me, I love connecting with people.

Interview: Are you gay? Does your identity impact your music?

Natalie: Yes, I’m a lesbian. It feels good to say that out loud actually.
Seriously, sometimes I saw it multiple times a day just for effect
hahahaha right? It was something that I always knew but didn’t want to acknowledge. I was in fifth grade the first time I realized as I had a huge crush on this girl Mary-Margaret.

Interview: Mary-Margaret? Seriously?

Natalie: Yes hahaha seriously. It grew to drunken kisses in high school and finally started accepting being gay in college. I felt like myself for the first time in my life. So to anyone out there that is confused or unsure, it’s okay. Take your time and know that the majority of the people in your life will not change how they treat you. And if there are ones that do, leave them behind. There is a big community out there who are all accepting. Life’s too short to live behind a mask.

Interview: Amen, folks there really is a huge big LGBT world out there.

Natalie: Being gay impacts my music because I write about experiences, relationships or things I am going through. Being gay doesn’t define me though. I’m simply a girl who likes women that plays music. Sure, I have written many songs that are about a heartache from an ex-girlfriend or falling in love with a woman. For example one of my first songs…”Dark hair on white sheets your eyes magnets to mine…touch velvet flushed lips. Just for now no thinking. Hands on my skin, succumb to your everything.”

Interview: Damn girl… I’m gonna need a minute after those lyrics. Ever wrote a song about an ex ala Taylor Swift? What was the story behind it?

Natalie: My exes probably wouldn’t like me to tell you this but yes I have a couple. One song was about putting complete faith into my girlfriend only to find out she was unfaithful and thus my perfect image of our relationship came rapidly crashing down. “Here it goes stripped down right to the core. My heart tied from your kite you swing me back and forth. I was waiting for a sign, walked down another dead end, what no surprise?” This person played a huge role in my early twenties and basically shaped them. We’re actually friends now and she even knows about this song. Get it all out and move on!

Interview: It’s amazing how much of an impact early loves have on who we become. What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who would like to be in your shoes?

Natalie: Stop thinking and do it. Stop saying what if to every excuse that pops in your head. Going after your dream is all mental. It’s a fight within yourself. It’s a fight to tune out the naysayers which includes your inner monologue and believe in yourself. Invest in yourself. People present themselves as hurdles, a job suddenly is the reason you can’t become an actor or it’s too late in life to become an author. Says who? Who made these decisions? No one. They are ideas that we place in our head but are not true. Just keep your head down, start with small baby steps and all you have to do is not stop.
I am not saying that this is an easy task. I wake up at 4:30 am in order to get my practice in before work. Come home on my lunch break to practice if only for 30 minutes. Get home at 6:00 pm and practice for another hour. It’s not ideal and a lot of hard work but its worth every ounce of time I put into it. Because if I don’t “make it,” I know that I put 110% into the one thing that keeps me alive. - Dopes On The Road

"Selected in Top 20 Indie Songs From May 2015"

WOSRadio Selected Natalie Ceva's "Break Me Out" in their Top 20 Indie Songs for May 2015 - Bree Noble / WOSRadio

"WOSRadio Feature: "What's on My iPod""

Natalie Ceva's new song "Break Me Out" was selected on Women of Substance Radio & Podcast, "What's on My iPod?"| May 25, 2015 - May 29, 2015 - Bree Noble- WOSRadio

"Feature "Break Me Out" on WOS Music Podcast"

Natalie Ceva's song "Break Me Out" is featured on the new Women of Substance Music Podcast - Episode is Show #145, a 30 minute Show including 8 songs | June 10, 2015 - Bree Noble / WOSRadio

"Radio Crystal Blue Selects Natalie Ceva for RadioPlay"

Date/Time/Show TBD - Radio Crystal Blue


"Atlas" | 5 Song EP | Releasing Mid-August 2015



Natalie Ceva is a folk/indie singer-songwriter with lyric driven melodies that put universal feelings you could never describe into words.Based out of Los Angeles, Natalie pulls the audience into in with her diary of sounds, poetic voice, and a dry witty sense of humor. Natalie truly encompasses a new take on the singer-songwriter genre.

Grammy Nominated Producer, writer and musician Hal Cragin commented, "Natalie Ceva's debut showcases a strong and sympathetic voice. leading you to places and emotions through her songwriting that are fresh as well as earthy and full of shared human spirit."

After months of production, her first EP “Atlas”released on August 8, 2015 with a launch show at Molly Malone's. She has had a several early press releases in anticipation for the EP. To name a few, 

-Skope Magazine reviewed her album, "A fearless performer who’s truly bold and inspirational to listen to – she’s got my respect,100%."  

-SongwriterUniverse named "Atlas" as one of the Top 5 Songs for the month of July

-GO Magazine selected Natalie in their article, 100 Women We Love for 2015

-Three of her songs, “Break Me Out,” "Atlas" and "High Hopes" have been featured on WOS Radio's Top 20 Songs and What's on my iPod as well as 

-The Electric Radio Show's Featured Artist of the Month. 

In the fall, she plans to tour up the west coast and then cross-country ending in NYC. 

Band Members